I can't be the only person here with an alcohol problem

I can't be the only person here with an alcohol problem.
I get drunk about 2-3 times a week. 1 time is with friends, the last 1-2 are on my own browsing Sup Forums and playing KillingFloor2.
I usually drink Jagermeister or Vokda n coke.
How are your drinking habits?
My cat is drunk too... :P
Nah, just kidding.

Why don't you stop if its a problem?

do you drink to escape your problems?
does your drinking cause you problems?

Well.. technically it's a problem.
But i quite enjoy it.

Not really, actually.

I've been drunk just about every night for the past 4 years. Been trying to quit or at least cut back. I can last about a week before I eventually cave again. For the past four months or so I have been getting chest pains right where my heart should be. Thought I was going to pass out one day at work. But fuck it, I hate sobriety a lot more than I care about my health.

Jim beam is my drink of choice. A gallon only costs $20.

Not really, actually.
It's not like i get shitfaced every time.

I know some guy who drinks vodka pretty much every other day and gets so high he forgets who I am.
But I don't drink, I enjoy having a functioning liver

Even i would cut down a little.
Don't die on us, ok.

those are the two things you need to ask yourself.
I have been sober for 25 years. I don't preach.
all I say is if its becoming a problem then its time to quit.
nice cat. its funny all the little places they find to chill out.

Got drunk once, don't remember much. Threw up and cried most of the night. Friends took turns watching me so I didn't die. Puke also scares me so I won't do it often if ever again

I mean, that isn't really all that much drinking to be honest. You aren't even leaving the house, getting in car crashes or fights. How old are you? I drank less and less the older I got. In college it was at least a bottle of wine a night, because I was bored more than anything else. Now I don't drink at all.

My cat does this too.

i drink every day, but i dont consider myself an alcoholic. i am however a drug addict. i think a more fitting term for what i am is "piece of shit". but yeah im drunk as shit too man no worries

I am 25.
Now i never drive drunk, and i try to avoid fights. I have been in a few, but i prefer talking about the disagreement. If i have to fight however, i can and will.-

Haha. :)

Yeah I got one.

I'm trying to quit, and right now I'm fucking crawling in my skin craving a drink.

I'm trying really hard not to justify going out and picking up some booze.

Think of the reasons you are trying to quit. That is your justification

Right but what I'm saying is that your drinking doesn't seem to get you in trouble.

I know the feeling bro.
I can't go shopping without entering a cafe or similar without entering a cafe or pup for a quick drink. I am good at leaving it at just one. But i have to have one.

is it strange/abnormal that i went from being a happy drunk as a child to a depressed/aggressive drunk as an adult?

It doesn't sir.
If the day comes that it starts becoming a problem, i will try dealing with it.

that's why they say one day at a time.
all you have to do is be sober for today.

You drank as a child?

that was my ride. I drank for 15 years, I considered myself an alcoholic for the last three.
you can't go back. don't ever kid yourself on that one.

started at 9 years old. im 22 now. ive also abused a ridiculous amount of drugs along the way

Man that's brutal, I'm sorry. Did your parents let you or would you sneak it?

Damn,thats early. I started at 14. :/

haha i would actually sneak it in if i wasnt allowed to have any. still though i didnt start drinking on a daily basis until i reached age 18 or so. again by that age i had already began to heavily abuse drugs so its hard to tell what was caused by which drug so i usually just blame the jews

Hahaha. You can always blame the jews.^^

>not drinking every moment you're at home
Step up your game nigga

They usually are to blame

the only problem is drinking jager or vodka and coke.
be a man and drink whiskey, ffs