my gf left me
what would Sup Forums do?
My gf left me
Drink heavily for a day then move on
Sup Forums would wish it remembered having a gf and then would fap
Get your necessary mourning in, and move on. Don't hang up over it for too long, because it likely doesn't matter as much as you may think it did.
fuck her new man in the ass, establish dominance
go to the gym, fatass
Sup Forums would post pics
Sup Forums is as normie as it gets
Get real fucking mad since I've been in relationship purgatory for a year now...
Live your life, u now got free time for yourself, play videogames, eat, fap and sleep all day.
Kill yourself
>calling people normie
Fucking cringelords
This is some bullshit. You expect and hold me to a higher threshold on this leaving stuff and you expect me to just quickly reconcile all my feels put them away and move on...
It's okay, everyone is replaceable even if no one admits it.
found the normie scum
The question is what woulod Sup Forums do, and obviously the answer is post on Sup Forums and be a sad faggot.
commit sudoku
This is just a dumb argument. No one knows how anyone reacts when shit like this happens.
look for a new chick to fuck
well yes....that's how we all deal with it.
this is the thanks we get for being honest?
well, I never!
There are about 3.5 billion women in the world. You'll find another one some day.
It will hurt for a time. But keep on going to college / work, hanging with friends, sports, etc. No matter how bad you feel, never ever skip, because this is a recipe for depression. If you don't have friends, go grab a drink with coworkers or start going to the gym to get out there.
After some time you will realize she is replacable.
Hang in there op, it will get better.
kill her
Seconding this. You're gonna make it OP.
thanks anons
you gotta haul up a few boots and old tires before a good fish ends up on the hook
find what you love most from life and start making progress towards it. start creating new memories and going through new experiences. let go of the past and look forward to the future
thank whatever gods you hail she just merely left
it's usually much worse
hahaha you have no idea how lucky you truly are
you young uns make me jealous sometimes
It may seem like a huge deal right now but it won't be after a couple of years. when a girl leaves you it is because they have planned to leave you for a while now and they are ready to get new dick. She has gotten over the grief process while being with you the last month or 2 and is emotionally ready to move on. You on the other hand just got dumped and are a mess. But if you follow these break up rules, you will thank yourself later.
1. Don't post shit about love or heartbreak on facebook or social media.
2. erase your ex from all social media and phone. erase all pics and get rid of little cute gifts you gave each other.
3. Don't ever contact your ex. through text, call, anything. If she hits you up don't txt back. If she hits you up again after that tell her what she wants? You can't be friends and if she wanted to talk to you she would of stayed with you. Then send that bitch away. This will save your manhood. Believe me.
Aright user, good luck. You are gonna be a pussy for a month or 2 but I think you will get over it and realize what I told you right now actually saved your self respect.
No prob user. You'll pull through, keep your mind off it.
Ain't that the truth. Gotta feel for OP's perspective though.
fuck off
scorched earth is always the best policy
> mfw when those commies were right all along
Great advice, follow that OP
You are right.
The main idea to remember is there is nothing to fix as you are not broken.
you gonna screw up stuff and take some lumps
and no one will punish you more than your own self keep that punishing to a minimum as there are plenty of folks out there gonna do it to you anyways.
no point in helping the mob there, you know?
chin up you poor devil. you needed this for your next conquest in the long run.
do not self-medicate.
there are no answers there.
go have fun.
find some old folks with humor and play a round of cards against humanity
you will be rolling in no time
play god of war series
Shit on her doorstep every night for 2 nights and change it up to mid afternoon on the back doorstep for 2 then early morning for another 2, so they can't catch you.
Keep jerking it, dude. As time goes on, when you come you'll moan her name a little softer and cry a little less, but you'll still imagine how hard she's coming on Chad's cock when he fucks her.