>If I was white would you even have to ask me that question?
What was with the random white guilt shit at the end? It was a pretty good movie up until then.
If I was white would you even have to ask me that question?
what the fuck is that shitty poster.
what was the question?
He's writing/reading out loud his personal statement for his Harvard application. He talks about his upbringing, struggles, and academic achievements (straight As, extra curriculars, the works), then says on the lines of, "Am I right for your school? Would you even ask if I was white?".
Maybe cause it's true?
>race is in the background for the entire movie
>"what was with that random race shit at the end?"
No it's not, the prompt was something like "Why should you be accepted?" I'm sure they don't give that prompt out specifically for blacks
Also movie was good for the 1st half, kid didn't deserve to go to harvard cause he was a criminal, he was good until he decided to fuck it all up
Also the girl was annoying and I'm glad she got btfo about the white guy saying nigger
Widely agreed that was the absolute worst part of that movie.
But he's right, if he was white you wouldn't even ask that question
What's with the obvious cut and pasting in the cover? Their heads were just thrown on there.
It's just preachy as all fuck, is all, not saying it's wrong.
It's like if Forrest Gump ended with a really hamfisted message about mental retardation.
Nothing to get worked up about, I didn't think I'd like it but overall it was cool and I didn't like the part with the girl whining about nigga so it's not like I'm some blm guy
Yeah man I totally agree this movie was a good movie and for all races till that dumb nigger shit at the end. Pissed me off too. It was so random. Nowhere else in the movie even talks about race they just talk about their neighborhood. Literally no race is talked about till that end part. Totally stupid.
When I went to Harvard I was asked that question. I'm white.
It is wrong though
yea blacks sure do have it tough when it comes to getting into college
>Literally no race is talked about till that end part.
>movie opens by describing the MC as "into white shit"
>things that never happened
It's wrong to be racist too, you racist
Stop oppressing me
Are you kidding? That's like a standard fucking question for a uni application at probably 90% of schools in north america. It has literally nothing to do with race.
>being so insecure you're triggered this hard by it
Pretty much every university asks prospective students why they want to attend, just like almost every job interview you have they either directly ask why you want to work there or they ask a series of questions meant to derive the answer to that.
I guess Sup Forums is far NEETer than I thought.
This is by far the best scene
They had to stand on their soapbox at some point, and they figured tnat was the right time to do it.
I don't disagree with the idea of Black Lives Matter, there's a racial bias in this country and I'm fully aware of it. However, when your movie is comprised mainly of teenage drugrunning shenanigans and jokes about White Shit and calling people nigga, it's extremely fucking jarring to suddenly go full Black Power.
>If I was white would you even have to ask me that question?
No. The question is why do you want to attend, something they ask everyone who applies. This question is dramatically different from "am I right for your school?"
what is the idea of Black Lives Matter?
I think it's that black lives matter. Just a guess.
So basically it's just another Jew WE WUZ flick.
It nearly ruined the movie for me. I'm not even a fucking Sup Forums maniac; if a film goes for a message like this, it has to be handed well. There are tons and tons of films that make a great exploration of blackness or black youth, films like Menace II Society or Do the Right Thing. Those movies had a coherent narrative and theme right from the start, and it was handed pretty well right from the start.
This movie? It was a goofy 90's throwback jam, a pretty funny and interesting movie. It made its point right when he pulled the gun out at the bully imo and it could have just ended there.
But it didn't. It slammed on the breaks and went into an awkward monologue where the main character LITERALLY turns towards the audience and explains the "deep message" of the film.
Except this monologue seems like its for a whole different movie.
>"Why do I want to go to Harvard? If I was white, would you even ask?"
Yes, actually. It's a standard question. And I get it, he was trying to make the audience look inwards and judge their own biases. Except I didn't feel bias. I understood completely why he wanted to go the Harvard. He was a really smart kid and the whole fucking tension of the movie came from the chance of him blowing his chance. I don't think anyone in the audience even questioned why he wanted to go because that's not how the movie was written.
So who is he questioning? Is it Harvard essay readers who would probably jizz at the chance of letting in an inner-city genius? Is it the audience who empathizes with him every step of the way? Is it the concept of of the essay itself?
It's like Famuyiwa made one movie and then all these race issues got huge and he wanted a piece of the action so he wrote this ending, trying to make it seem like a big social commentary all along.
It's shitty writing and, even worse, it's totally disingenuous.
>Black Lives Matter
Are you fucking stupid?
I agree with you, but you're about to get a ton of replies from racist NEETs in denial and I say this as someone who has problems with lots of niggers anyway
Black Lives Matter so they should be able to commit crimes without consequence because your life doesn't matter.
Which means what?
Which means a black man who's carrying a fake sword for an Afro Samurai cosplay shouldn't get gunned down while a guy who literally killed people at a showing of DKR gets brought in peacefully.
Am I being trolled?
It means the lives of black people matter.
Asap rocky was the best part
>"Have you heard of chairman maos peoples republic? It sounds like a great idea!"
>"oh, yeah? What's it about then?"
>"I dunno, judging by the name I think a peoples party or something"
[Starvation intesifies]
>That fucking Trayvon Marton hoodie
I forgot how ridiculous this ending was.
then what? sounds like an extremely vague slogan rather than any kind of idea
I can cherry pick too! The fact is, when dealing with police, you might get shot. It's a serious problem but it has nothing to do with skin color, despite what hysterical racially obsessed liberals on facebook tell you.
I think spooky cops and their spooky trigger fingers are a problem, along with killing fleeing suspects.
But you just strongly implied cops should have rolled up and started shooting a suspect that was sitting passively with no intention of fleeing or fighting because he was recently involved in a heinous crime.
Think about that, think about the police state you want to live in.
I'm not saying they should have killed the DKR guy, I'm saying that it's strange how he gets treated like an actual human being, with the whole arreated peacefully thing, while a cosplayer gets BTFO because he's got...a fake sword.
Just seems a bit sketchy.
I'm willing to accept that, it's a fair point. I just was noting a couple high-profile cases to illustrate my point.
He was just saying pick him for his own merits as a person not because he's black because they wouldn't question a white guy
Stop saying everything is white guilt or SJW. You guys are just as bad as the people who say everything is racist/sexist/ableist whatever.
But they would question a white guy, with that very same question, which is why it makes no sense
It's sketchy because you're creating context.
The one guy panicked, and behaved erratically which set off the police. They opened fire on him because they were in a reactive state.
The other situation is the offender was in a deliberate and passive state, and was actively surrendering. They hato detain him. He wasn't making any drastic or sudden actions so they did not react.
You're trying to make this a race thing. But it's just ignoring every aspect of the scenario.
How should they have treated the shooter then? You seem to be kind of contradicting yourself. He surrendered and sat there waiting to be arrested, should the police have started beating the shit out of him or something? People get shot because they run or attack the officers 90% of the time (of course there will be outliers and I don't defend police action in cases of killing actually peaceful suspects). If you don't want to get killed by police, get down on the ground when they fucking tell you to. It doesn't matter how much you think you didn't do anything, if someone's gun is drawn on you you don't fucking charge at them or run.
>what is Beltway Sniper
Alright, alright. That's fair.
I'm saying they should have treated the black guy the same way they treated the white guy, not the other way around.
But the black guy wasn't behaving the same way as the white guy so why the hell would they warrant the same response?
I give up, those were obviously the wrong examples to pick.
This movie was good but if yall really want to feel white guilt from a recent movie, go watch Chiraq.
I watched it with a black girl and my god.