What do you think about ISIS?

What do you think about ISIS?

They don't understand one thing, and that is that skill diversity equals progress.

Homogenise a nation so that more or less everyone has the same skills and there is no diversity in skills, and you end up with a shithole.

All their fear mongering aside, they have 0 chance of survival in the modern world, as a society. They have very little intelligence and even less wisdom.

Let's pretend you,re not from the FBI ... I don't get the fucking point of terrorist attacks in Europe, it's clear that they will either fuck muslims more or be more attacked/watched.

Let's pretend you're not from the FBI ... I don't get the fucking point of terrorist attacks in Europe, it's clear that they will either fuck muslims more or be more attacked/watched.


Two dubs ... suck me faggots

They're religious zealots you fool. It's not about winning for them. Isis's end game is death. They PLAN on all DYING soon. They want to being as many "infidels" with them as they can to win favor with their god.

They're not trying to WIN on earth. They're basically internet trolls come to life.

You can't argue with me, unless you get trips or higher but I kek'd with the internet trolls.

Fuck em

They Aight.

I wouldn't vote for them.

ISIS are only product of the American Government. I am not exactly saying they have full control of them however there is no way they ar enot linked with them. Russia has already exposed them and other countries for fundign an Oil Rig under ISIS control. America is the root of all evil in this world.

This post reeks of summer

We wouldn't have these fuckers around if we didn't off Sadam Hussein.

I think we should nuke the goatfuckers and sandniggers

Nuking them won't do anything than kill more innocents than ISIS. Hell alot of ISIS members aren't even in the Middle east anymore. What needs to be done is to create a special task force hell bent on their destruction. But if that's too expensive, create a radical ISIS killing organization/cult that puts Vietcong fear tactics to shame.

lol fuck off nigger


sandniggers gone wild

I have a bit of a dumb scenario, bear with me

>you have predators and preys
>you separate each other
>the predators either die because they can't feed on preys anymore or they adapt and become herbivores
>preys overpopulate because they no longer have something killing them, so population control is in order

so with that weird example

>in the human race, they are different types of people, nurturers, leaders etc,
>let's say you separate people not by race but by personality
>so everyone that thinks the same way stay together and there is no conflict with people that are different than them because of segregation

I know that is technically impossible, that's not the point, the point is the concept, you're telling me that would make for a shithole? why?

Good chaps


George Bush did isis

I Think ISIS is the Sup Forums of the Muslim world.. full of angry autistic virgins who have watched way too much porn and gore.