Watching Troy (2004)

>watching Troy (2004)
>look it up on wikipedia
>realize that the Trojan war never actually happened

I genuinely didn't know that

It did though

nuh uh

There is evidence of a buried city right where Troy supposed to have existed.Might have existed. Unfortunately Dionysus, Achilles and the other guys were not real. So it's still up for debate.

How do u know they didn't exist.. You cannot prove it.

>Achilles was not real

>People actually believe the trojans built a horse out of wood and stuffed some soldiers in it to offer to their enemy

Proove to me they didn't

the Greeks built the horse (according to legend) to get into Troy
jesus christ

Honestly its possible achilles existed not as the demigid he is portayed as in the iliad but just as an amazing warrior.

>Achilles is real
>Literally made up by the same guy that made up Atlantis.

Probably the only thing not real

Disprove it faggot. You're the one making the claim.


>made up

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>not real

Next you'll tell me Atlanta isn't real either

Plato made up Atlantis. Homer wrote about Achilles but he was not the first person to make up that legend. The Trojan war oral history and many Greeks believed it was real.

I swear there is nothing more annoying than reditors stouting around with their half-knowledge trying to look smart

What did I say that was wrong?

It was real and we know the factions involved, the characters may or may not have been based around real people and of course, being an epic poem they gave them extraordinary abilities.

>Homer wrote about Achilles but he was not the first person to make up that legend
>The Trojan war oral history and many Greeks believed it was real [implying it's not]
It's not about what you write it's this buttfucking enraging posting style where you take some common knowledge and reveal it as a great secret only you know and then add up some half-truths to seem smart and get a lot of upvotes.
Just fuck off of here you stupid pretentious cunt nobody wants you here take that shit for your fan theory about GoT or Inception or whatever.

Not only did the Trojan War happen, but it was part of a conflict of such scale that historians call it Works War 0.

It wiped out at least one major civilization. The "sea people", which lived in western turkey / eastern greece.

My """posting style""" is normal m8, I didn't phrase it to sound like a secret. Your autism has made you read into my posts in a bizarre way.

>Works War 0

World War 0*

the sea peoples didnt get wiped out by the trojan war
they raided egypt for a long ass time but almost nothing is known about them

A more recent theory is that the Trojan War was a catalyst of their disappearance

No you're a redditor. Piss off to your GoT thread.

lmao never watched GoT in my life autismo. Did somebody make you feel bad in another thread so you're taking it out here?

>research the Trojan war
>no mention of Trojan Man and his conquests

Really, history?

Sea people were still around during Rome weren't they?

According to the legend Aeneas and some of his people fled troy during it 's destruction and founded Rome, if we take this time line seriously it makes no sense that the sea people were wiped during the trojan war.

Aeneas' myth is one I would discount, it was wrotten long after the iliad, and was probably more of a story written for Roman pride as opposed to history

>built the Trojan Horse
>not the Greeks

Holy shit fucking idiots are actually agreeing with this dumbass who thinks the Trojans attacked the Greeks

>Teojans built the horse

user, time for bed, you have school in the morning.

Even if that were true
>pro tip, it's a myth
The founding of the city of Rome was many centuries before Rome became relevant to the rest of the works. Sea people who basically be extinct by that point.

But the Trojan War did happen. Maybe you've heard of a book called the Iliad. The existence of Achilles is the only thing even debatable.

Like most events in antiquity, it was probably inspired by real events, but the legend became the history over time. There is evidence to suggest there was a Trojan war, but we don't know any of the details. Probably didn't go down the way Homer said it did.

>Sea people

Fucking Aqua-Man!

I thought the sea people were the ones who fucked everyone up.

>historians call it World War 0
that would be the Seven Years War you retarded mongrel

Thats WW.V

>Implying it's not the Finnish-Korean Hyper War

Fucking ignorant shit

Bringing slaves over from Africa to North America was the slaves World War 0.

No, Troy was real and was located in modern day Turkey and there really was a war where the Greeks invaded it and beat the Trojans. That's about all we know for certain though.

Nokia vs. Samsung?

>Watching the vvitch
>Look it up on wikipedia
>Americans actually exist and act like that

If Sup Forums had their way we'd all be acting like that

They never found Troy, nor its gate for that matter.

da truf right der

it didn't.

It's a story passed down.

>European citizens act like retards in a foreign country
fixed that for you