"All men are children," says the Oscar-nominated actress in a Women In Motion panel at Cannes

>"All men are children," says the Oscar-nominated actress in a Women In Motion panel at Cannes.

>She says that "all men are children" and that it requires patience to work with them to help boost more roles for women.


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>woman says all men are children
>people itt respond by acting like children

way to prove her point, assholes

Don't do it lads

poopy pee head! XDDD POOP DOOP!!! ROFL :))))))) she is a POOP HEAD XD

Clickbait headline aside If you actually check the other quotes in the article she looks pretty alright.

>She also addressed past criticisms about her clothes and fashion sense, saying that the way she dresses doesn't make her any less of a feminist: "It's not because I want to let anybody touch me. But why not celebrate who we are as women and our sensuality?...You have to have the joy to celebrate all the little parts that we have, and that doesn't make me less of a feminist. It just doesn't make me as angry and guarded and a victim."

>She finally urged women to spend money on films they want to see, arguing that's the only way to change things

Dead careers thread??

What a fucking whore

This is exactly how cultural marxism works... browbeat everyone into silence.



13 year olds are not allowed to post on Sup Forums

Oh wait, you're a man, my mistake

ok /x/

I hate feminism but I hate retards who blame the "Jews" for women's actions.

Blame women first or otherwise you're a feminist. Sexism is far more rational than racism

just post her fat fucking titties

Alternatively, you can learn to express your opinions without sounding like a child. Which would be extremely surprising considering even the highest levels of debate in America play out like a schoolyard squabble.

Demeaning us just makes it look worse on you that we were able to keep your entire gender, more or less oppressed up until about sixty years ago. That's like calling the kid with better grades than you a retard.

No, it's like calling the schoolyard bully with naturally greater muscle mass a retard.

Maybe let the thread flesh out a bit before declaring it's all shit?

the schoolyard bully who also built the school, the education system , and who is also the teacher of every subject in said school

more like his dad built all those things and he's just coasting on that success.

Bullshit. Anyone who labels themselves a feminist is an SJW.

>"All men are children," says the Oscar-nominated actress in a Women In Motion panel at Cannes.
Doesn't this meant that all straight Women are pedophiles then?

>All x are y

What a childish thing to say

It is children who think they should be treated better just because they are who they are. Men are now told to sit down, play fair, and be respectful, and yet women are told to, as she says, "celebrate" themselves, be "sensual", and go after what they want.

Guess personality and individual responsibility plays no role in their ideology. Because working with a bunch of women, no surprise, can be very...psychologically challenging. Bitter feuds, sexually charged politics, indulgent self-promotion. Maybe men can be childish. Maybe women can be status-driven assholes.


>All men are children
All women are children



Sorry to say this Hayek, but the only thing you are worth is being easy on the eyes for men. That's what your entire career boils down to.

>all "all x are y" comments are childish

what now, atheists?

all woman are entitled children that lash out because "muh emotions, I just can't handle them"

I never wanted to believe this, right up until I hired a girl that went ahead and proved every stereotype in the book.

I blame women first and then the jews for owning the media that promotes said ideas


>woman makes whiny, childish complaint
>sjw childishly tries to invalidate all responses
I know you are but what am I , Senpai

Great argument.

In school we are now taught that women should be empowered, but also that men are being "poisoned" by masculinity. And yet, what do the facts say? Most suicides are men. Most unemployed are men. Most prisoners are men. Most people in college are now women. They replaced one perspective with another, instead of working towards a fairer life for all.

>women says stupid thing
>man says the same thing but backed by facts

>le tippity wippity white knight defense force assemble

Does it say more about counter-SJW SJWs that someone actually made this maymay in response to being called an SJW, or that it gets posted so frequently?

>anyone that mocks me when I talk shit about boogiemen is a boogieman.

If you don't want to be called an SJW, don't act like a fucking SJW. Stop acting butthurt about gender and race relations for no reason on a maymay board.

It always amuses me when my female colleagues tear apart these girls in another department who are younger and more attractive than them. They love to call them dumb and make fun of anything they do.

>women need to be empowered
>men are powerful by default

Who's the child here?

seen her tits, don't really care what she calls me

>it requires patience to work with them to help boost more roles for women
Re: nagging for gibmedats

Why do women always complain to men about making good female roles?

People like Wes Anderson and PTA write male oriented films because they think from a male point of view, same with Sofia Coppola and Diablo Cody

But it's always women expecting male directors and writers to write them good roles

Let's be honest, it's always going to be these aging female actresses who have zero talent and were only casted in the first place cause of their looks when they were young that complain about this

I think feminism in the last few years has created more misogynists than every muslim country combined. Keep chatting shit.

>It's not because I want to let anybody touch me. But why not celebrate who we are as women and our sensuality?

>celebrates sensuality
>'ew don't touch me'

Hahahaha, females

In european movies, chicks are required to show their tits when they sign their contracts.

lol Hooters Hayek saying she has a 'career' in european softcore.

Just wear a tight shirt and take off your top once in a while sugartits...

No one wants to look at an old lady, she's the one being a child. Accept that your past your prime and gracefully fade away.

>All men are children
If you make sweeping generalized statements like that, I'm inclined to believe that you're the real child here.

>more like her dad built all those things and she's just coasting on that success.

Except she's a whingy ungrateful cunt about it and also she needs lots of special rules and protections because she can't actually hack it on her own

Modern feminists tacitly believe all the things 'misogynists' explicitly believe, they just 1. Get prissy when you point it out and 2. Want to be treated like Powerful Goddesses anyway

holy shit we have a time traveler here

ITT: Unambiguous manchildren being triggered when a woman suggests they are.

When did Sup Forums get so self-important about being children? I'm glad I'm a grownup that is still childish as fuck. Is it that you're all a bunch of youngfags that think they're projecting how grown up they are by shitposting on Sup Forums in the middle of the day?

>Let's be honest, it's always going to be these aging female actresses who have zero talent and were only casted in the first place cause of their looks when they were young that complain about this
Yeah, Salma has to figure out a way to deal with the fact that she is only ever going to be famous for putting her foot in tarantinos mouth

i hope that wasnt an attempt to lead by example

I'm sure her net worth will help her through these harsh times. People gave her millions of dollars to have nice tits in movies.

Itt: white knight autists with incoherent opinions

How am I a white knight? I don't give a shit about her or defending what she said, I give a shit about this board not getting over run with delusional assholes that get triggered by the idea of being called children. Of course we're children. Do you really consider yourself an adult?

where did all this feminism crap start coming from and when will it fuck off?

>"all men are children"
>Sup Forums is an 18 and older website
>Sup Forums talks about comic book and science fiction movie 97% of the time

And the feminists refuse to criticize the Muslims.


I'm perpetually interested why actresses, minorities in film etc etc, who have piles of money, don't just tell the stories they want to tell in the way they want to tell them.

Hollywood likes young and attractive women. Fine.

What is stopping Hayek and co. from making films with people of the ages/backgrounds they think would be best for the story such? Unlike the usual "Why don't you do it better idiot?!" rebuttal, they have the time, money, connections, and know-how.

Americans are immature in general

There's great interview on bbc news where judie foster was going on about gender equality then the reporter calls her out on her shit


Curiously, Schopenhauer was /r9k/ way before /r9k/ was a thing. He liked a girl when he was young but she married a rich handsome guy so Schopenhauer spent the rest of his life writing misoginistic rants. Apparently, he died as a virgin


Because you don't stay rich by blowing half your net worth on a movie.

Movies are fucking expensive. Even Scorcese has to suck Jew cock to get his shit finance, that's why his newest gangster movie took so long to get off the ground.

Is she admitting that her entire career is based on her attractiveness to men?

Are women even interested in bigger budget movies? Seems like people who want to elevate the medium into a more egalitarian place should be more interested in sharing their vision than getting paid.

Make it for ~ $10mm. Split the bill five ways and it's a Canne darling film for a minimum investment from eight-figure Hollywood rats.

As if Chad Thundercock wouldn't knock the teeth out of any faggot that tried to grope him

Saying that roughly half of Human population are children is more or less like denying the whole idea of adulthood

Salma Hayek got her start in Hollywood by getting passed around as a yacht girl. She's sucked enough cocks to fill a hotel bathtub. And she feels qualified to talk about acting? Kek

She is just afraid of going mommy-core. She shouldn't. In fact, if she accepts it, she could get some nice mommy and aunty roles.

wizard status



>it's so hard working with men!

Then why do you do it, you dumb bitch? Why don't you and all the women and cucks go make your own Hollywood? If sexism is the only thing holding women back, then logically they should be able to succeed with Hollywood. Make a new and better Hollywood! But no. Once again, the empowered feminists than don't need no man need men to do everything for them.

Nobody heeded your warning

I hate to break it to you starfuckers on Sup Forums
Just because someone is a celebrity it doesn't instantly make them experts and critical thinkers in a field outside their own creative ones.

Most have no degrees in sciences hard or social, most are not economics or finance majors, most are not experts in business, education, medicine, engineering/design, law or any other field concerned with the way the world runs.

Yet somehow they proclaim themselves experts at public events (which really aren't public but filled with their own industries peers)
I believe they play roles for so long that they in their own minds slip into this fantasy role of being an expert and drink their own koolaid. They honestly believe in their heads their own opinions are as valid and critically crafted as people who've completed Doctorates in the subject matters.

This is why the world is failing. We are using pretend parts to do the role of real parts.

Someone should tell Salma role play is dangerous

If you're a hottie, you can touch.

>She says that "all men are children" and that it requires patience to work with them to help boost more roles for women.
That's funny, I thought children were the ones who needed adults to do things for them when it's too hard for them to do it themselves.

Bossy daughter syndrome, she thinks she's the grown up of the situation by telling the men to do everything for her.

Not true! If it were, we would have no hope. SJWs are a tiny minority. But they use liberal buzzwords and manipulate them. Most liberals don't have the balls to call them out on this.

Take my mother, for example. She calls herself a feminist. Even after I've shown her the countless insane things SJW feminists do and say, she basically just insists that "well that's not feminism" (same excuse all feminists use) and dismiss these SJWs as crazy.

But the thing is, when she's just reading some carefully selected quote by an SJW in some article, she doesn't understand the larger context. So she is supporting SJWs, and is just willfully ignorant of it. She comes from a time when feminists actually had things to fight for. So in her mind, feminists are good. But she's not in the loop anymore, so she just blindly accepts modern feminism because of "mug solidarity".

This is most feminists: true, SJWs have grown in number, but then so has the backlash. As long as SJWs keep advancing quickly, it's going to become more difficult for old school mainstream feminists to not see their bullshit.

Point is: SJWs co-opt liberal movements and manipulate them. The liberals are pretty blind to this, but if they do find out they usually drop the SJWs.

>all men are children

Then how is paedophilia a crime when men do it, but hot when women do it?

>Wants to work together to get more women in films.
>Calls the other group they want to work with children they have to baby to get what they want.

You know. If this was a business, people wouldn't want to work with you with that attitude about their partnership. You already have the money, so why not make your own films that cater to promote aging actresses? Or are you that afraid of failure when it's your own money on the line?


>Apparently, he died as a virgin
>I have absolutely no knowledge of anything so I make shit up on Sup Forums

could you be any more deluded

Salm Hayek is married to a billionaire.

She can make any fucking movie she wants. And look at all those indie films being made with peanuts. Are you telling me she can't produce one of those and then use her showbiz connections to get distribution? If it's a quality product should be even easier.

That level of wizard, we call a lich king.

Wait wait wait.

So you're drawing a distinction between modem men and men of the past? Men today cannot be given credit for the structures that men of the past have built and they have maintained?

Well, if positive credit can't be passed down, than neither can blame. There goes your entire argument for the patriarchy.

You see, SJWs rely on the concept of collectivism. That people aren't really people, but groups. When you admit that collectivism is bullshit like you have just done, social justice falls on its ass. Because people can't be blamed for crimes they didn't commit.

>b-but they enjoy the benefits-

First all, that is collectivist bullshit again. White if a white guy's great great grandfather was an abolitionist, and his father was a drunk who left his kid with nothing but poverty? He is not privileged. He does not benefit from the actions of his forefathers.

And second, you can't say that someone who benefits from a crime is complicit.

Say me and some other guy are up for the same job. But this guy gets murdered before it's decided who gets the position. I'm now the only choice. I've benefitted. I've committed no crime. I don't owe the victim's family anything just because I've benefited from his death.

It's the same with real life. You said it. People are only responsible for themselves. I have no duty to be punished for someone else's crimes, just like I have no right to take credit for his deeds.

This thread has been reposted all day. I take it your prefrontal cortex hasn't fully fused so trends might yet escape you. Give it a few more years, champ.

So someone who hates SJWs is an SJW if they are being manipulated by them. Got it. Guess that makes everyone on the planet Jewish, right Mr. Tinfoil?

Sorry but I'm an adult with a lifestyle I pay for by working hard.

The only person who is a child is the fully grown adult female actress who probably has more money than most human beings but calls boys icky like a six year old.

If SJWs are such a tiny minority why is Hillary Clinton probably going to be our next president?

SJWs are primarily feeling the Bern, my dude.


unless you believe SJW believe in rape victim blaming

For the reason I just fucking told you. You seem to be having a hard time paying attention.

And you've just supported my case: Hilary is the biggest lier and manipulater in American Politics right now.

>all men are children
That's why there are so many female inventors and leaders compared to men right? Beyond having a nice rack there is nothing redeeming about this woman

>the 10% of retarded posters in this thread represent all men
you're some special kind of stupid aren't you?

>why is Hillary Clinton probably going to be our next president?
>redditors actually believe this

"All men are children"
Sexism of feminism right there