Will it be better than the last season?
'Prison Break' Reboot Trailer at Fox Upfront 2016!
Why in God's name did this faggot play Chris Redfield I will never let that down.
didn't he electrocute himself to death or something
how the fuck is t-bag not in prison
>the entire male cast hasn't aged a day
>the only female is fatter and clearly has plastic surgery
What a shocker
Does he use the captain cold voice in prison break?
Hey, I remember this show. I don't actually remember anything about the plot, though. Should I pick it up again?
I won't watch it as long as T-Back, Bellick and Mallone are not in it, they were literally the best characters of the show
You should pick up a book and try to learn to talk like a human being and not a fuccboi
The first season and maybe the second season beyond that it's garbage
TAKEN: The Show
I really liked the warden and abruzzi to
>every season but the first was shit.
Why do this? I mean please tell me if I'm being a contrarian here, but I really feel that this show overstayed its welcome and that a reboot will just end up getting canned like heroes reborn.
as usual, underrating s2
The second was good, remember it had based Bank Manager playing some FBI agent.
Wow, that's really rude of you. Frankly this was my first post on Sup Forums and I'm very offended. I'm going back to Sup Forums and I'll let them know that Sup Forums is a rude board.
Okey-dokey, I also just remembered I really liked the homosexual.
To be fair it is a long time since I've seen the show so season two could be decent for all I know.
special thanks to flash for reviving prison break
I liked 3 too desu
specially now that we are way past the golden age of tv shows
>rebooting a mediocore show
Why they do this
Scofield's Bizarre Adventure - Prison is Unbreakable
is he in a loo prison?
yeah meh too
the series was a parody of itself after season 2, but i liked season 2, too.
especially because bank manager broke some necks and went thru a 24h drug rehab
The first half is great, the second is awful because of that annoying guy
the mexican guy or the guy he had to break out?
This actor is weirdly attractive for a middle aged man nomsayin?
>people acting like they're not gonna watch it
i'll see you all in the first livethread faggots
Every single character in the Resident Evil movies were completely miscast.
Is the Bank Manager back too?
Except Ada
is it an all female reboot?
How much spolier/10 is the trailer?
Hard to say, it shows some characters of the main cast from season 1 alive, and maybe the ending to the first episode of season 5
idk they're in Turkey that's all you can really tell.
Yeah I just watched it. They didn't need to show some of the characters like Theo or Michael. Also whats with the disgusting colour correction it makes it look so cheap.
k so, the chick is married to a black guy, but the black guy is raising his wife's son.
is michael the cuck, or the black guy?
i'm a little hard
What the fuck is going on, how the fuck is he alive, why the fuck are they bringing back this show?
That said I fucking loved the first two seasons of Prison Break, but then they went off the rails with how retarded the plot got
they are in egypt or iran or some shit you dumb fuck. the writing on the paper was in arabic.
its set in britain
triggered much. It could well be Turkey from those city shots
why would i be triggered turks talk and write in turkish. every foreign writing in that trailer was in arabic.
i think it was france
You really shouldn't be calling others dumb fucks
wtf just wtf man.
There shouldn't be a anything past 2nd season, they make all those shitty seasons and now, not yet happy with how the ruined it, they film this?
I just lost my shit.
Not Turkey, Egypt or Iran. Its actually Yemen, look at the flag at 1:20.
Seems like you Americans don't know shit about the rest of the world
>how the ruined it, they film this
as if anything beyond season2 didn't already ruin any seriousness the series ever had
Stay mad.
so its just a remake of season 1 and 3?
It's hard to care about countries you're going to turn into glass over the next two decades.
As much as season 3 and 4 went downhill. I am fucking hyped for this. The dude who wrote and created the first season is making it. I don't even give a fuck about him being electrocuted, as long as they give a somewhat coherent reason.
That whole last part was so bad. They left it with you thinking they all made it, Michael lived out what small time he had left with Sarah and all that but then that horrible forced shit with getting Sarah out of jail holy crap....
Sara? She looks exactly the same
When it comes to US, it is a close call. I know Iran's official language is persian. Thanks. But for an American viewer it is the same shit.
Agreed on Mahone tho
So did T-bag escape yet again lol? Wasn't he in prison again?
I feel like that trailer literally just showed all the major plot points of the entire season
I never saw the show. Are seasons 1 and 2 worth a pickup, or is it better to just not watch at all?
You're all retarded it's clearly all shot in a movie set in Toronto.
This board knows nothing about television.
Season 1 is one of the best seasons of TV ever imo. Season 2 is still great. Season 3 and 4 aren't as good but seeing as they are part of the world I already loved, I enjoyed them too. Its worth a watch.
1 and 2 are kind of good, 3 and 4 are great (if you watch it as a parody of the first 2 seaons)
Season 1 is amazing and season 2 is great. If you liked the first two seasons at all you might as well watch 3 and 4 as well. Even though the quality went downhill they are still entertaining
>hating on bellick
what's not to like about a 40 year old fat dude living with his mom?
the guy was comedy gold, especially the eulogy t-bag gave him.
This, you still like watching it for the characters and shit.
But it gets so far from the first season you end up really wanting to watch it again.
Also this, he was Sup Forums the character
>tfw you'll never be fit natty like lincoln
Worst feel
why even live?
It's a fucking movie. Go shove a dildo up your mother's ass and get over it. This faggot has made more money than you're entire family put together. How does that make you feel?
All I remember well about this show is how much they fucking backstab each other and how much the plan always fails and they leave it on a cliff hanger.
One of my favourite shows, so many memories man...
Season 1 and 2 are Elder God Tier television on par with the best shows ever.
Too bad the writers' strike messed up season 3, the show never recovered. Altho we still did have some lulzy threads for the last season.
Mahone and Keller were everyone;s favourite characters and "Keller is alive!" was much the same as "Stannis is alive!" nowadays. Nothing changes I guess.
Also lol at this dude.
>hey we managed to escape the prison and get coopers money too!
>before we sail away ensuring our freedom, let us stay docked for a moment to contemplate life
Enter Asian cop
this was/is a great show.
Not so bad.
Man... I would have been frozen in place with my hands death gripping that money.
Looks terrible.
How did T-bag survive all the seasons of the show goddamn?
I dropped it when they were in the south american prison but didn't i have like 3 more seasons after that
He was worth it just for the Mahone torture scene
It had one season after that and a shitty movie.
Damn straight. Actually enjoyed his death quite a lot.
>black guy named "mr white" just spelled wrong
And jill.
Basically the redfields were fucked up. I could sorta see him as leon, though.
They shouldn't have shown he escapes in the fucking trailer.
I dont care in the end he is still a faggot thus has a mental disorder.
This guy knows what's up.
Where's Gretchen?
So are they just gonna keep getting imprisoned and then escape over and over again?
>that recent nude scene of hers
fucking disgusting what happened to her body
they are rebooting the show with the same actors? is it a new season or what?
Will watch every episode, just like I watched every episode of Heroes Reborn. Feel free to fight me
It's a continuation of the series. Same actors, etc. Watch the trailer, it explains it.
No he doesn't ham it up that much.
You'll regret it. I didn't even bother watching more than 30 seconds of the final season
Season 4 was awesome
I'll also watch 24: Legacy and Star Trek 2017 and you can't stop me.