Why are lootings so common in South America? You are creating excuses for Trump's wall.
Why are lootings so common in South America? You are creating excuses for Trump's wall.
Because there's sense of community any more as a result of the rampant racemixing that goes on there, everyone feels alienated from one another
kek it's the exact opposite my fellow poltard
Where is this pic from?
Looks like Philippines
in our case it was just after an 8.8 hearthquake
>implying there are excuses for that
maybe not for you
Because of oil you idiot.
You are in the same boat as us.
But we aren't looting anything.
>implying it's not true
dunno about the rest of south americans
but since all the looting i've seen take place in mexico recently i got to the conclusion that we're fucking rats and worthless people.
I want to see each one of those fucking rats to get shot in the face by other armed civilians, i would gladly do it if i had a gun, just like what asians did in the LA lootings
Putin is lootin the entire country.
we had ours in a crisis and then it was because the police refused to work.
it is very common in the US aswell
They've been mixed since they gained independance.
Given the stories I hear about those days I can't imagine they have done anything except gotten better in that regard.
>we had ours because peronist politicians sent niggers to loot everything
We loot our own country, so leave us the fuck alone. We're not causing problems to anyone else.
Cool proxy, here's mine.
It's different