What are the best memecore movies Sup Forums?

What are the best memecore movies Sup Forums?

It's quite a wide definition which includes badcore movies like The Pest, pure memekino like TDK or even modest unknown gems starring Brendan Fraser or Steven Seagal

I want the best of the best Sup Forums.

Here are some infographs.

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Everything that appears herein.

Oh yeah I forgot about that, thanks friendo.

>no true detective

50 ft woman

>Wild Wild West and Anaconda in a list with The Room and Troll 2
What? Anaconda;s problem was mostly shitty CGI. And Jon Voight pretending to be Paraguayan or whatever. And Ice Cube. Okay maybe Anaconda belongs on that list but WWW is just a fun cheesy movie

I agree. These don't belong on this list. Not "so bad it's good" territory.


Add Mulholland Dr. tbqh

dumb ghettoposter

I'm 100% sure Problem Child 2 was written to be as awful as possible because that's what studio wanted, and it's actually a huge achievement, because movies written specifically to be bad are always shit, while PC2 is fucking crazy and watchable.

Guys who wrote the script then went on to write some great movies, like Man on the Moon and Ed Wood and this year's fantastic American Crime Story

>American Crime Story

Not hard to write a true story, although it's the best tv show I've watched in a long time.

there's a million of terrible biopics and documentaries about incredibly fascinating objects, so i disagree.

ACS wasn't just a true story, it was a story everyone knew and it still managed to make it incredibly interesting

I've always felt this way too. Like the people who made Problem Child 2 knew exactly the movie they were making. For such an absurd and stupid movie, everything is done better than competently. There's real craft behind every shot, all in the service of the stupidest piece of shit idea in the world. So, rather than be whiners about it, they had fun making the movie that was demanded of them.

How else do you explain something like the dog food scene? It's a dog food commercial in the middle of a major studio movie. If that scene existed in a David Lynch movie, everyone would praise it.

please confirm that you're just memeing and aren't unironically claiming that TDKR is a bad movie

Miami Connection should be there

3 Ninjas doesn't seem to really fit in with everything else on that chart. It's bad, but it's also a beloved kid's movie that most people grew up watching.

Troma is kind of it's own thing, and Poultrygeist is actually my favorite thing they've done.

>I know what OJ said to his lawyers on [date]

just because you have factual material to go from doesn't make it easy to write.


Damn, what a perfect time for me to post my list of shitty meme movies. I've been compiling a list of "so bad its good" movies for over a month from a variety of sources. This is it as of today:
Big money rustlas
Soul plane
furry vengeance
Dirty sanchez
Rock and roll nightmare
Miami connection
Black knight
Mac and me
Troll 2
Garbage pail kids movie
For your height only
God's of egypt
The black gestapo
Ben and arthur
Karate robo zaborgar
Hip hop locos
the evil bong
Chairman of the board

Is Blair Witch 2 actually worth watching as a bad movie?

Has a little boy played by a midget who tries to cuck his step-dad by sleeping with his own mom.

Would also like to know this.

because i'm the same person

dragonball evolution
the last airbender
shark tale
cool world
mortal kombat: annihilation
any uwe boll movie ever
the wizard

What's so bad about Congo?


I agree. It's a pretty decent movie. Plus a talking gorilla

bee movie


>Batman and Robin is bad
When will this meme die?


bad on purpose movies don't count


>Battlefield earth
>not dutch-angle core

>forgetting FoodFight!

Then Birdemic shouldn't be on there.

Troll 2 isn't a so bad it's good movie, it's just terrible in a painful way. If you see someone quote "you can't piss on hospitality," just start fucking running

>Problem Child 2
I'm sure you came after the fappening

U fuckin wot m8? Crank is just good good, nothing bad about it.

Samurai Cop

Sorry but everytime I try to read your post all I see is

>durr I'm a fucking contrarian please fuck my face

That Steven seagull movie

they stopped making these types around 2008 though

What is Sup Forumss version of poseurcore?

Santa with Muscles is the only bad movie that will always be precious

>I didnt get it, therefor bad

montie do you really want to become the most notorious poster on this board too

I had the biggest crush on Thora Birch in the D&D movie.

The fuck is scarf?

I'm guessing hipster?

And now I realize I was apparently 'scarfcore' in my teens.

Hipster movies, m8

Rubber was good

Who knows.

Trick or Treat
Ice Cream Man
Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2
Santa With Muscles
Leonard Part 6
Lawnmower Man 2
The Hottie and the Notties
Son of the Mask

this movie is fucking great

It's bad, but not Birdemic-level bad.

>mfw nobody posted pic related yet

Oh fuck sorry about that. I meant to add that to my watchlist, looks like I accidentally put in on the wrong one.

this was great. ive seen it 3 times. you just dont like it because its not capeshit or star wars

>no primer

RHPS fucking invented memecore

>watching Battlefield: Earth
>get to scene where the guys hand gets shot off
>he has absolutely no reaction
I cried from laughing so hard. That was a magicaly bad moment.

>anything with Kat Dennings

We're posting badcore, not painfullyerectcore

RHPS is an unironically good movie though.

>when closeted faggots try to tell themselves this flick isn't just for literal faggots because Meatloaf is in it

Nope, you're still gay

>No fun allowed

It's a good movie, and is only sort of gay.

it's really not.

it's a purposely bad movie. that makes it enjoyable, but not any less bad.

I never said I wasn't a fan

Purposely weird maybe, but not intentionally bad. It's very well produced and directed, acting is satirical.

It's like saying Not Another Teen Movie is an intentionally bad movie because it's poorly acted. You're just being dumb.

it's directed as a B-movie. the plot is all over the place, the actors are satirically bad, and the effects are purposely bad too.

had they not been intentional, RHPS would have been forgotten as just another shitty 70s b-movie. instead, because of how they did it, its charm showed through and it's one of the first major cult classics.

rocky horror picture show is a bad movie, but it's a bad movie done right, making it good.

When I think of a bad movie, I think of something like the Room. Not a genuinely entertaining movie that's entertainment value comes from the filmmakers intent. You're laughing with Richard O'Brien, not at him.

Moonrise Kingdom is comfy as fuck and perfectly casted. American Beauty is great too.

that's fair, but if you compare every individual facet of RHPS, everything about it is bad.

Most underrated bad movie imo

Has fucking mike judge as the main villain

This desu

what a shitty list. jump of a bridge pls.

>no Street Fighter
>no Escape from LA

shit infographic

Kazaam and Howard the Duck. I can't decide if Howard the Duck or the Super Mario Bros movie are the worst movies I've sat through. Actually I think Dragon Ball Evolution beats both

>black knight

off yourself trip

This is a real meme movie

you probably saw Congo as a kid, watch it again.


Whoever made this list has clearly never seen Gummo, Kids, or Julien Donkey-Boy because they are nothing like any of the quirky, hyper-stylized stuff on this chart.

2/10, i replied.

I fell I love with how bad this movie is maybe a year ago when someone posted it on here claiming their cousin made it from money he stole their grandmother.


Probably the least competently made film I've ever seen.

For those who aren't familiar this movie is 95% scenes of doubles as Bruce lee. Its fun as a B-movie but it has literally nothing to do with his original idea of what the movie would been.

>95% scenes of doubles as Bruce lee

Not even close.

They used doubles to churn out a story and get it out, but all the fight scenes are Bruce Lee before he left to do Enter the Dragon.

The way you put it makes it sound like a porn movie starring the top porn stars in the world is bad because they half-assed the plot.

..what about The Bulk


>freddy got fingered






>Escape from LA

user, no.

genuinely great movie

I'm guessing you're young.

While I wouldn't group Escape from LA in the same category as those other films, the fact remains that the studio system wouldn't allow a big budget movie like that to be made today.

People were allowed to make big budget, crazy movies in the 90's. Nowadays everything is formulaic garbage.

Fuck, that was the first time that people who grew up with snes saw sewer surfing on the big screen.

Memers should be shot

Deadly prey and Universal Soldier 2