Blind items thread?
Blind items thread?
The one that confirmed Jessica Chastain is into little boys
That was clearly CG of her Season 1 body Look at her face vs below her neck and how unnatural it looks
you're fucking retarded
Prove it
Where's that one about MEW sleeping around when filming a movie, with her husband being too wimpy to divorce her?
It was determined to be about MEW from the clues anyway, and around the Thing prequel I believe.
>she said it, must be true
Sounds hot tell more please
She apparently invited the boy actors into her trailer while doing tree of life and would spend hours with them
The director was amused by this so added more scenes of them together
Isn't that just people's weird fetish about her after Jurassic World?
Wrong actress user
Yes you are right. Brain melted for a moment.
Trapface wasn't in the Dino movie
Sup Forums threw a fit hoping it was a black guy too, for some reason
Jeff Goldblum is A list?
Was it?
Still unsolved; starting to think this one is fictional.
based malick?
Based Goldblum
Because it is obviously false. It's ridiculous.
That's hot.
>this one is fictional
>this one
They're all fiction.
What's a good video editing program to make vids like this?
31. BLIND GOSSIP 01/05 **#1**
This singer is writing a screenplay. So she says. Only… she’s not. "The truth is that [she] is functionally illiterate. I don’t think that people realize that about her. She didn’t graduate from high school, not because she was busy, but because she can’t read or write beyond a second-grade level. When I receive emails or texts from her, it’s like they were written by a child whose native language is not English. It’s just a jumble of words, some bigger than others (as if she is trying to sound intelligent). She does not understand the concepts of grammar or spelling or sentence structure. I sometimes have to ask other people to read the messages and then we piece together what she is trying to say! The thought of her writing a screenplay is laughable. I have never even seen her read a book (although she will pose with one for a photo shoot if required). Never. Not even to [her child/ren]. What she is going to do is lay out the broad strokes of the story and let a ghostwriter handle it. Of course she’ll take all the credit though! She wants that Oscar!!! That’s why she is going to name herself the writer/ producer/star/composer/everything on this project. Beyoncé
kek, I hope it's true, I hate the bitch
Can't wait for the ones about Emma Watson now
Which singer?
I knew it.
Dear Blinders,
We put a great deal of time and effort into writing our original blind items. They may not always be shocking and salacious, but they are authentic and accurate. Even in the world of celebrity gossip, we think it is important to exercise some integrity in discussing real people and their behavior.
Another blogger chose a different path, and, as a result, we need to take action.
You may have noticed that recent items from “Enty” (short for “Entertainment Lawyer”) at CDAN were getting longer, more detailed, and much more shocking. Big-name celebrities were dragged into the discussion, and wild accusations about disgusting acts (r*ape, m*rder, beatings, p*dophilia) were made. Not surprisingly, their website traffic shot up, and the mainstream press started discussing their items.
Following a detailed interview with Enty himself, a skeptical New York Post reporter conducted an independent and thorough investigation of Enty and CDAN.
>This B+ list mostly movie actress who is a celebrity offspring thought after her monster hit from last year that people would be throwing offers at her right and left. They were, until they saw she had gained some weight. Then, all of a sudden the offers all disappeared except for some off camera work. There is even talk she might be written out of the next installment of the monster hit. Hollywood sucks. She is great. Bryce Dallas Howard (Untitled "Jurassic World" Sequel)
sounds like the same approach she takes with music
i mean just look at the fucking credits for lemonade, she's a performer, not an artist
Fuck Hollywood man
Where can I read all of these?
better to have normy woman gossip than tumblr shit like Sup Forums and /tg/
>Hollywood not falling for the high test meme
>fuck them
>not bringing back the only great thing from that movie
Dumb frogposter
I like the kinky ones the best.
>Beyonce fucking Rita Ora with a strap on while Jay-Z watched.
>Penelope Cruz dominating Owen Wilson who was dressed in drag at the time.
>Jennifer Lawrence being a huge anal whore and seriously into butt plugs.
>Christina Hendricks is a dominatrix who cucks her husband.
The fuck are you talking about, delete this and never speak of my waifu again
>20 pounds
Sorry bro, it's true
>r*ape, m*rder, beatings, p*dophilia
Ok, ignoring the retarded censorship
This isn't censoring anything. What the fuck?
She gained 20 pounds between seasons and the producers gave her shit for it.
shame. she got way hotter because of that
And we thank her for it.
What does blind items mean?
Is it a group of people that secretly tell the future about movies and tv?
she's more open to it because now the show creators can do whatever they want. They don't have to follow the books anymore, so any character can die.
Terminator Genesys didn't flop. It made back its budget x3.
keep em perky for photos
Nah it flopped
my dick flopped in you're waifus chicken salad
that's pretty hot
She looks really nice there. I don't see why she'd get shit for that, fuck those guys.
Also I just realized she'd make a good Faith from Mirrors Edge.
Too bad you werent able to cumback
We spent an entire day and multiple threads trying to work this out. It's bullshit. There isn't a show and actor that meets the criteria.
Don't give it anymore thought.
There was one that wasn't confirmed but it said that Channing Tatum would tell chicks that they had to fuck Jonah Hill before they could fuck him. But Channing would never fuck them. Channing is based
It's insider people with info on celebrities. A lot of it is bullshit but some of it is absolutely proven to be true.
Probably because he's a flaming gay. Nice of him to help out Jonah though.
There was that one that predicted Prince's death. Apparently he'd contracted aids years ago but was doing fine with medication. Then he stopped taking it.
> Predict that someone's going to die
> Happens to 100% of all people
You're going to die too, user.
It was released a couple months before he died. With his name attached to it.
Considering he died with "flu-like symptoms" also lends credibility.
He OD'd on Percocet
painkillers don't magically keep AIDs at bay, retard
Just blurbs gossip sites make up where they give vague hints and people try to sort out who they mean.
Basically a way to slander people without getting sued.
Everyone stipo all of this. I
m not reading this thread at all I just want to say that blind item shit is terrible. Just because someone makes art that is seen on a wide scale doesn't mean you get to gawk and specuatle bout their lives. it's not fiar to them or their families and i can't believe you fucking sickos take pleasure in discussing the private lives of people who are just trying to live and get throug the world like anyone else. being famous doesn't take away any of thepain or heartache or suffering fromt eh world. comfort is not happiness. attention is not happiness. and what you're doing cannot bring happiness, not for them, and not for you. ut's killing you and all of society in the long run
She looks like Martin Shkreli with tits
are you actually retarded enough to believe that shitty meme that an user wrote in broken English and posted here
No, she looks like a 10/10
The producers can suck it. She has the perfect weight now
>weight went straight to her hips and tits
I CBA to go find it but there's a bonkers detailed account of Brad Pitt committing a murder on the set of Troy.
Is this from the Stargate reboot?
He was in the 90s, so they could be granfathering him in.
Shut up
So, revealed?
Are you that whore "Lady Heisenberg" on CDAN? If so you need to kill yourself.