Ask a completly drugged and drunk alcohlic anything
Ask a completly drugged and drunk alcohlic anything
Are you currently under the influence?
hey i too am on narcotic substances and alcohol. fucking awesome isnt it?
Well, I kinda stated that in the beginning of the thread
So yeah
What substances my dude?
And eh, the awesome kinda depends
Sometimes I get happy and sometimes sad
Right now its sad druggie, kek
meth and alcohol :\
well more accurately on the comedown of a 3 day binge, using alcohol to lessen the ridiculous amount of pain caused by the crash.
Alcohol, Weed, Shrooms and a little bit of Acid
So nothing too hardcore this time
I could do coke again soon though, maybe on next festival, kek
Never took meth, how is it?
haha do you really want to know?
before i tell you i have to make it absolutely 100% clear that you should never take it
Eh, I dont know if I will never take it
I mean, I want to die before I'm 60 or 70 anyways
But on other hand I dont really want another addiction
Just like, tell me what happens dude
the high is awesome as fuck, the only problem is what happens after. theres a few complications that can and/or will occur among are which: overdosing, methamphetamine psychosis, and the worst of which is the comedown/crash
also if you do not dosage your intake pretty damn precisely you may end up "tweaking"
back when i used to use daily i remember begging god to kill me because of how bad it got. but thats just me. still, i woke up the next day and got high as shit right away.
How many manjuannas you have in day
Maybe I'm gonna try it one or two times, I dont think I will get addicted this fast to it (although media tells me otherwise :^) )
What happens while being high?
And how bad is the aftermath? Like, describe the shit that happened in the aftermath
Eh, I dont really count weed as drugged, but I smoked 4 blunts today
haha as far as addiction potential go, i would say its 0%.
immediate effects: horrible crippling depression, anxiety attacks, disorientation, weakness, confusion, psychosis (im actually hallucinating like a motherfucker right now)
medium-long term effects: depression, anhedonia, health complications, AIDS
overall 7/10
>only listing negative effects (besides of the hallucinating maybe)
Mate, what the fuck, kek
Hey fag, I'm just another loser on the internet, but it'll get better. I've been there, I drank myself to sleep every night for years. Just take shit a day at a time and it'll get better.
thats only because i cannot truly describe with words how bad the crash is (at least for me).
as for the high, you are able to do literally any task for 12 hours straight without being bored or taking a break. that includes studying to jerking off.
also as a precautionary note, meth did ruin my life once, i wouldnt want the same to happen to anyone else
Mate, I shit at least 3 times a day
Nice, I would like to study more with fapping
And how did it ruin your life in paritcular?
oh boy ok...
what meth does is it makes you do whatever the fuck it is your brain wants to do. if that means searching on the carpet for hours on end for extra meth, then thats what youll do. by doing this drug, you surrender a considerable portion of your control over your actions. thats why you see videos or reports of people attempting to fight off 12 cops at once and stupid shit like that
im telling you user its not something to "experiment" with. but if you are deadset on doing it try to have a xanax on hand and eat/drink at regular intervals
I dont know mate, I have some pretty open areas here in Germany, I dont think I would hurt myself with drugs there
I just kinda want to take everything in my life once, you know?
then you might as well make it yourself if you have the freedom you say you do. you need pseudoephedrine (N-methyl-1-phenylpropan-2-amine), red phosphorous, iodine (molecular) and a distillation kit
Holy shit nigger, is this an actual tutorial on how to do meth?
I mean, of course I'm not going to try to make this without advise of my druggie friends, but still
as a drunk chemist i could possibly walk you through it (inb4 we get arrested). as a sober chemist i would definitely walk you through it. its literally the easiest drug to make in the wold man
Oh shit mate
Got a throwaway E-mail or something where I could message you?
haha are you actually serious about this nigger? have you considered the logistics of this? the sheer amount of waste produced is disgusting...
I got enough money to get the shit
Just tell me a throwaway E-mail
ill tell you what buddy. since im drunk off my ass im too lazy to make one. if you give me yours ill make one tommorrow morning when im sober and help you out.
by the way it costs like 80 dollars for the supplies, cheap as shit
Naw mate, I dont have a throwaway anymore, kek
Also my eyes are starting to not properly work and shit
Or I dunno, link me your steam account or something?
are you me
I dont know mate
What did you throw in your body today?
haha friend, whatever means of contact you desire simply leave your information and i will contact you
I used to do Adderall a lot and it was kind of like this. And by a lot I mean I would take 90 pink addys over the span of 2 weeks.
Mate, I'm at druggie friends home right now, I cant really leave you anything
Gimme your steam link, and I will message you over friends account, linking you my account
day 7 of a coke binge.
i've stopped for a long time, but i caught the cold and couldnt gym, so i went back to this. yday and tonight were heavy.
capping it off with a shitload of beers to ease the comedown
i consumed 500 pills in 2 weeks. that being 5000mg over the course of 14 days. i only stopped because i ran out. the first few months of amphetamine were awesome though
Day 7? Fucking hell, my highest was like 4 or days, and that was a festival
How much did you take?
Yeah, thats why I had to stop too.
I think running out was a good thing.
goddammit so am i... i dont mean to sound like an asshole but you know all the information is available via google right?
whoever the dude is that said doesnt have a throwaway email just got exposed.
how the fuck do you not? get that fake shit outta here just make a 10min email you phony.
that's expensive as fuck, isn't it?
well mon-thurs i only took max .6 grams so that id be able to function for work the next day.
friday i got a gram, and tonight i had a gram and some change.
just riding the wave until i come down
most i ever did was 9 days on meth. at that point the psychosis was unbearable holy shit. thats what i mean when i say i would beg god to kill me when i camedown off of the meth. would not recommend anything past 3 days unless youre fine with the hallucinations
insurance makes my drug habit very economical
>inb4 partyvan
thus why i did not release any information
90 pinks was like $80 for me since I didn't have health insurance.
>thus why i did not release any information
yup okay. if you were going to get partyvanned, it would have already been possible ya goof
I actually dont know what you mean right now
OP here
Yeah, I'm kinda getting that feeling too
The waves my dude
What do you work as?
if i havent been party v&ed yet, this is not going to do it.
90 pills for me was 10 dollars
as strange as it seems there are various websites that have entire syntehsis protocols available for public viewing. among which are sites like rhodium and erowid
$10 from a pharmacy? I had a script for mine. I really don't know anyone that sells them.
I still dont know what you mean
But the reason for that prolly is drugs and alc
More likely the alc though
yeah all prescription. they werent prescribed to me of course, i would never put that shit on my permanent medical record
probably has to do with your insurance plan
if you google "methamphetamine synthesis from ephedrine/pseduoephedrine" youll get various documents detailing how to do so
>The waves my dude
>What do you work as?
accountant, in fact thats how i got into this mess haha
How the fuck did you get into drugs over accountant?
Okay mate
im not fucking with you. if you dont believe me just watch breaking bad and theyll teach you how
Why wouldn't you want it on your record?
coke is rampant in the exec world.
these CEOs, VPs, directors fit the definition of sociopath, where they can act normal, but are usually wired as fuck.
lotsa fun times
the less of my "medical conditions/disorders" that are on my permanent record accessible to government agencies the better, perhaps i am paranoid but this is where i would employ the logic of better safe than sorry
woops meant this response for you
I don't really have add/adhd. I just faked having it so I could get adderall.
Yeah, kinda guessed
I dunno, in my country accountants and shit are normally not the druggies, kek
Have you tried codeine or mdma? I genuinely want to get into more intense drugs but I have no clue who to approach without seeming like a retard or a helpless addict.
> China
Success, still around, first economy, prevented capitalism from turning them into Mexico/Nicaragua/Kenya.
Majority of population is happier with their own country than us.
But their marriage fucking sucks cause they have no sex and people have to work longer than one or two half hours that's why their middle age men commit so much suicide.
> Cuba
CIA black ops showed we CONTINUALLY burnedand bombed 100,000s lbs of their grain and infrastructure to 'show'socialism is impossible.
Even so, best healthcare in Latin America and economy was better than 90% of capitalist Latin America
> Russia
Yeah that was a failure cause usa are sloppy disorganized rapists by nature, like niggerrs just in suits. They can't handle a system where people have to behave and work together.
*fixed now
This is the most beta drug talk I have ever heard, bang drugs fags, drink gut rot vodka till your esophagus hemorrhages and bleeds, have your sphincter ripped from the most god awful constipation from banging black and live another day, don't be scared of drugs faggots abuse them...they deserve it
Oi, I just wanted to have a drug thread, its not my fault mostly faggots came here
its prolly because of summer, kek
you're right, our drugs are no match for the things you've experienced. you are cool guy A1 two thumbs up.