Best Star Wars
Best Star Wars
they couldve made the movie about starkiller aka vaders apprentice
but nope disney fucks it up
Best Bait
>Make a movie about a Gary Stu that is somehow stronger than the Emperor and can bring a Star Destroyer down from orbit.
>Video game.
>And a bad one at that.
Star Wars' red pill. When you understand that this was always about making sci fi for children. Sucks to grow up
Great gif tbqh
I like Galen Marek and I like the first Force Unleashed but there's no way to make his character work in the context of a film
Should have done a KotOR film instead
Well we got a Mary Sue anyway so I guess we all lost
>make his character work in the context of a film
*tips film course 101*
I'm just happy that gave us Rey. Hopefully Luke rekts her to tone down her Mary Sueness.
I mean he's way overpowered in the games, is all, ridiculously so, more than any other force user we've seen on screen. It'd be too unbelievable is all I meant. It makes sense when you're in a game and want to be all powerful and stuff but the justification isn't there in a film
You have to understand one thing: For all the shit the prequels get, most of it is from people who didn't watch them when they came out, because they were too young. These are the people who missed out on both the original trilogy AND the prequels.
They copied the hate for the prequels to fit in with the jaded autists who are now in their 40s.
So for those people, it's their first star wars release that they are actively part of, so they HAVE to like it, it's like "shit, I wanna belong to this fandom, because I missed the two previous trains". So they blindly hype it, completely ignore all flaws. They're forcing themselves. And they'll defend this movie to the death. Every reviewer that uses phrases like "the first good star wars movie since 19xx" falls into the same category of youngsters who have no taste.
These people, from a subconscious fear of never really being part of this fandom, are now praising the movie to be the next coming of christ. Everyone who isn't still shitting their diapers and can actually judge the movie objectively will tell you: This one is the worst of the bunch.
Yes, worse than the prequels. It's like a chinese knockoff of star wars, bearing nothing that made the previous 6 movies charming (I say charming and not good, because they were both good at something, but not at the same thing". The only thing this has in common with star wars is the title. It's blatant nostalgia fanwank down to copying most of the plot from ANH, ripping off all major setpieces and shoehorning an "epic phrase" ála "i have a bad feeling about this" in the dialogue every 2-3 minutes.
Do me a favor and watch the prequels when you have the time again, just do it, and try to note how much they relied on recalling the original trilogy. It's not a lot. That's why the prequels, while having a different focus than the OT, succeed as a movie series. This movie does not.
Too bad Leia didn't wear that dress in the movie
7 > 3 = 5 > 4 > 6 > 1 > Holiday Special > 2
I'm not maymaying
are you retarded?
4 > 5 > 6 > 3 > 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1 > 2
Looool no
5 > 4 = 3 > 1 > 6 > 2 >7
5 > 4 > 6 > 7 > 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 > 1
>3 and 1 over 6
terribly meme'd my friend
Empire Strikers Back = Star Wars > Return of the Jedi
I don't rank non-canon movies
7 > the rest
Ho Lee Fuk