It is time for the secret's of Sup Forums
I have for 2 years used my dog's mouth to help me cum and was my first time ever
It is time for the secret's of Sup Forums
I have for 2 years used my dog's mouth to help me cum and was my first time ever
I wanna be the new Joseph Stalin.
anything is possible through Jesus Christ
My girlfriend cheated on me and we broke up. everyone thinks I'm well but I cry every night thinking about her
I let strangers come over to sleep with my wife.
Slut coworker didn't want to have sex with me. So I put a thumbtack in her condom. She goes on vacation and comes back pregnant. It's actually made her life better. She's settled down and found a professional job, no more drugs or drinking. I should feel good about it I guess.
sorry dude, that sucks
Stop this cuck propaganda
pimp life
haha, nice one. Would you ever tell her?
Damn bro. Sorry about that. That's literally the worst possible thing that could happen to someone.
I hope you get a new pair of tits and forget about that bitch
I'm leaving her for another woman
that's gonna kill her.
A few days before my friend's wedding night, he asked me to come over to his house for a surprise he was throwing for his soon to be wife. When I came over there were at least a dozen and a half men at his place. Turns out he wanted his wife to enjoy her single life one last time and we all did a gangbang on her.
I don't have the balls. What I did was on a mental level. I don't know what I was thinking? Like "I know this girl sleeps around and this will get back at her." This was 3 years ago when I was 16 and working my first job.
I had a random guy send a cock pic to someone I know today. She didnt respond.
I once sissord kicked my dick on the back of the head
correlation doesnt mean causation. She clearly got prego on purpose to start a family like normal people do. you are making too many baseless assumptions. you have no idea when/where/how she actually got knocked up.
okay i guess, dont ever telling is the better option then
She had been planning a trip to CA for a while. She left 2 days after I did what I did. And when she came back, after she realized she was pregnant I was like "you didn't use a condom?" She answered that she did. I don't think she wanted a baby with her fuck buddy. He's not around and she's raising the baby solo...
if she really didnt want to get prego should would've been on bc
im completely alone as fuck
I induced lactation for a fetish
It's all good. I've never told anyone this. Feels good to throw it off my chest.
could be worse
I just dumped probably the last girl who will ever like me with a joke out of fear of being in a committed relationship.
I'm straight but I love cock. I hooked up with a guy from Grindr who drilled my ass like a pornstar and made me cum without using my dick. I miss the feeling.
I sexted with a dude on grindr later found out it was my younger brother
i cheated on my boyfriend last week and let the person i cheated with cum inside of me
I have been studying tantric sex for 4 years now and I have got to a point where i can make myself get hard and cum in 10 seconds without even touching my cock. I secretly want to become a superhero.. like spider man.. shooting my slippery white justice in the face of evil-doers.
Im pretty sure that means youre gay.
Is this a thing? Can you cum on command?
I'm pretty sure I'm bi.
Stupid bitch
indeed. the only way it couldnt be gay is if he beat up the other guy afterward and told him god hates fags and he will go to hell
Same thing basically
I fucked my middle school tewcher.
I like 80% of shadmans art not into beast or futa though
I'm actually against gays. I just love cock.
Wow what got up your butthole pal? Can't someone make decisions without your consent?
well admittedly what i did was kinda stupid
dont be so hard on yourself. I wish you would step back from that ledge my friend, you could cut ties with all the lies, that you've been living in
I log into my ex's FB every now and then to see if shes got any nudes shes sending out
I know how the media and school tells me that black people aren't so bad... but like when I see them in public. They're always doing bad stuff. I dont get it. Am I racist?
I got molested as a kid. Fucked me up for 17 years. Always acting out and shit. Always thought I was a piece of shit and got treated accordingly by my peers. Had heaps of anger so would work out a lot so im pretty fit. Not bad looking either but id always blame that. Sexually I was fucked up. Addicted to porn for years always fapping and always sexualised the wrong people (i.e my mother, cousin etc) and I always imagined myself in a submissive role
I would do shit like sneek into my parents room when they were asleep. Or when she was turned away. To get caught I guess and be shamed.
Then I met my ex. She treated me like shit, put up with her weekly suicide attempts, daily fights and suspected cheating and lying. That fucked me up worse and I couldnt hold down a job was in debt and fighting my parents. Lived at home so I couldnt get away. And this bitch was always over or being needy/clingy.
After a while I started melting down and she sensed this and found someone else. Fucked him behind my back and lied to me about it. I fucked a couple of girls before I found out but I just lost my shit. But she would never admit she slept with him. She would lie and say she was just sleeping over and they cuddled. And I was so fucked up at the time I put up with it. Despite all the evidence against. She ended up getting hooked to meth and now they live together but she's probably fucking other dudes. Fucked her a few times before she admitted she was sleeping with him.
I went to some dark places. Ended up dropping out of uni that semester after him and I got in a fight. Gave him a black eye and he scratched my lip. I was so lost I ended up seeing the only way as getting back at her was to fuck someone else in front of her. She had a cuck fetish at the time so she went with it. I fucked a hooker and stared this bitch in the eyes while I did it.
a massive fear of mine is cheating on my girlfriend, shes so wonderful and i love her to pieces, i know i wouldn't do anything to intentionally do that, but i'm scared of other people taking advantage of me when i'm drunk and shit.
i claim i'm not racist. i'd like to believe i'm not racist but i hate the chinese
GF was an ex drug addict. For some reason we ended up at a party where meth was being used (her old drug of choice)
We both gave it a try and it was my first time.
Long story short,
Meth makes you very horny, and I watched two other guys fuck her that night
I hypnotize people and when they're under I jerk off next to them. Haven't been caught yet
end it now faggot
can you type the long story
You might want to seek help and don't talk to someone like that..
>implying Stalin wasn't Jesus Christ
i'm so sorry man, only time will heal this shit
it's ok to cry, things will turn around m8
according to the media, yes, You are a racist
got molested too. Fucked up everything. And forget her, you deserve someone better
No greentext?
The characters in Brokeback Mountain were totally straight too, they just happened to love the cock.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
right wt is wrong with the noobskis
When my nephews stay at my house I let them shower with me and my gf if they want to. their parents are conservative godfags who do all they can to detrimentally shield their kids from reality.
i really hate hipsters but i dress like them, talk like them & listen to their music. also, i hate beards but i have one. i see myself as creative but i've never created anything. also i drink coffee but i hate it
i hate chinese
I've licked, sniffed multiple pairs of my friends wifes panties. They were sweet and succulent and i fantasized about her in them while jacking off in their shower
you sir, are a fag
Kys cuck
> be me
> gf is ex meth head
> we go to party
> both use meth
> giant 6'5 nigger there
> she knew him
> introduces Tyrone and his brother desean
> her and Tyrone start making out
> to stunned to stop it
> they start having sex
> to beta to leave
> start crying and jerking off
> desean makes me fluff him so he can pound her next
> clean Tyrone off once they are done so I can taste gf (she wouldn't ever let me taste her)
> desean pounding her while I clean Tyrone
> clean desean off once they're done
> score tasted her twice now
> bam instant alpha status for me
are you a hipster? just wondering.. because i think hipsters are the ultimate conformists
I fantasize about worshipping my younger sister's feet
I'd say although this is weird it's pretty tame compared to some secrets revealed on Sup Forums (assuming those secrets are legitimate)
Huh. Thats not how it happened
I killed Olof Palme
meth is so white trash
naah I donĀ“t know what I am, but not a hipster
My nerves were so high I actually went by his house and checked his trash to see if she was there or if she was lying. I knocked on the door but they wouldnt answer. I actually bought her a car for our anniversary she used to go to his house. Took it from her house and sold it as revenge. Even though it was in my name.
My sexuality was so fucked up at that time I was drinking and smoking pot all the time. Crying constantly. Broke down constantly. Broke af and completely lost.
Kept chasing her. Helped her kick the meth one but she went back there and was hoped. Called her the day after her bday cause I couldmt get through the day before. She was fucked up on meth (fyi she didn't get introduced to it by him, it was another friend be just bought it for her) and went on about how we're done etc. Decided in my head we need time apart and I need to be better for her. I was dating someome before this happened who I dumped causr I was still in love with my ex so I didnt want to drag her through it. She accepted it and moved on unfortunately.
My ex and i got in contact again and I was doing really well by that time. I went out and happened to meet the same friemd that introduced her to meth and asked her if my ex had been sleeping with that guy. She said yes.
Wehn I confronted my ex she denied it. I didmt think anything of it until I asked her to meet me out and she admitted it. I was on anti depressants already so it got worse. From the time I found out she was seeing him and she denied it till now I must've spent thousands on drugs and hookers.
Thankfully Id started seeing psychologist which helped me get through shit. Had a motorcycle accident a month ago and that made me have unable to escape my thoughts. Only thing to do was stay at home and smoke pot. Ive always been restless never realised it was due to trauma. I only realised how badly its been fucking with my head and how much time ive lost. Right now im kicking my sex addiction working out and reading. My mind and body feel free and everyday seems amazing. Im naturally happier and my game with women has increased tenfold. My body hurts still due to the accident but I can exercise which is awesome. Hopefully I'll get a massive pay out from the accident so I can get out of debt and travel. And buy myself some new shit. My brain seems to be functioning a lot better and i feel smarter and more co-ordinated and it shows. I start uni tomorrow and I can't wait to just get on with everything.
First time I've said everything out loud at once. lol actually tearing up. This is probably going to get lost in cyber space but fuck it, it was worth it. If you've read this, thanks for listening you Sup Forumsastards
I also hate trendy hipsters, like despise them, but I do like their haircuts and do sport pic related's haircut myself
FUCK sorry
I work for a company that gets hired to promote agendas or products on social media websites. We pretend to be consumers. On Sup Forums we post anti white stuff. Thats been popular lately. On Facebook/twitter we have hundreds of fake accounts dedicated to making certain topics trend and what not. Ask me anything I guess.
nice. doesn't it feel better to get it off your chest. like a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders
what part am I exactly supposed to greentext wtf
Haha yeah i tried once with pills and driving. Unfortunately I've always had good reflexes so I lost control of the car but handled it quickly.
explain the anti white posting
So basically you sucked two niggers so they could get your girl high and fuck her? Yea real alpha status for you.
I hope the best for you
Nobody cares
Thats very clearly a joke post
i wanna kill you
I want to make out with my cousin's friend
she's 7
honestly i doubt it's the original guy who posted that. ya got rused.
what the fuck dude
He posted something else and someone else asked for details, I think it's real
Thanks dude, that means a lot
>well admittedly what i did was kinda stupid
Lemme see your butthole gril
he's sick. that's what the fuck