I'm not one who normally cares for chinese cartoons. This is my favorite. (inb4 shit tier newfag, because I could just as easily call you an autistic weeaboo) Are there any other entry level shows as good as this
pls don't say no ;___;
I'm not one who normally cares for chinese cartoons. This is my favorite. (inb4 shit tier newfag, because I could just as easily call you an autistic weeaboo) Are there any other entry level shows as good as this
pls don't say no ;___;
Other urls found in this thread:
Gurren lagann
Technically Sup Forums and Sup Forums
but you got me there.
I don't dislike this show either
Thanks I will check it out.
Despite what
says I've never heard of it.
I bet you think Madoka is good
the overall plotting of CB is pretty bad, everything with the girlfriend whose only purpose is to die for him to want revenge [\spoiler] ruins it. It is one of the most universally likable shows ever made though.
pretty much only Samurai Champloo sadly
this is why you should not listen to Sup Forums's opinions, they are braindead enough to enjoy anime
Rozen Maiden.
Are you looking only for anime?
If not, watch Black Mirror
Define entry level.
Berserk is far superior to Cowboy Bebop, and I would call that anime "entry level". But the Berserk manga is far from entry level, most people who involve themselves with Berserk in anyway never make it past the Golden Age arc, which isn't even the best arc in the series. Of course, the anime and movies only explore this arc.
Why all the hate for Berserk?
Is it because of the Golden Age fags like stated here , or because you genuinely have a problem with it as a whole?
It's definitely in my top 5 anime/manga, (the manga more so than the anime, but still).
Yu Yu Hakusho
He literally asked for entry level stuff,
I love music,huge record collection so that drew me in. I can agree about the edginess of spike though. I try to look at it as something made to be enjoyed not critiqued but I definitely know what you mean.
Ok I will watch this
nah not necessarily I will check those
out too!
Alright got it
It's popular and popular = bad (if you're a retard).
Personally I'm a huge fan of Berserk and have 20+ volumes but I don't really like the anime besides the OST.
Space Dandy.
Saved. Thanks user I will watch this one as well.
Most of these shows range from fine to very good, but they're all entry level.
Entry level isn't inherently bad, but discussions about entry level shows attract newfags, Sup Forums, and reddit, which is why they're stigmatized.
Noted. You guys are great. More help than I deserve.
Queen's Blade
Watch the movie.
Who /m/ here?
I like Beserk.
I just fucking hate the fanbase.
I'm an animu pleb too so this might actually work out! My favorites were Samurai Champloo, Gurren Lagan, Record of Lodoss War, and Cowboy Bebop for shows. Recently watched One Punch Man and thought it was really good. For movies I've always loved Princess Mononoke, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Lupin the Third: Castle of Cagliostro, Ninja Scroll, and my all time favorite is Ghost in the Shell.
I'm probably full on cringe pleb tier, I know. Oh well.
Lurk Sup Forums, faggot. Ignore the Sup Forums tier trash these faggots posted
Sup Forums is for faggots
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
all are generally liked
says the Sup Forumseddit pleb
Here you go, OP. Try this
Sup Forums is terrible too
Both of you should leave and take capeshit with you
wow I can't believe how much care went into that chart. Every other board just got put to shame by the one that everyone hates
Yeah but I'm pretty sure it's just a bunch of rec lists compiled into one image
but the "ones that excel at..." section is incredible
Sup Forums will rec him some currently trendy ultra weaboo moeshit that he'll hate. If you had even minor reading comprehension you'd have noticed he asked for entry level stuff
Yeah you're right
>he doesn't like animes about a boy on a curling team that falls in love with a girl that has only 4 toes
fucking pleb
If Ed never existed, it would be damn near perfect. The show probably could've been even bigger if it weren't for that "wacky" component.
I'd probably say best 3:
YuYu Hakusho
G Gundam
Trigun fucking sucked. Vash looks like he's 25 but sounds like a 12 year old. That was insufferable.
YuYu was cool, but it's not great. It was on cartoon network so it's mostly nostalgia.
G Gundam was rad. You won't hear an argument from me.
QUESTION: Where on this earth can I find a place to watch Legends of the Galactic Guardians? I got like 12 episodes in on a YouTube channel before it got nuked. That was at least two years ago.
Samurai Champloo is better desu senpai.
Comfier, better music, much better setting, worse characters, weaker overarching story but better episodes.
Bebop is pretty much the only anime in the world you could possibly get "people who don't watch anime" to watch and enjoy. Everything else has too many nip quirks in them for normals to enjoy, and I mean everything. Ed is the outlet for all of that in Bebop and probably the biggest hurdle for normals to get over, so it's a good thing she doesn't show up until the show's like halfway through and anyone watching is invested in it or not by that point. Not that I don't like Ed, she's there so the show isn't 100% hard boiled aging men grunting about their past.
You mean this?
magnetic rose
robot carnival
wings of homeaise
ghost in the shell
jin roh
Why hasn't the mod deleted this off topic thread that belongs on ?
G Gundam is pretty much the GOAT mecha anime because it cuts out the pseudo-intellectual "war is hell" crap the rest usually try to pull and turns it into a crazy martial arts conspiracy series.
Top tier shit famiglia.
Sup Forums sent me to tell you you're a faggot
>Sup Forums made a thread about this thread
What is wrong with that board?
You mean you made a thread about this thread.
K-On! Is literally the greatest thing Japan has ever shit out.
show me your pillow gf
Eva is pretentious.
It's also extremely good, but anyone who says it isn't pretentious as fuck is as bad as any of the other obsessive weaboos who can't admit their favorite shows have faults.
Also, OP: Try Yu Yu Hakusho and Samurai Champloo if you want some other good entry-leevl stuff.
For intermediate-tier stuff, maybe try Mushi-Shi and Samurai Flamenco. Welcome to the NHK is also pretty good middle-tier, as is Paranoia Agent.
For endgame-tier, try Serial Experiments Lain.
Well it so happens to be Japanese products. But let's call it for the sakes of all dummies & retards all over the world "North Korean dude wrote it !!!".
What are some anime series that were made between 1995-2007 that I should watch?
FMA was pretty solid
Gunslinger Girl Season 1.
I need to finish FMAB. Is the original worth watching?
I could try that. I've seen it on Netflix.
I should mention that I've been watching Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Gintama, Black Lagoon and Ergo Proxy from that era.
Darker than Black is excellent
FMA 1 was...weird.
Good, but weird.
Since the manga wasn't even close to finished at the time, the ending of the show goes in a wildly different direction than what you'd expect.
...but with that said, I actually do like the ending. It actually feels like a truly weighty, heavy ending to a heavy, weighty show dealing with some horrific ideas. It's not a fairy-tale ending, because the world set up in the first series is a far darker one than the world set up in the second, and it is definitely a world where people do not get away scott-free from meddling in the realm of the gods.
FMA:B is far more light-hearted, so I'm not surprised it has a lighter ending. Each ending fits each show. Both are good. Watch both.
Just a good, solid action series.
>tfw I know I've already watched the top 5-10 greatest anime ever and any anime I attempt to watch now is going to be merely "good" but actually mediocre in comparison
Just be warned, Gunslinger Girls is pretty slow, its not super action oriented.
Also avoid Season 2, the animation and sound quality takes a steep nosedive.
However, watch season 1 and the OVAs. That's it. There is no season 2.
C'mon, S2 wasn't THAT bad.
Hobo Hei was fun.
However people should at least listen to the opening for season 2.
S2 was dogshit compared to S1
Other Watanabe Shows
as noted- Space Dandy, Samurai Champloo
He also directed- Terror in Resonance- holy fuck this is godly, why is it never mentioned? A post 9/11 show where the protagonists are terrorists, without being edgy bullshit is incredibly powerful.
Kids on the slope was too gay for me, i wanted to like it, but yeah.
Michiko & Hatchin isn't directed by Watanabe but he produced the music and was a huge influence. It's brilliant. Set in the Favelas of Brazil.
Also try some comedy anime there are some pretty goat ones- Cromartie High, Tentai Senshi Sunred, Sakamoto desu ga
It's fucking great, but it's about becoming a man so Sup Forums can't understand it.
OP watch Kill la Kill, it's pretty fucking good. Don't mind the fan-service, it's satire.
Code Geass is GOAT if you skip the filler
because you touch yourself at night
This so much. I want to fuck this post.
>He also directed- Terror in Resonance- holy fuck this is godly, why is it never mentioned?
It is but most people agree the stories a trainwreck, Lisa is useless plot device, the broken english is jarring as fuck and the endinf is one of the worst piece of shit but the ost is very good
Its a 4/10 show
Ayo you got a month to kill? Pic is Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's mid-entry level, I guess
"Arr Yu Kidding Me?"
Oh damn I'm only a few episodes in and was optimistic about it.
So watanabe basically can't hack a non-episodic show?
That's pretty much it
Yeah, basically.
Macross Zero, Macross Plus.
Top Gun in space basically
Watch SDF too, even if it is from the 80's
forget the rest start with the best.
Probably the most down to earth anime ever made
The animation scares off plebs though
The animation is so good too.
>84 posts
>no one has mentioned fucking Lupin the Third
I'm like OP where I don't consider myself an anime fan but I love Cowboy Bebop.
Later I decided to give Death Note a try and I really liked that too.
Gurren Lagann and Kill la Kill are in the same boat. Anime for people that don't normally care about anime.
Except for the part where both shows are at least 90% homages to old anime shows from the 70's and 80's.
>Trigun fucking sucked
I'm going to box your fucking nose clean off lad.
I don't give a fuck.
Madoka is LITERALLY god-tier
>entry level
You got a long ride ahead OP.
Literally babbies first "dark" magical girl show.
Both series have their merits and both the subs and dubs are excellent.
Its well written, and has amazing visuals and music.
>For endgame-tier, try Serial Experiments Lain.
I think you mean Texhnolyze. Its the same production committee though, so pick your poison.
colorful is a pretty shallow movie
>tfw anime will never be this grimy again
Psycho-Pass (avoid everything past season 1)