>not being vegan
B-b-but muh protein!!1one
>not being vegan
B-b-but muh protein!!1one
I'm not a vegan because I love the way meat taste and life is too short to give a crap about some stupid animal.
Did you just assume their gender?
Enjoy being reincarnated as a cow and having others not care about you
>he thinks there is an afterlife
Wew lad you gotta be 18+ to post here
>holds the world heavyweight log-lifting record of 190kg
Not really, Zydrunas Savickas; 228kg
Lol. Eat shit.
Oh wait, you already do. Carry on, then.
But I'm 29
Says the person eating actual shit
>implying i buy shitty storebought minced meat
>implying i dont mince my meat myself
>implyimg i eat fastfood at McDumbs or burgerFaggot
Wew lad
You get fecal matter in your mouth every time you go in the bathroom, sleep well.
And it comes from living things, meaning you are eating non vegan things... sleep well
>vegans don't eat living things
How dumb are you?
Brian Shaw: Bench press-290 kg, Deadlift-420 kg, not a vegan
Big Z is a fucking monster tho. Baboumian is a high-tier strongman regardless
Oh come on, you know what i meant, dont play the smartass
>vegan tries to climb Mount Everest to prove they can do anything.
The pic says Germany's strongest man, though.
But Brian Shaw is a beast.
That sucks. Husband survived, though, right? And from what I understand he was also vegan?
Either case, don't judge the forest from a tree, etc.
That's like posting kids dying because of vegan diet and then saying that proves veganism invalid. It doesn't, it just proves that stupid people exist.
i know this is an obvious troll thread but just to clear out the delusions, humans are meant to be omnivores, this is how we evolved over the many years and the main reason the human intelligence could reach high altitudes is the high protein intake from animals, anyone who deny this is a delusional libcuck who probably failed every biology and chemistry exams and dedicated his life to fallow bullshit others say to him
>humans are meant to be omnivores
>are meant to be
>are meant to
>meant to
post bullshit pictures to justify your stupidity, very good carry on
As I see it, both an animal and a plant are alive and neither want to be eaten by you (except for fruits).
The difference is that you can more easily identify with a pig, cow, chicken, or even fish than you can with a carrot. The objection to eating meat seems to come down to, these creatures are like me therefore it is monstrous to eat them and these other creatures are not like me so the bad things I am doing to them don't really matter.
I accept that in order to live, I need to harm other life forms and consume them to power my body. I did not make reality this way and I cannot change either myself or humanity so that we no longer need to feed on other life forms to survive.
At least I have an argument. Let's hear yours.
Reality is you are behaving like a drug addict. Completely irrational defense mechanisms. You dislike veganism because something inside you knows it's the right thing. And all the years of cultural brainwashing, established within your subconsciousness, is fighting it back the only way it knows how - anger.
You have 0 reason to eat meat in 2016. You didn't choose to eat meat, your parents did that for you. And their parents did it for them.
I may be a vegan asshole, but if I'm doing one thing better than you are it's that I'm making my own fucking choices.
Enjoy your shitburgers.
You work on an orchard, cause you sure are good at pickin' cherries.
Iranian....but he's not.
Who gives a shit about veganism
>you think there is no afterlife
nigga we can all believe what we want to
you post anime fagshit
>171 cm
Plants are living things too, fuck the cult of veganism, life feeds on life.
Who woulda thunk that Germany's strongest man would be a midget...
>Strongest man from Germany - shitskin mudslime
>171cm Manlet
This guy
>meme prs
Seeiously I was hitting those weights in high school weightlifting class. And that's while eating meat and getting ACTUAL protein in my body.
Plus, I love the taste of meat and pissing off veganfags.
Bench press 215 KG...
That is good in 10th grade.
Our best roid monkey was running 670lbs without a shirt by Sr year (still didn't get a scholarship. Suck it 5'2" fags!).
How horribly malnourished do you have to be to mistake the "b" button for a "d"?
>I'm an angry faggot who loves heightened LDL and a shorter lifespan cuz "hur dur meat is manly :^]"
What DOESN'T have fecal matter in it?
>shitty vegan memes
Wanting to live a long life is fucking retarded. I already plan to blow my brains out when I'm 62 if I'm not already dead. I don't give a fuck about becoming a wrinkly old shit like you.
after each 'meal', having to eat 2kg of pills as supplements not to die. No, thanks.
Being vegan is extream and retarded.
Vegetarian is the right thing to do but I don't want to because I enjoy the taste of meat. I don't have to defend myself before you or anyone. I do what I want now piss off.
>inb4 : muh meat subsitutes taste the same as meat
No it doesnt, you know it and you just keep telling this to yourself so you can sleep at night.
I'm also vegan
Except plant based diets also show a general increase in quality of life from those that eat omnivorously. You have every right to your own life and what you want to do with it or end it but given the harmful effects of animal agriculture on the environment and every other person in the world, it's not just about you and your own choices. It's about a choice you're making affecting everyone around you.
Congrats the only point you've prooven is that niggers and evolution exist
Any vegan who ever rides in a motor vehicle is a hypocrite.
Motor vehicles, all motor vehicles, kill bugs. Lots of them. Bugs are animals. By slaughtering them for your own convenience, you are drawing an arbitrary line regarding what is okay to kill and what is not and for what reasons. You can't argue about whether or not it's okay to kill animals, only about what animals it's okay to kill and why.
To me, fulfilling the basic need for sustenance is a better reason to do just about anything than because you're in a hurry to get somewhere.
>Reality is you are behaving like a drug addict
says the wildly defensive person participating in the habit bad for their brain and body
And I don't give a fuck. Like you said, it's my choice to live my life as I please. So fuck off, I'm not joining your shitty jonestown cult.
We don't care. Humanity is retarded and can die. I don't give a fuck.
>muh think of your children
I'm on Sup Forums, do you really think I want/can have children ? Think again Autismo.
Nigger consider that snails and any single insect, bird and every fertilizer that were put on vegetables are covered in shit.
We -all- eat shit daily.
The concept of rebirth is stupid, and even more stupid on your part if you're not religious which is most likely the case.
>holds vegans to highest possible standards to prove his point
Sounds fair. Asshole.
OR eat a balanced diet to begin with. Most of the common vitamin deficiencies in vegan diets are pretty easy to cover.
Even if you had to take a mountain of supplements, vegan diets would still be better (in this circumstance, not for health reasons, but for environmental impact). At least you wouldn't be contributing to a unsustainable culture of animal agriculture.
Not religious, deeply philosophical.
Consider this. How the fuck does nothing look like? Can you imagine nothing?
So how can you claim nothingness exists when you can't imagine is?
Before you claim it's a bad argument (which you will most likely do anyway), try and actually imagine nothing for a while.
>veganism is unhealthy
Nice claim bro
Yes, nothing looks like a lack of something.
Next question.
Can someone explain to me why vegetarians are pretty cool but why vegans are retarded assholes that dont get the fact that no one gives a shit about their stupid agenda and they live in a fairy tale
protein? nah.... muh fats, gl with your low testosterone vegan goals of 2016 while I eat delicious meat
>posts a youtube link
They're delirious from the lack of meat and sanity.
It's your life to live as you please, until your actions make it shitty for everyone else, in which case you're much more the invasive one than I am.
Also, funny how you're the one accusing me of being cult-like when you've done nothing but react with anger rather than approach the issue pragmatically.
hahaha this manlet 171 cm? that's what you get for eating grass
Maybe watch it? Or is that above you, your highness?
This whole "Eat this to live longer" and "Avoid this to be healthy" is getting stupid. If you feel the need to argue or instigate based on your diet choices, you aren't happy with yourself.
>expecting people who want other people to fundamentally change their lifestyles because of a particular set of values to live by those values themsleves
>high standards
Not really.
Human's may not have evolved to eat raw meat but we sure did adapt to be able to consume it and thrive from it. Tens of thousands of years of human history show humans using chemistry (e.g. fire, acids, and bases) and tools to make all food more viable. Truth is eating food without any processing (like cooking) often leads to all sorts of problems (e.g. vitamin deficiencies and parasites). So its important to face a hard truth, humans are not easily comparable to other species because we have developed far and away from the other species and now have very specialized needs. For instance, if a human only foraged for fruit, he would not be able to meet dozens of nutritional requirements (e.g. protein and omega 3). So what would the human do? Start eating insects. So just let go of the idea we humans can do without certain things, its really a form of pointless and dangerous asceticism.
That said, preference is fine so long as it does not masquerade as Truth or the only way people should eat. Mind you I do not eat meat but I am no fool, so I do not deny myself eggs or dairy, if I am so inclined to eat them. If cricket meal becomes a inexpensive thing, I may give it a try, given its supposed to taste nutty rather than like blood and sinew (which I just do not like the taste of).
I got a vasectomy a few years ago, so I'm not doing it for my own children. If you really don't care that much, why did you bother responding?
if you personally perceive people doing half measured crap as such then probably you will find vegetarians """pretty cool"""
i am expecting no less of the average Sup Forumschanner and i ain't even vegan m8
He knows Anime isn't real though...
don't eat ground beef that in contaminated with fecal matter!, eat plants that are literally grown in shit!!
strong logic
Lol fucking 171cm, fucking manlette. No wonder he lifts, gotta compensate for being such a shortarse xD
Im eating enchelades right now blue apron is a baller service
I'm far from angry. Just because I don't speak meekly like you doesn't mean I'm angry.
And that's where you're also wrong. I genuinely don't give a fuck other people.
>171 cm
I'll imagine nothing for a while - a state where you feel, see nothing. Like the way you feel in a deep sleep phase - you don't think, you don't remember, you feel NOTHING.
After i'm done i wanna point out that your argument is shit.
Just because you can't comprehend something with your human brain it doesn't mean it can't exist.
We can't even imagine numbers much larger then 10 without the resorting to a form of abstraction called math.
There is no reason to assume that there is an afterlife.
do you understand the regulatory temperature that clams cook meat to in Mcdonalds? oh you probably don't know about facts do you, fucking plebeian
What a fucking midget
It's not a fucking item, it's a state. It's the same fucking thing that happens when you're unconscious you aren't aware of your surroundings. It's the lack of awareness / things themselves.
Pardon me then.
Also, if that's how you feel, what's the point in even arguing?
Veganism means you don't eat any animal products. Whatever other standards you think vegans collectively have is fuelled purely by your massive amount of misinformation about what veganism fucking is.
my gastrointestinal disease prevents me from digesting most fruit and vegetables, i have to stick with meat, especially fish.
Someone got triggered pretty hard.
Everything you just said coincides with what I said. Quit being an angry little bitch and learn to read
>not using steroids to boost testosterone
HA okay bud if you want any facts please let me know i've done personal training and have some information on the topics bud ;)
must be vegan gains making a troll Sup Forums post
I'm not vegan because i literally don't give a flying fuck about being vegan.
You only get one life, you should at least enjoy what you eat :L
I quoted the wrong person, cunt.
I enjoy arguing.
It's one of the few things in life that I throughly enjoy.
>Veganism means you don't eat any animal products
that is eating vegan. living vegan goes a bit further and then usually to the extent the individual can stomach for themself. shoes, make up products, cleaners, cigarettes, you name it. if you were to take it 100% full force hard line you obviously would need to live in a shed, self supporting
Why does anything exist? Why isn't `reality`, or whatever it would be called, just a blank void of empty nothingness, stretching in every direction or the lack of direction?
Something exists. That's my first claim.
My second claim is that if something exists, nothing cannot exist.
Therefore reincarnation.
That's my reasoning.
You're still a triggered little cuntbag.
Take a lap.
If the daily slaughter of countless helpless animals for the sake of convenience is perfectly fine, why shouldn't I eat animals?
who cares where dude gets his protein from, I wanna know where he gets his test and dbol from
>171 cm
>it's ok because the shit we eat is cooked at the proper temperature
My favorite kind of food is veal
if everyone tried to do this we'd need more land than earth has because self support from an own garden is highly inefficient when compared to industrial foodproduction