How can one girl be so lucky ?
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I want to get into Daisy Ridley. Was she ever in anything but Star Wars? Star Wars worth watching? Will I get the story if I don't know the old movies? Also post dem webms
>I want to get into Daisy Ridley.
we all do but her fucking bodyguards won't let us
i think it's her lucky forehead
I want to have consensual passionate sex with her in missionary position with the intent of procreation, if you know what I mean.
Who hasnt seen star wars
She looks so much better with long hair. Why do they force her to pull it up in Star Wars?
I don't know any of these old movies. Today I only watched back to future because of a qt thread on Sup Forums. I hate watching/listening new stuff I don't already know.
>passed over for Lara Croft
Not that lucky.
She actually looks cute in that.
It was a long process of selection
hnnng indeed
top kek
Shitty cuck caption aside this settles it. Topqt. How much is she in the movie? Also gib me basic info about star wars please just so I can understand what's going on
>How much is she in the movie?
Well she's the main fucking character.
>1 woman and lots of black guys
not going o breed a lot of babies that way
Imagine her getting fucked every single night by Bodega's BBC.
>luke skywalker?
>I thought he was a myth...
that delivery was awful and i cringed in my seat when I saw it in the theater
implying she's into blacks
i fap to the thought of that everyday
want to see this little qt get bred by a bull
her everything was awful, to be honest
Now that IG screenshot with the hashtag #toostrongfortoolong
So cute
>blatant reddit underage daisy waifu thread
>not deleted
just fuck my board up senpai
at least she's a little bit athletic
i could watch this all day
fuck off with your shit taste
she wasnt naturally at all in tfa
Where to get a Daisy Rey gf? Why does she hang out with nigs so much or are they all in the movie?
>hasnt seen new star wars
>hasnt even seen the old star wars
So you have electricity on your Toga Toga islands? And internet?
go outside
its called immigrants
Is that uncommon? I haven't seen James Bond or Indiana Jones or all these either.
She is so cute it hurts. I can only imagine what it's like to hear her adorable accent with that video.
literally no body
dead career general?
>dead career
>currently in Star Wars
After episode IX is released, feel free to post that.
She is souless. If you've seen the video of her crying on command you can imagine how used she is by Hollywood producers, agents and directors.
shes still a nobody oscar issac is more well known
It's a tacital hairstyle for desert survival, you pleb.
there's this thing called "acting". it's pretty important to movies.
>not being as famous as another actor means that their not famous to begin with
>being one of the main characters in star wars equates to having a dead career
Are you retarded?
>crying on command
she does this in her every role, that's like serious acting, you know
She'll be in every JJ Abrams movie from now on. YOU JUST KNOW
lmao this b8
literally the worst character in star wars. worse then hayden could ever be. bad character bad actor nobody cares
shes not even a good cryer
mods deleted all the webm's ?? why?
She looked great there.
Not baiting. See I hate watching new movies or listening to new music etc.
Didn't think that's uncommon
that manlet is disgusting
They always are.
a mary sue who can drive a spaceship with no training, can fix it like an aeronautical engineer, recommend improvements to its owner, and hold up in a lightsaber fight with a sith lord
needs a simple hairstyle designed for desert survival
She's so cute bros
>hold up in a lightsaber fight with a sith lord
>sith lord
Kylo isn't a sith lord.
>she will never command you to jerk off in front of her as she mocks and laughs at your small penis
Why go on living
sauce on that webm that got deleted a couple of times in this thread? its a girl (i assume Ridley) covering herself and pointing with her elbow?
That's Felicty Jones who is in Star Wars Rogue One.
it's Felicity Jones in some shitty flick
you pilot spaceships, and she is familiar with the cockpit since she deals with junk
she didn't fix anything, she disabled the compressor but yanking it out.
she knows more about the falcon's history than Han because duh, it was sitting in her back yard for years.
Kylo was injured and she needed Finn's help to fight him.
lmao you suck at this.
>b-b-but Kylo Ren isn't a sith lord
so he should totally get destroyed by someone who's never used the force or a lightsaber in their entire life
>inb4 b-but she's a sleeper agent by snoke I SWEAR!!
thanks bros; why is it getting deleted though?
i have no idea why but she would be perfect at femdom JOI's,
mods are homos
Rey is a shitty character 2bh.
>stuttering meme
Are you triggered by this, senpai? She has experience in fighting with a melee weapon as shown early in the movie when she's fighting off the muggers. It's implied that she can handle herself in a fight. Kylo got his shit pushed in by Chewie's bowcaster shot and got snagged a bit by Finn. It's not farfetched that she'd be able to put up a fight against Ren.
>more stuttering
Don't do this. Actually try to make valid points instead of going full autist. It just makes your posts look like b8, which I'm sure they're not, but you just seem a bit silly doing that.
just checked, she was 27 at LEAST when filming that movie (Chalet Girl), so im genuinely curious about the reason for deletion
>mods confirmed homo
I think it's that there is something sweet/innocent about her coupled with her accent. There is something about her I can't pin down.
Kylo was trained by fucking Luke Skywalker, there is no excuse for this shit.
>not even in the archive
mods are homos
i think it's the mouth for me, i have a weird attraction to that
>foot tattoo
And no sole pics, no thanks
Daisy is only hot when she's angry or scared.
When she smiles she looks like the fucking Banana Splits.
>Star Wars worth watching?
no, don't bother, unless you're into capeshit.
and Snoke
>it's a shitty waifu thread
>waaaahhh people on the internet are having fun
I hate Daisy, but kys senpai.
cute soles desu
>mary sue
>Daisy will never make you eat the nigger cum out of her asshole
"How ?"? Like asking "How did a one hit the jackpot?". I guess she kept doing something that she needed to do !!! Like not hitting a jackpot without buying a ticket. Orrrr... Can you come up with funny story that make us go "He He (笑´・艸・)" ?
Should she had gotten the Lara Croft role instead?
>those retarded swings with the dumbbell