You watch this .webm

You watch this .webm
what do

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curse myself for wasting a minute watching this dumbass webm

We live in a world where robot's feed humans.

Dont mess with kuka robots

open a sausage pack

a beer

and praise Ahriman

I imagine that this is some alien civilisation's technology and these are human's bodies. That's also why I'm a vegetarian.


Um, I go back to eating dog because it's fucking delicious?

be mildly interested in the process that goes into making my food

You're a vegetarian don't want to be alien food?


Man I thought people did most of that by hand in factories

I wonder how often that thing needs to shut down to be cleaned, and how slippery the floor is from all the cow juice

Be impressed by the fact we have robot butchers breaking down pigs to feed the masses.

Just looks like food to me.

Shit dead, yo.

spotted the nigger

technology is fucking sweet

... yeah and they also make cars and packaged food and most things you see at any Wal-Mart.
Robotics are a very large component in all modern day industrialism. It's just sophisticated engineering designed to undergo this very same motion over and over again in order to streamline the process.

Think that shit like this is the reason there are no jobs, cutting cost like this helps the buissnes but fucks everything else kn the long run


do a 360 and walk away

pls explain
also checked

no it's not

I thought the same thing, that would be a really cool scene for a horror movie.

and yet people only seem to blame immigrants, makes you think

kek my idea exactly

The engineering that went into those robots and that line is incredible also no hair in my meat from some Mexican dropping it on the floor before packaging it

You do you, pham

it's just a feel, I cant explain

Holy shit that's pretty cool. I use to have to do that with no machinery as a kid. THEY TUK R JUBS!

>what do
fire up the bbq

I wonder why we bother with manual labor butchering pigs.

Do you mean the grill?

Stop killing the plants you vegan shit! plants have the will to live!
here's a tip, go to internet, find a cannibal man, tell them you're interested

it's great when the mankind comes away from 'that you get money only for work' shema.
Some amount of money must be free every month for everyone.

grill < suburban fags cooking steak. BBQ means entire pig cooked at once for an entire party!

No, because human are treating living and feeling creatures like objects, without care about their suffering, just to fullfil people's greed for money and food. I know that we wouldn't like it if some aliens would do the same thing with us so I don't approve of it. We didn't even notice when we became the monsters we would fear.

yeah, spotted the welfare cumslut.

Those are lambs. Non robotic butcher here

[loses job internally]

Its easyer for dumb people to point fingers rather then analize the situation and take into consideration shit like the webm brings up along with other things

That's silly. If dogs or chickens had won and they evolved to build societies, they'd treat us like cattle

semantics at this point really.



the precision is very impressive. robotics has come a long way

What's wrong with welfare?
You shouldn't live in a country where you're forced to pay for something you don't believe in. Pack your bags and go.

That's amazing


lamb > pork

Proper butchery, takes into account what he's doing based on the moment in picture, not off of dimensions... Naturally this does not replace a proper butcher. IT does however make cheap meat for walmart. So, be a proper butcher and show these machines up. Can't be hard steak from walmart blows goats.

Think that the engineering and design behind this is fucking amazing

>what do

I was literally yawning.
Boring shit, you're a fag as usual op.

yeah semantics, since we're whining about how questionable meat is questionably processed.

And would you like them to treat us like cattle? Well, I am like the rare cool evolved dog or cat who wouldn't eat human.

That mentality is like saying chicken, quail and duck are just semantics

That's just a baseless assumption and a bad argument. "We're justified to treat animals immorally because they'd do it to us if they could!" So fucking stupid

If dogs and cats were the definitive intelligence reigning earth I'd say it wouldn't matter how we felt about how we were treated. Especially if it were cats. Those fucks have no fucks to give.

What makes you think that meat was questionable?

Fuck off cunt its likr 4am here, how abiut u bring sothibg goovdssja a jaba asheufh s kei

Yeah it is really fucking is... when the meat is handled on a dimensional basis alone? yeah... it's fucking semantics. Did you watch the video and understand what is happening or did you just wanna argue about animals in the farm yard?

Hey edgy poster did you look at the thread? I think two posters so far said anything about morality of the situation. You're the third who felt it even worth mentioning, which just goes to show how much of a try-hard you're being.

Most people are talking about the extreme ends of automation of labor and how that will effect the world/US specifically.

eat pork steak

Well, it's being handled on an assembly line. Rather than cut by hand. Do you think this is how Kobe Beef is treated?

requesting more robot butcher vidyas

Invest in SKYNET

that robot has my dream job

Doesn't make the meat questionable though. I get that kobe is treated well etc but "questionable meat" is more along the lines of unsafe to eat etc don't know much about nature do you? Google "food chain and how it works"

we eat meat
it doesnt really matter how the animal dies so long it dies
this is life
once you die you cease to exist.
it doesn't matter that it felt pain in the last seconds of its life.
it is now dead
it feels nothing because it doesn't exist.
>complaining about how an animal is prepared for food

No it really isn't, there is different cuts from different animals. Eat something besides ramen and Doritos.

Get a job you lazy piece of shit and stop draining money from the tax system.

And I don't give a shit that lowlifes will loose their jobs.

And my picture was just showing that there are jobs who will never be made by machines.
It's only helal if a man cuts the throat of an animal.

We also live in a world where idiots still put an apostrophe when pluralizing nouns.
>people like you are idiot's idiots, idiot.

>now I will stop being a grammar nazi and start being a regular nazi

>i'm allowed to be stupid because it is a certain hour

You forgot to capitalise, smartarse

that was not a halal cut. you are not supposed to plunge the blade into the neck.

wtf I hate chicken now

This is what happens when liberals constantly raise minimum wage

what do

Your face when it's been proven that plants react to external stimuli, such as how the droop at night and perk back up again in the morning, almost as if they sleep. They also communicate with pheromones and such too. I'd almost say that plant like can be almost as complex as insects and such.

What are you going to do when it's discovered plants are self aware? Not like you can just stop eating, though it wouldn't be a bad thing if every vegan did that.

You can't treat something which abides by no morals immorally you fucking faggot

I'll just leave it here.

You really are an ignorant bitch. They don't just feel pain in the last seconds of their life, their whole existence is suffering. Go fucking educate yourself. And if you're going to use nihilism as an argument to say that nothing we do matters so we might as well, then you should just kill yourself immediately

That's not how morality works you idiot loll

We're not talking about some sand dune country that won't have automation like seen in the OP for another 150 years, though.

Spotted the defensive vegan pussy. I'd be willing to bet my gains gained from eating meat would put you in the ground faster than you can scream PETA HELP ME

He mad

Every animal pretty much exists in suffering compared to even the poorest human. not having self awareness must be terrifying.

Wages are supposed to scale with inflation, don't be an idiot.

Apparently you don't understand how protein works, if you actually workout you'd know you need more protein than just eating meat daily can give you. Another dumb bitch

do you eat fish?

>Stop killing the plants you vegan shit! plants have the will to live!
Underrated post of the century, love how all the vegan fags feel so superior for "not killing life" when that is exactly what they are doing to plants.

They do have self awareness... there's lots of studies that prove so. Some animals even recognize their reflection as themselves. And animals in the wild are not in constant suffering, especially not compared to factory farm situations

Those food prep conditions are so clean. It makes me feel safe that my food is prepared in a 1st world country.

I eat every thing. I don't have the moral high ground here but what I'm saying is still true

So mad. You're a piece of shit lmao.

All I see is modern technology being as efficient as possible. Anyone that says this is a bad thing cannot embrace progress.

Whatever dude, thanks for adding your worthless opinion and not actually making any argument or adding anything to the discussion. It shows how little brain activity you have going on. You're either a dumb kid and there's still hope for you or a retarded adult in which case you should kill yourself

it doesn't matter how much it suffered in life. they are a lower life form which exists to sustain us, the superior life form

>hurr durr how wood u feal if aliums came and did that 2 u WUT THEN???
if a superior life form over powers and enslaves us for nutrients, so be it. they have won and we have lost. dumb ass. I'll bet you that alien society has risen above petty moral concepts and strives for efficiency. there won't be any arguments among them about how fairly we should be treated, and I bet they euthanize their disabled and retarded.