Kino or shit?

kino or shit?

99.99% pure shit.

I couldn't find any corn in the turd, so it looks like a pristine quality of pleb-shit.


Misunderstood kino.
Fun movie that pays respect to its source material.
Also kate beckinsale.

kino for sure

This is the worst movie that I have ever seen in a movie theater. I would have walked out, but the date seemed to be into it.

So shit.


Its fun as fuck, its creative at times (the skin shredding werewolf), alright action, and it can be funny.

>tfw you will never accidentally stumble into a vampire aristocrat party and get a qt vampire to suck the blood from your balls
I'm not the only one, r-right guys?

Why do people hate this movie so much? It is pure fun. Atmosphere was top notch too.


It's at least more enjoyable than the Underworld movies.

Those pants of her are pure kino

Everything Huge Actman is in is Kino confirmed

It's kino for beckinsale alone

goat monster movie

Ive really yet to read one valid argument why this movie is bad
When I first looked it up on RT I was shocked

A really fun movie with awful pacing problems, some weird tonal shifts that didn't work at all, and hammy acting from everyone, though I think that ended up working in the movie's favour.

I loved this movie. My nephew watches this shit all the time and I watch it every time.


probably my favorite rendition of the "werewolf" it feels like a bearwolf, actually looks vicious and not like a scraggly mutt.

Watched it again a bit ago and while the CGI can look dated (especially for the Brides) everything else is great, music, art style, acting was top notch and the story wasn't half bad either.

this. nailed it.

its a fun 6/10 flick that knows not to take itself seriously outside of like 3 or 4 scenes where its kinda appropriate. if you break it down it has glaring problems but it still sorta works as a whole.

i can understand maybe people saying its bad, but i don't get the outright hatred.

surprisingly looks pretty good for being released in 2004

Shit, but a guilty pleasure that I sometimes imagine as a Castlevania movie.

One of the few examples of actual Shit-Kino

Impressive opening scene,
terrific score (one of the last great Alan Silvestri OSTs)
director pushes his insanity to the limits

Its really quite shit, but amazingly and incredibly so
Cheesy to the point of genius

Truly shit-kino

What other movies do you consider as shit-kino?

Shit-Kino is still an emerging movement, and we are still learning a lot about it, we only just begun to unearth it's earliest examples.

Tries to be as fun as the Mummy but comes up short basically. Not shit, but not exactly great either, very uneven.

Robin Hood: Prince of thieves. Rickman's performance is legit one of the greatest of all time, but otherwise it's absolute shit kino.

Waterworld is also shit kino.

Both Costner; lel

I would say Waterworld is one of Dennis Hopper's best.