Hello Sup Forums. I really enjoy the motion pictures of David Lynch...

Hello Sup Forums. I really enjoy the motion pictures of David Lynch, but I understand from my time here that he is considered "entry level" and "baby's first surreal director".

Can anyone recommend me the non-"meme" alternative to Lynch. The "film" to Lynch's "movie" if you will. I want to grow as a cinephile and I am not afraid to throw my idols to the wind. I used to love Tarantino and now he is the most reprehensible trash imaginable to me. I'm now ready to throw Lynch aside onto the same heap.

>I used to love Tarantino and now he is the most reprehensible trash imaginable to me. I'm now ready to throw Lynch aside onto the same heap.
Just like what you like bro

>Sup Forums told my something I like is trash
>holy shit better listen to them

can you be more insecure your pathetic shitstain?

This is really pathetic OP but I pity you so the answer to your question is Bunuel

>please Sup Forums tell me what to like

dont get ahead of yourself lad

entry-level is not necessarily bad

tarantino is though lol

start with cronenberg and argento and work back until you eventually end up with bunuel

>Can anyone recommend me the non-"meme" alternative to Lynch.
Using the word "meme" as a label for films and filmmakers is a meme in itself, and a particularly stupid one. You really shouldn't let the contrarian posers on this anime board dictate your taste in cinema.

Not everybody is content to intellectually stagnate and stop challenging themselves. You should cast aside your childish things, not cling to them desperately like a baby being torn from mother's breast.

"Just like what you like" culture has us knee deep in capeshit pornography. The correct ethos is "destroy what you like", find something better, then destroy that too.

Lynch is great, and Tarantino is fun. Stop worrying about what people on the internet think user


>Not everybody is content to intellectually stagnate and stop challenging themselves.
Then why are you watching movies, go do calculus or some shit.


>The correct ethos is "destroy what you like", find something better, then destroy that too
You're an imbecile. There are "levels" of taste.

A true patrician doesn't replace one thing with something else, he is capable of enjoying all manners of art without needing to disregard others as "lesser."

Good taste isn't dictated by what you look down on, but the wide variety of what you are capable of appreciating.

shit, I meant to say there are *NO "levels" of taste*

Well meme'd friend

Cronenberg and Argento are even more pleb tier than Lynch 2bh and I say that as someone who considers most Lynch to be borderline Nolan.

You are too beautiful for this world, user. Better destroy yourself.

But seriously, where did you stumble on that utter nonsense in the first place?

>I say that as someone who considers most Lynch to be borderline Nolan.
So you say that as someone who is borderline retarded?

>But seriously, where did you stumble on that utter nonsense in the first place?
I've seen the pigs writhing in the multiplexes, gorging themselves on the latest capeshit. See your fellow "adults" cheering and crying for cartoon characters and I challenge you not to become aware of this infantilizing sickness at the heart of modern culture. I worked at a cinema, and in the moment I heard the pigs clapping at the end of Captain America 2 my entire artistic doctrine solidified. Right then I knew that I had to ascend and destroy.

So we're pretending that Lynch isn't entry level as fuck now? What a sickness.

Are we pretending that it matters?

>lmao why didnt this thing turn out how i wanted

>muh colourful symbolism

Also there is nothing wrong at all with Lynch. If anything he is a godsend in Western cinema: any progressive film makers are desu.

Entertaining/enabling the masses is degenerate. Of course it matters. Real cinema is a bullet from a fucking gun. A bullet into the heart of every depraved entertainment seeker.

Assuming you're being totally cereal right now, you sound like a child who thinks he's figured out some affectation that will turn him into an adult. You don't have better taste than any of the "pigs" (what a simplistic term, kek) because of what you hate and you will not be anything but a deluded pleb for as long as you persist in the child-adult dichotomy.

Ur a massive pleb m8 and reek of try-hard.

But 5/10 for getting me to reply.

>a positive quality
Yes, so avante garde, so tranny friendly, This ain't your old white man's medium any more.

If you can't tell, you're my ideological enemy and I want you dead. That's right, this is a fucking death threat, fucker. Call the police.

The more you hate, the more sophisticated you are. Sophistication = enlightment. The enlightened man enjoys nothing.

You are unenlightened.


Is this guy any good, I watched Mulholland Drive and I didn't understand the ending, why people were talking in spanish anyway?

Lmao 10/20

>I watched Mulholland Drive and I didn't understand the ending,
Then stick to the MCU and your video games because cinema isn't the medium for you. Mulholland Drive is the very definition of a pleb tier movie made for retards, and still you failed.

>worked at a cinema
>somehow finds a way to feel superior to other people

9/10 bait my man

the most fedora thread ive seen on here in a while. well done Sup Forums

Can you find other nouns, verbs and adjectives to polish your turd words?

They're just movies mate take a breather

go watch interstellar, you will love it

If Lynch is beneath me then why exactly would I enjoy the work of a director who is even worse.

entry level isn't a derogatory term per se, it's just a way of cataloging, albeit probably an arbitrary way

hell be fine

Its amazing isnt it.

My fav part:

>wants to grow and be challenged
>wants someone else to do all the work
>works at a cinema that even shows MCU films

if you're sick of lynch but want an older version of the same style, try murnau or lang. if you want something like lynch but funnier and more whimsical, try tati. if you want lynch done better than lynch, try welles' noirs like touch of evil or the third man.

bunuel can't string together a narrative and jodo is a victim of the culture that created him. if you're steering away from lynch to find something with a stronger sense of being an organized whole that is more than the sum of its parts, avoid airy and nebulous films without much to say and no ability to say it.

don't try to decry a mainstream director just to seem like you're cultured. you haven't discovered anything because you "grew out" of lynch or tarantino. there's a lot of meat in their films despite their popularity and even low brow moments. i don't personally like zizek, but his series on film titled "pervert's guide" dissects lynch in a way that might not have occurred to you.

Because if you keep digging down you will eventually reach Hell. And it is there that I pray fedoras like you are raped by the Devil.

Entry level = wide appeal.

Wide appeal = lower barrier to entry.

Lower barrier to entry = lower artistic sophistication.

If a motion picture is able to serve as entry level then it is capped at an artistic 5/10 at best on an inherent level.

eh, you are pretty serious. Movies can be entertainment, you know

they can be entertaining and intellectually challenging at the same time. there was never an edict that said a film could only be entertainment or only intellectual.

I can't tell if this topic is some of the most high effort trolling in a while or OP is just a dumb faggot.

I don't watch movies, I watch film.

Cinema is a see-saw. The more bricks you lay upon the "entertainment" side the more the artistic impact is diminished.

it's both :^)

You're a fucking loser dude, how about you put away your edgy adolescent things like stopping liking something you like because it's popular. If you have to come on here and ask for recommendations then you're a total fucking pleb anyway and you'll likely never actually be able to appreciate anything at all. What was good about tarantino's early films is still good, it's just affected shitty culture so much that it seems like it must be shit too.

Good 1 m8 I almost spit out my Ribena.

watch "Naked Lunch" from David Cronenberg.

You might like it

thats not true. Have you seen Batman vs superman? entertainment can be as artistic as your typical unknown arthouse film

>What was good about tarantino's early films is still good,
They were never good. Low artistic IQ "film buffs" were the only people who ever enjoyed that hack's adolescent bilge.

>my entire artistic doctrine solidified


This cunt is troll of the year.

This thread is such utter shit. A /film/ board would be fucking boring garbage. So much shit slinging and people trying to one up each other. Really not sure when people decided Sup Forums was for intellectual discussions and not for shit posting but this thread is a shining example of how blessed we are that shitposting reigns

Unless you've carried out some kind of artistic accomplishment or creation, I refuse to let you call others idiots for disregarding art. Come back when you've done something - anything - of merit with your film hobby, because genuinely intelligent people utilize their knowledge in some effective way. As far as I'm concerned someone working or studying in STEM is smarter than a casual film enthusiast nine times out of ten, yet they don't spout absolute pseudo intellectual nonsense to boost their ego.

I like Mulholland Drive for the tits, does this make me a pleb?

Only a contrarian would say that Lynch is entry-level.

Check out Last Year at Marienbad, though. It's one of the most dreamlike films I've ever seen and also a major influence on Inland Empire.

Hour of the Wolf, Holy Motors, and 8 1/2 are all very accessible.

I didn't care for Deren although her films look pretty and have a pace that sets me at ease. Anger is one of the worst filmmakers that ever lived. That Greenaway picture was good.

The hero Sup Forums needs.

that subtle pest

Looking at that iconic shot for 2 hours would be a better use of time than watching Last Year. The veils of time really hid the pimples on the face of that film. I rewatched it recently and was really disappointed in it. That shot is great though and deserves recognition.

God this is so fucking painful, I remember being 17 and holy fuck I'm embarrassed by how I acted/thought

>Only a contrarian would say that Lynch is entry-level.
Literally video game playing ritalin slamming 11 year old's first "weird director".

Yes, I saw Eraserhead and Lost Highway as a 9 year old too and thought they were mind blowing cinema. Difference is, I grew up.

No they were never 'kinoma absolut' or whatever the fuck you pretend you're in to, but they were, are, good films for what they are and that's all anything needs to be. I absolutely guarantee that you could never even make a semi-decent 10 minute youtube film that got more 500 views let alone successfully pitch or make any kind of film LET ALONE one worth watching. If you disagree then please link us to your online portfolio and we'll see what a noble patrician you are.

i love this man. i love you so dearly. you inspire me. thank you. i am saving this thread to look at forever.

what are you watching now? Just asking, i am in the mood for something actually interesting

I've seen eraser head multiple times and I still think it's "lol so randumb" tier trash and haven't watched another "surreal" movie like it since.

Am I pleb

>good films for what they are
Video game player detected. Literally kill yourself. Tarantino has pumped out juvenile trash his ENTIRE career. He is nothing short of a cinematic terrorist. Irony was his WMD and cinema never recovered.

Posting in epic bread

Post your top ten then genius or fuck off shitposting. You don't even have the balls to back your loud mouth up on a North Korean needlework fansite.

Yes. Its not even le randomness its a very simple story just told a lil different visually.

You're as much of a coward as you are a retard. You've never kissed a girl have you? I suppose you've transcended such putrid notions. Prithee sirrah and until the morrow good gentlesir *doffs top hat

yeah, that's the right advice desu

I was referring to your comparison to Chris Nolan, which makes you look like a moron. Whether or not Lynch is "entry level" (I hate that term) is irrelevant

not that guy, but check out "by bogdanovich" it's on youtube. 3 hours of peter telling stories about his career.

"directed by john ford" just got released in the mid 00s but a lot of the footage is from the late 60s.

"people's park" is a 75 minute one take documentary about a park in china.

all really good in my book and highly recommended.

wow i cant believe i actually earned something from this thread, thanks

>I used to love Tarantino and now he is the most reprehensible trash imaginable to me.

You're volunteering a taste there, but you're not saying he's bad lol. Drop this anti-intellectual crusade!

this is probably the best shitpost thread we've had in months

>its a masterful troll that brings out autism episode

Nolan and Lynch are both enjoyed by video game playing 16 year olds. Therefore they are the same thing.


Top tier troll! XD

I wish I had the time and dedication to shitpost at this level.

>Replying to criticism with "do something better if you can"
shittiest argument ever, kill yourself

Yeah, but Lynch has talent while Nolan doesn't

not nearly as nuanced and sophisticated as this one

>love Lynch, tell everyone I meed
>step dad's brother claims to be cinema expert
>recommends me jodorwosky saying it's like Lynch but better
>watch el topo
>Worst shit I ever saw

I hate my stepdad's brother so fucking much. I'm going go fucking kill him the stupid pretentious retard, Fuck jowksky.

>I heard the pigs clapping at the end of Captain America 2
>I had to ascend and destroy.

yfw capeshit meme magic creates a Superman cinema shooter.

Same, it's like looking into a black mirror of my past

yw, hope you like em :)

If the supposed "talent" is put to use by enabling depraved teenagers then it counts for nothing.

I don't care how smart Rodger supposedly is, how much potential he has, when he still spends his time selling weed to school children.

Not just that, youre an idiot

You misunderstand. I have no problem with you calling someone an entry level pleb embryo babby. By all means, knock yourself out. Just don't try to tell me you're intelligent because of the number of films you've watched, or how patrician you are. If you want to tell me you're intelligent, provide me with some proof.

It doesn't matter how many films you watched. You can take a retard to the art water and he will fail to drink again and again. What matters is how few of those films he enjoyed. Every film you're above is another notch on the belt of your cinema education.

jodowrosky sucks cock

the holy mountain is a piece of shit movie with some really interesting set pieces and cinematography

i can just imagine jodorowsky speaking in his stupid fucking chilean accent to his crew members "den deh man he is hesoos he go to de mountain an he smoke deh shit and he see god and god put deh clothes on him and he becom de important man and den i show de factories and how capitalism is vedy bad"

fuck yes this is why I come here holy shit im having a good laugh

What do you think this autist is gonna do after this thread gets 404'd?

Is he gonna return to the drawing board?
Add another level of irony to his trolling method?