Thoughts on this guy?
Thoughts on this guy?
Hes a Big Guy
For little girls
he stopped to make movies around twenty five years ago
Filthy kike.
Repulsive child molestor
good mid-career
weak but not bad late career
his funny stuff is better because when he takes himself too seriously he reveals himself as not so smart as he likes to think
stardust memories is his best by far
Fuck off reddit
Legendary comedian, great filmmaker, fantastic writer. His contributions to the western cannon will continue to hold up after the ridiculous allegations have been forgotten to history.
> ridiculous
He adopted a kid then fucked it after it grew up.
>Legendary comedian
I never see any black character in any Woody Allen movies
Not exactly. That's how he's known, but that's not quite accurate.
Tell me this isn't funny.
He never adopted Soon Yi.
It might be funny if I couldn't HEAR the jew in his voice.
Larry David>Child Molesting Faggot
>neurotic kike
>fuck his wife's daughter
>she admits at age 7
>then marries his wife's adopted daughter
>gets away with all of it because he's a kike
>if anyone from Sup Forums did this they'd get put on a sex offender list and jail time
>people still unironically defend this
> mediocre comedy
Rivers Cuomo in 40 yrs desu
You may like this one.
I never laughed once and am confused as to what the audience was laughing about most of the time.
What films do you think qualify as him taking himself to seriously?
seems like a totally swell guy to me
t. Dan "I'm like Doug's friend Skeeter whenever I meet her,
Because I skeet her so hard, people call her Patty Mayonnaise" Schneider.
you probably have never see Take the money and run...
>all sexual accusations are TRUTH
fuck off reddit. woody allen dindu nuffin
feel the bern
what was he doing before that?
The victim of a sustained campaign of slander by his crazy whore ex-wife and her brainwashed children. Also one of the greatest comedic filmmakers of the 20th century.
books.....or movies, or at least he tried
he never married Mia.
the accusation can't be heard in court anymore because of statutory limits.
when it did go to court there was no consensus found.
therefore it will always remain an accusation.
she got a tough break but there's literally no way to prove it at this point.
Should get Chinese castrated so he can stop jerkin' off his ex kids.
But I thought he was already making movies long before 25years ago.
He'll be remembered for his contributions to entertainment, not for the accusations.
I highly doubt it.
Look at Barry Bonds. What are the 2 things people remember about him?
And Michael Jackson?
what about blue jasmine that shit was amazing
Pretty much this. Also people that express outrage at a consensual sexual relationship that's been ongoing for decades where both parties are entirely happy - just come across as bitter.
Roman Polanski didn't either. The chick said she forgives him and thinks he's payed enough.
>It's another Sup Forums shits on an artistic career because of the personal life of the artist thread
> Implying you should ignore someone's personal life if they produce something great for society
OJ was a hell of a football player. And he sure was funny in the Naked Gun movies.
caravaggio actually KILLED some guy and ran away from justice: no museum or collectior gives a shit about it. this fucker, in the worst case commited a misdemeanor.
Woody "My Daughter's Hotter Than She Oughter" Allen
The protojew, the one all the kike guys try to imitate to pass off their awkwardness as charm
Child-molesting kike.
like his films
don't like him
are you a rape apologist? He did do it, that's what the settlement was based on. she said he deserves closure, not that he didn't do it:
>“I’m sure he’s a nice man and I know he has a family and I think he deserves closure and to be allowed to put this behind him. He said he did it, he pled [pleaded] guilty, he went to jail. I don’t know what people want from him.”
who did caravaggio kill
one of the greatest
god tier early career
good mid career
decent late career
some guy
some guy in a bar. they were both drunk and in those days people got killed in altercations all the time so it's not like he killed anyone important or anything.
Matthew Broderick on the other hand...
why should i care about henry kissinger
The comedy maestro!!!
Let me tell ya, Midnight in Paris was agonizing to watch. That same stupid plunky guitar theme coming in like every ten minutes, the broad strokes all the characters were painted in, that whole movie, man. Yuck.
> "I have lived many years and, after many trials and tribulations, I have come to the conclusion that the best thing is…blond twelve-year-old girls. Two of them, whenever possible”
I don't why people think his movies have less artistic value because he molested her. If anything the accusation makes his films psychologically richer and all the more interesting to discuss, just like with Polanski and Gira. They're all loaded with expressions of guilt and sexual anxiety; the fact that he might have molested a child only accentuates their complexity and introduces dark ambiguity to previously innocent images and scenes.
Applying your moral standards to art is just about one of the laziest, least interesting ways to analyze it. Art isn't supposed to be a safe reflection of your already established thoughts and opinions. The Christian right and histrionic progressives shouldn't be allowed to comment on art; it's simply too much for them.
There are child molestation jokes in Bananas and Hannah and her Sisters, probably some others. It is interesting to note. I bet he regrets those jokes these days.
If Polanski hadn't ran away to Europe to escape jail time, no one would have made a big deal out of it. He brought this all on himself.
Morals or no, artistic creation shouldn't be held above the law. If Woody Allen is held accountable for molestation in a court of law, he should serve his time.
for sure, not to mention super shady. but since the settlement all attempts to retrial him seem completely misjudged and disrespectful to the victim.
statute of limitations, bruh. unless new evidence comes to light the case can't be proven.
Woody Allan buttloving pedophile Peice of crap