What is your honest opinion of Venezuela and Venezuelans?
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They're somehow like Spanish people but whiter.
Are you venezuelan?
communist shithole
they need to go back
>tfw everyone in spain thinks I'm from Argentina because of my germanic blue eyes
feels good man
Ok my honest opinion is that the good venezuelans are not in Venezuela, that country is a shit hole and if you live there is because you can't fled the country or you are making money but not in a good way.
communism and misery basically
my grandpa lived there in 1950s...
t.commie shithole
better immigrants than colombians
Stop invading Madrid and making dumb video tutorials teaching other shitskins how to inmigrate here.Thank you
>Stop invading Madrid and making dumb video tutorials teaching other shitskins how to inmigrate here.Thank you
rude mate...they are welcome si no son pandilleros y eso
Good people. There are a lot of them at the northern border.
Do you want to become a communist hellhole full of migrants ? Because that is what they will bring. They come here for paychecks and see inmigration as a good thing.They have to go back and fix their country so they can take as many niggers as they want
yo no se si son de las islas canarias o de Venezuela... el acento es el mismo
>yo no se si son de las islas canarias o de Venezuela... el acento es el mismo
Los Venezolanos o son muy blancos o muy indios.Muy fácil diferenciarlos.
LOL they make the same videos to come here too
no soy venezolano capullo, intento ser solidario con la gente que de verdad viene a buscar una vida mejor.
They are the fucking same everywhere
>OMG people here have food.FLOOD THIS COUNTRY XD
OOGA OOGA vuelve al amazonas
what is this
the first time I Heard about this
>OOGA OOGA vuelve al amazonas
que chaval que no, toda mi estirpe ha estado en Espàña desde siempre no se que hablas.
200k Venezuelans have come to Spain in 3 years.
Le Pen loved Chavez.
haber yo opino que la inmigracion debe ser controlado y mas dura, pero no se tambien soy compasivo con la gente que de verdad quiere aportar al pais.
España paso tambien paso malos tiempos y todavia seguimos en una crisis economica.
Are they in YouTube?
Do they record their computer desktop and a 13 year old starts talking, with a dog in the background?
And you want to elect that thing?
syntax ERROR* bueno ya me habeis entendido aunque me he equivocado
well, she is pretty cute t.b.h.
Really good people in a really shit country. Can't sum it up better than that.
to be fair, he was the best dictator.
There are like 8 Youtube channels of them with tutorials of how to inmigrate here and saying that Spain needs mpre diversity and crap like that.Fucking gross.
>pero no se tambien soy compasivo con la gente
No somos una puta ONG.Vienen aquí para sus pagitas de la seguridad social y decir lo mucho que echan de menos
> Venesuela
do they have an intro with dubstep and a 3D logo that came with the video editor they cracked?
White and Germanic Venezuelan OP here.
Spainbros, be a little more compassionate,
>tfw Venezuela is Spaniard's #3 place to migrate
>tfw people here are so moorish that me fucking them would be considered race mixing
>tfw Andalucía is the only place in Spain where people aren't uneducated chimps with poor manners
>No somos una puta ONG.Vienen aquí para sus pagitas de la seguridad social y decir lo mucho que echan de menos
la verdad es que España tiene mas inmigrantes de los que puede,el mercado laboral esta saturado y los salarios son una mierda, en eso creo que estamos de acuerdo todos.
Hace 50 años los gallegos patasucias escapaban del hambre inmigrando a Venezuela.
They are mostly girls like pic
She's hot.
>White and Germanic Venezuelan OP here.
user tu eres bienvenido , ano ser que te cruces con un cavernicola , nadie te va a decir nada.pero hay que ser un poco honesto el país tiene muchísimo desempleo y estamos llenos.
por mi parte eres bienvenido mientras seas respetuoso, te integres en la sociedad y no hagas como algunos latino americanos creando bandas y eso.
Me importa un cojón.Venezuela es un país artificial sin cultura ni historia. Como Uruguay.Vienen aquí a por paguitas y a explotar el sistema
>White and Germanic Venezuelan OP here.
Where do Venezuelans mainly come from? I thought you were a brown country?
Yeah but the first thing she did was to study a meme degree to get residenship and some NEETbux.Literally leeches
>tfw Venezuela is Spaniard's #3 place to migrate
>This meme again
Those """"Spaniards"""" just got citenzenship due muh heritage.No one goes to fucking Venezuela other than muh heritage fags
>I thought you were a brown country?
mixed but is more "european"
Around half of the population is mixed race (Mainly White and Native american mixes) The other part is ~46% white and the rest is black, asian, etc. Since Venezuela used to be the best country in South America ~4th Strongest economy in the world in the 1950's, there was a huge amount of immigration from Europe and Lebanon, mainly from Portugal, Spain, Germany, and Italy. But then socialism, and it all went to shit. Venezuelans tend to be either very white or very brown.
I see so if you don't intermingle it's fair to say that you live relatively segregated
How come socialism took over your country? Who's to blame?
During the 1990's a former president who was loved and had turned Venezuela into a better country decided to run again after a few years. He won and there were huge corruption allegations against him until he was impeached by the parliament. During his presidency a member of the military called Hugo Chavez decided to go full on coup d'etat as he was tired of the oppression of the higher classes to the lower classes and the racism and segregation in Venezuelan society. The coup attempt failed, and he was thrown in jail. The next president pardoned him and he ran for president the next elections. He won by a landslide. Socialism worked at first, but then the oil prices dropped and since the government had seized the means of production and they didn't produce shit, they had to import foreign goods like food and medicines which they couldn't afford to do anymore when the oil prices dropped. Thus, shortages of everything.
It is weird isn't it? How did they become whiter?
I love Venezuela so much. I.lived in Caracas, love Polar beer and how the people are incredebly nice. Arepas are awesome and I was cheeering for Chavez, now I greeve for you guys, Times seams to be rough but you will go trough. Remember that Columbia and Argentina had rough patches too and they got out... and in again ans eventually out ;). Cheers from Québec!
>Columbia and Argentina had rough patches too and they got out
my grandpa inmigrated to Venezuela in 1950...ironically part of my family was falangist and they lived pretty good in fascist Spain, they worked for the government and Pegaso (Spanish brand created by Franco)
for me you are welcome , where do you live?
>and I was cheeering for Chavez
>Remember that Columbia and Argentina had rough patches too and they got out... and in again ans eventually out
Fucking retard
Right now in Madrid
They are welcomed to stay and starve to death in their own shithole.
It's a tragedy. You thought it would have imploded by now. Never met any Venezuelans.
A good way to refute the "USA was only successful because of geography" meme by showing that some cunts can end up as shitholes even when playing the game on easy mode.