YLYL thread

YLYL thread
no niggers edition









i didnt see the brother

Not giving in to the meme, just asking for the source.



do you really think you could take me in a 1v1? not only do I posses a vast arsenal of swords and knives, but I am also highly proficient in a number of martial arts such as jujitsu, judo, karate, kung fu, Iado, krav maga, aikido, and ninjutsu. I am currently a 5th degree blackbelt and known for effectively striking down opponemts triple my size. If I ever met any of you in real life I wouldn't hesitate to snap your necks. do you honestly believe you could stand a CHANCE? watch yourselves

Jokes on you, my mom is already dead


fuck off

I better watch the fuck out

What these stupid niggers don't understand is that they are being cucked by superior white genes. No matter how large their dicks are the vagina expands and is therefore always larger

Kek stupid nigs r gna nog



Fuck you

>being this new


im trying to do this but im confused, after dialing do i hit 0 repeatedly immediately?

fuck yuo








Here you go.

Whoever the fuck made this image should go die



FBI office. Nice.



keep us updated

you just called fbi hq bro

Kung fu kek

Fuck you

You're such an autist.

The vagina is a shitty piece of meat regardless of race.

Black women vaginas expand too.

They muddy up our gene pool with their nigger dicks.

Good news this almost exclusively happens in porn.

what are their names



Immunity cat faggot

My mom actually was recently diagnosed with lyme disease.

nasty fucker

>stole from webm thread

WHY? why does this make me laugh? Its stupid.

God damn



why is it all of these store fronts look like they are about to get blown up by a suicide bomber


no fuck you i made this video by my own

4 trump

didnt expect that



Video for a Radiohead song- tinker tailor soldier sailor rich man poor man beggar man thief

TRUMP 2016!

Its from google maps.



>tfw apes are acting more civilized than niggers













1400 years of Shari'ah permitted paedophilia, inbreeding and education/culture based in mindless tradition, rather than productivity or progress, has damaged Islamic intellectual capacity and hormonal balance to the point where they've become a violent moronic savages.
Predominantly Muslim countries such as Iran have an average IQ of around 84, which is about one standard deviation and 14 points below the USA who score at 98.
Cousin marriage, which is considered prestigious and pious in Islam, causes genetic damage that impairs mental function and concentrates genes that lead to schizophrenia.
You know schizophrenia, the illness that often causes people to become violent and isolated and suffer from religious delusions?
The kind where they might believe a racist, slave owning, war mongering paedophile was the last great messenger of some super magic sky man?
Aisha was 9 when 59 year old Mohammed had sex with her.
That's sick and he was a sick disgusting man.
People of other faiths want to grow and change and contribute to the world, Muslims only want to preserve their ways and do not care at all about improving technology, culture or quality of life.
Even most moderate Muslims advocate a shari'ah world caliphate.
The psychological damage of paedophilia and genetic damage of inbreeding mean their children can't live happy normal lives and don't have the necessary brain power to develop a realistic and reasonable worldview.
That's why Muslims need to believe in 'Almighty Allah' who has power over everything, because will power and self responsibility is too much effort and hard work for them.
They become Imams, welfare queens, gang members and religious figures because real work and innovation is too hard and they need to live off handouts and crime.
They are literally just the dumbest and most emotionally weak people on the planet and that's why they can't handle science, objective reality or attempting to seduce and not rape adult women.
They're all too scary.














is that hickok45 on youtube?



