How do you guys stop fapping? I'm fucking serious, I just want to stop

How do you guys stop fapping? I'm fucking serious, I just want to stop.

Some drugs and meds lower libido.

Antidepressants are good for not being able to cum anymore, so you'll stop eventually after you desperately tried for so long and have a few blisters.

You can't, you trapped son.

But I'll still fap if I don't cum

Right, but I lost interest. I used to fap every day, sometimes more times a day, now I only fap like what, 3 times a week?

Most porn just doesn't do it for me anymore as well.

Delete the porn from your computer.

I don't have any
I still fap everyday, without loss of interest, because of ma fantasiez and shit

it's hard at the beginning but after a few times rezisting it, you ll lose interest in it

Wear gloves made from the surface of a cheese grater.

Over time your dick will be no more, and you will have learned a valuable lesson.

For real user? Exactly how long
But what if I use my Pillow to Fap?

Cut your dick off

Man up and use your gloves!! Pussy!

Get rid of your pillow then.

Have sex.

Well i cant say something like "x days", really depends on you but just remember it's hard at the beginning but you will really get used to it after some weeks, and wont think about it anymore.

But what if I just use my hands instead?
>after some weeks
The longest I've ever been without fapping within the last 4 years have been 6 days

I honestly wouldn't worry about it that much. You're probably having some sort of phase. Eventually, you'll have fapped so much that you get bored of it and you'll want to do other things. So my advice is just to let it play out naturally.

Watch jpop with subtitles and realize how shitty of a person you've always been

Not fapping is bad for you. You shouldn't stop fapping unless you have sex at least once a week. Porn is what's harmful to you. Try cutting out porn


It's funny, I told myself that when I first started 4 years ago
I wanted to stop fapping, not kill myself

lost so fucking hard LOL that picture

If you can, just go camping for a week, it should kinda reset your body or whatever.

o_O fag

Find hobbies. I used to fap 2-3 times a day every day, but I got busy. Then your only problem is going back to your habit.

>when I first started 4 years ago
What, when you first started fapping ever? What are you, 14?

I'm curious. Why are you so worried about not fapping? How often do you do it? It's normal for people to fap on a regular basis. Given that you seem to be young, you probably don't realize this. Fapping is a part of life.

I have tons of hobbies, I guess I'll just try to enforce some self discipline
Fapping may be natural, but it's also annoying and unnecessary

Write "mom" on your hand

Take a look at
>your brain on porn
>nofap (reddit)

These will help. Porn is the biggest influence. It's all to do with the coolage effect...

1. Find girl/guy/trap
2. Fuck the person you found
3. Fuck them every time you feel like fapping
4. ??????
5. Profit

>actually suggesting someone should go to reddit

Think of juicy floppy breasts

If the resource is there. Where else would you find RedPill?

I feel your pain, man. Same number of days and everything. Do you spend a lot of time edging?

Alright dude, here's what I did. I'm still in the fap loop, but I managed to break it for a few days.
Try fasting. Don't eat for three, four days at all. Nothing but calorie-free beverages like black tea and water. Soon your body will lose the urge to cum because it's a waste of nutrients. When you eat again, you'll be overwhelmed with the urge to bust a nut. That's when you have to buckle down and tell your weenie "no".

Alcohol, lots of it

>Step 1: take hand off penis
>Step 2: keep hand off penis

Instructions not clear, got dick caught in ceiling fan.

Why would you want to stop? I'd be doing it now if I could

Some fapping is'll prevent annoying nocturnal emissions.