Mel Gibson

Do you think he enjoys the fact that his entire fan base consists of stormfags?

I was a fan of his before and after it was revealed he is anti semitic.

I'm a Liberal and I agree with what he was saying.

I'm not a storm fag
I'm Australian and I love Mel.
He's a great actor, a great director, he's someone I'm proud of.

So what if he went off the rails publicly? A lot of people do it only deeply insecure and vindictive people cling to stuff like that. So why do you?

I though Sup Forums supported SF it seems like it

This. In my opinion, the man's never done a bad movie. I could give a fuck what he says or thinks about jews or anyone else.

How is it even debatable as to whether the Jew control Hollywood or not. It's an objective fact. Why do people get butthurt when this is pointed out.

This, didn't even know, but I still like him (probably more) because there is literally nothing wrong with blaming the Jews for much of our societal ills.

Mel is the fucking man, regardless of any of that. Dude is a phenomenal actor, one of the best ever. His directing is top notch. Dude's legit.

I'm sure he doesn't know what a "storm fav is like 99.9999% of people on Earth including me

Frankly he's never made a decent movie before, so I'm glad his career is over.

I may not agree with him about his views, but I will not deny he is a good actor and director.

Jew detected

Spielberg please go


I"m not a stormfag either and calling people names is a forgivable offense.

He probaly doesn't even know what a stormfag is, famigglia

No, Sup Forums has always hated them.


And let's be honest here, he was blowing off steam at the Jews not because of the Jews but because he married a trashy Russian escort gold digger. Pretty shitty life choice.

So that settles it women are too blame for mels downfall

Yeah they are faggots


All these years of blaming jews has made people start thinking that even calling someone jewish is an insult, including jews themselves.

Will it trigger you when his WW2 movie is a huge hit?

Because the Jews don't want to be known as being over represented or in control. They don't want the public to know they are Jewish.

Im not meming, this is well known. Now I don't know is its insidious in nature or if it's that they don't want to be thought of as "a Jew" but rather "just another person", but it's a well known fact Hollywood exes want to downplay the fact they are all Jews and they try to do everything they can to push this shit.

If you can't bring yourself to admit that Mel has admirable ambition when making a movie you're not a reasonable person. Seriously, who else has made wide release movies of such scale?

This, it's contradictory, Jews are proud of controlling Hollywood, but if a Goy says the Jews control Hollywood, it's antisemitic.

It will bring extreme joy to my heart if it's a hit.

Is his WW2 movie actually in production?

Even normies are getting redpilled on Jews and the disgrace they really are

SF isn't liked, for the same reason as reddit. They're both hugboxes, just one is for, and one is against racism.

Post production

His home country is basically a nation of stormfags

It's coming out in November.

inb4 holocaust denial

I can't believe it took me so many years to spot b8 and see right through it.

2/10. 3/10 if this thread gets more than 100 replies.

Like some people said I'm not a stormfag, but he was incredibly drunk when he made that rant.

>Facts are racist


Mel Gibson: "Jews..."
>Sup Forums boos and hisses, greedy merchant reaction images and Sup Forums influenced green texts are flying through the air by the hundreds.
Mel Gibson: "...are.."
>Sup Forums gasps, a faint sound of someone shouting "JIDF GTFO" can be heard in the distance.
Mel Gibson: "...responsible for all the wars in the world."
>Sup Forums furiously erupts in cheers and claps. The ear deafening sound of thousands of people shouting "GOAT!", "Based!" and "Cant fell the Mel!" fills the air. Bump limits are reached at a speed never seen before and Mel Gibson is unanimously crowned the biggest guy of all time.