ITT We share Pokemon Go tips

>ITT We share Pokemon Go tips

I'll start.

>Feed berries and always throw curve balls manually for difficult Pokemons, it ins't 100% but it helps
>Throw a pokeball right before the Pokeball appears, as far as Im concerned it works 100% of the time.
>The CP meter stays the same after you evolve a Pokemon
>Maximum CP increases as you level your character
>You can swipe left and right in gym battles
>Hold down on your screen to use your special attack
>If you have a dog, securely attach your phone to it and let it roam.
>If you turn your phone diagonally, it counts as walking.


Naming Eevee pyro Rainer or sparky evolves it into that element

why is there a child porn meter?

>If you turn your phone diagonally, it counts as walking


Hahahaha.... not. funny.

Alright here's my tips
>grow up
>stop playing an iPhone game made for 7 year olds
>stop going out in public staring down at your phone clapping every time you catch a japenese cartoon monster
>get rid of your anime dolls
>become a fucking man


>grow up

Lad ur on Sup Forums. Pot and kettle that

Stop telling people what to do, you retarded old motherfucker.. get out of the basement you pedophile fuck.

Hold your phone diagonally, not straight or flat, then turn/spin it. For me the character starts walking around.

>be an adult while I post this children's cartoon character on the most mature board of the most mature website

Go to town and get a fuck ton of balls

Stop with this faggoty shit.
Im going back to my trap thread now

That's joke's not overused at all yet...

Butthurt leddit tourists
Stay mad fags


Butt hurt virgins defending their japenese cartoon monsters


Its too late user
You dun goofed

cable clamp?

Hose clamp

You dun goofed twice boy

>can't easily recognize the new meme of the year

Gtfo newfag

kek, I read that as "Horse clamp"


Can confirm for Sparky

Of all the rumors, I was the most surprised that this one is true. Or I just got lucky three separate times.

The next big maymay for 4chins
What don't you understand?

It worked she me, my bro and his gf. It's legit.

This is a naughty one

if you have problems with your phone lagging out when you catch a pokemon. Its your GPS working over time.

>simply put your mobile device in the fridge for 2-3hours. Or overnight for the best effect

>Your nanos will be in a relaxed state and you can play without lagging out.

You mad?


I only came here to insult pokemon go players

u fat?

putting a phone in a freezer kills the battery

Anybody knows any good Gps hack for android ? I used to used xposed pokemon but it has become very jumpy.

>Stop playing a fucking childrens game kill yourself

>mature board
>mature website
You must be new here, because I haven't met a single mature person here.


oh shut up. No it doesnt. Are you some kid of selfproclaimed IT expert?

>Doesn't get sarcasm

Pokemon Go is life. Get used to it nigger.

you want to have a number of battle pokemons and hold numerous gyms. Every 24h you will get 500 fairy dust and 10 gold coins for each pokemon . for some reason they thought its a good idea to put the collect button in the shop menu .... jewmons

Not the fridge though. Its just like cooling a pc.


>hang your self

Always curse and abuse devs for lack of communication.


About what? That you're low level or picked the wrong team?

i got this acc to 19 in less than a hour
>btw I cheat
>I only play to sell

Free lures
>San fran

What can you sell them for?

I use

I sell level 20s accs for $50. (Blank inventory)
For requested Pokemon on the acc it costs a little extra.
Also I complete the pokedex with all region Pokemon included. Excludes mew, mewtwo, ditto and the 3 birds.

>he said on an anime imageboard

>forced meme is forced

where do you sell them?

The person that post squidward dabing


>The CP meter stays the same after you evolve a Pokemon
but why do i get such huge differences in CP level when I evolve for example Evees that are virtually the same CP level BEFORE I evolve them? its huge


Can someone tell me what it actually means in terms of Pokemon cause I've been unable to google that to find out lol.

save your lucky eggs until you can evolve massive (15+ amounts of pokemon), you get double the XP for everything you do for the next 30 minutes.
you can easily get multiple levels if you prepare your gameplay for lucky eggs

combat points aka level

Rainer with upper case R, rest with lower case? or irrelevant?

Jesus Christ where do you live

>I started this account 3 days ago and only played one hour
>I cheat
you're just a fucking retard, Ok?

YOU must be new here. Or you have no sense of sarcasm

I always saw it with Capital R , but not sure if it matters

thank you

what about pyro and sparky? must be lower case?

I started playing it today and caught a rapidash in like 3 minutes

is rapidash rare?


hello newfriend

My Sparky has a capital S

Lol, you just Jelly brah of how easy I'm owning your little baby pokemans. It's 3 days old cuz that's when I made the new bunch of emails to play on wittle man. Get gud.

I've actually met quite a few girls playing Pokemon Go

The best pokemon can be found hanging out on Train tracks and just inside the fence of electrical substations.
Go look there.

only 50$? how long does it take you to get to 20?

how do you not get banned using gps spoofing?

You have won, good sir.

Children effectively trolled: 12 and counting

Tops 45minute

Simply not true... its not possible - Even with cheat to get to lvl 19 in 1 hour or even 10

>unironically living in San Fran

>average user age: 32
>grow up

>Le epic troll. 10/10 my Le good sir 'tip'

Shittiest bait I've ever seen matey. Try harder next time

45 mins to lvl 20.. not possible AT ALL.. there is NO cheat out there, that can get you to lvl 20 in even 10 hours, you fucking troll.

proof of it being an hour old?

Be consistent with the locations and time it takes to move between.

we all need to take over a town

why would it? Cooling circuits increases conductivity

combat power i think


what program for gps spoofing?

breddy gud idea, only this in an international board, not every1 has good pokemans, not every1 is in the same team and not even many ppl r in the same city.

Depends on each pokemon's max power

Got your lip hooked didn't it you stank bitch

you are on fucking /b man.
You are as much of a piece of shit as we all are

after each greentext i caught myself saying "DAB..."

post good spots coordinates

use nox to play on pc
>not playing on valor

how do i spoof?