Rate other's main champions

Rate other's main champions.
Level 7 Teemo here

>Lv 7 Teemo
>Still gold 5

You mean mastery 7 teemo. Fucking gold 5 retard.



Lulu master race
>200k mastery

How is league now? reached plat 1 in season 4 and havent played since



should play more often/10

as I suspected


53k on Blitz
And i don't have a mastery 7 champ but i do have a ton of tokens

best its been actually so far, best diversity and just overall fun. still a drag to climb unless you're like slaughtering over and over, im g1 now, but you know, I think its good man


>180k RP
>inplying this isnt an pbe account


end my suffering




It's only 18K.

And no, it's a normal account.

I just transferred it back to Europe. From Russia.
The RP were relatively cheap over there, but since the oil price rose and the Rubel recovered it wasnt making any sense to stay there anymore.


Rate me pls. Twitch tv/TastyPotatox



Is this real life?


yes thats me.

i saw you do an ama on here one day then a couple days later i saw you in a qtpie vid and was like omg he made it hes famous now

tahm is meta now how the fuck are you suffering

(also a good tahm is a great asset to his team, its just rare to see one)


yeah ive been in a few videos. I browse here and /fit/ and Sup Forums because Q times are so long.

i was a rammus main for years, but stopped playing him when the mastery thing started lol


>be in silver
>gain 21 lp lose 19
>win in all aspects I can win most of the time
>sometimes throw games by tilting and then making retarded mistakes that I could prevent
>face gold opponents the entire time

why do I gain so few lp for fighting higher mmr opponents?

people still play this shitty game?


>Noc main



Shaco main reporting in

are you a good shaco or the type that goes for the level 2 invade and gets collapsed on

why the fuck do you think we care about you being trash silver?

Illaoi and Twitch main here

Silver V

Many still do, mainly for looking at some of the characters.

I dunno, most games are cheesy, if i cant get the team ahead, I build tank and snipe the back line

Literally just got out of b3 lol

because you love me?

zyra mains ww@

well he is silver, use your head abit ey?

i hope you dont play this champ in botlane. pure cancer there

but then again shes not good mid because outhers do her work better

guys im terribly shit at league but all i play is lee sin, my computer is literally bout 10 years old, and barely does 20fps with 4+ people on the screen. i soon have 400k mastery, but i cant even do a fucking kick->flash-random-opposite direction, since my comp too laggy. Same with wardhop to kick, instead of a smooth Q -> ward -> W, i have to Q-> WARD->WARD-WARD-WARD -> make sure its down -> W. People keep saying i suck at lee, but i am the best lee player around. I have never met as smart a lee as me, but my computer wont allow my full potential. This is very frustrating, since im very good at the game, but if it wasnt for my shitty computer, i would never die in any game, ever. I think riot should implement some sort of lag/fps-compensation, so players with bad fps or ping, can do more dmg (for example).



anyone here excited for kled?
Or will he be the new aurelion sol, hidden op but boring to play and terrible character design

I feel shaco needs a buff or some changes.


Saw so many good Shacos but he just cant fucking carry or even influence the game from mid to late.

Hope they give him some love soon.

made it to plat on a pc with 30 fps, literally froze every game

Lemme see dat rune page for teemo bby


30fps solid is playable, 20fps is quite different.

zyra bot all day
the only teams i struggle against are ones with nami/lux
had the misfortune(pun intended) to be against a lux + nami on D5 promos, not fun




Just simple AP caster runes bb
9 armor
7.8 Majic pen
26 AP

gonna test some better runes later to get to plat

I found building warrior, hydra, then full tank helps alot with the late game. Building zzrot as a 4th item really helps with splitting



K, I'll give that a try.

Wish AP Shaco would be viable again, though. :D

dont even play kog, trist or mf anymore

cant you like all in the nami if you have a decent adc with some kill potential?

unless ofcourse it was something like a nami lucian and you had a kogmaw or some shit

although I myself as an adc main for some reason always struggle against mfs


dia 5




what is the secret to being a good vayne

(im a shit vayne)

hook a nigga up with some freelo tips bro, like what would be one of the first things you would tell yourself when you started playing


Why would Gnar wear undies?

roast me



kite juke and have balls
but thats the same for every adc

too many adcs have no balls

Who here /supportmain/?


plat border innit

You reached Diamond by playing support only?

It's very different now, it's not any more or less fun of a game, but if you got used to the game in season 3 and 4 then you probably won't like it now, or maybe you will, it's just changed a lot

have you ever played league on 30fps faggot?



>playing league of faggots

I get the feeling that he's gonna be mechanically on par with azir in difficulty, I dunno, maybe I'm just dumb




pls no bully

anyone got some LoL related reactions images?



