Person of Interest

Come on, Person of Interest is on! Get in here, three other people!

The Nancy Drew Thread tricked me

also the episode aired in Canada already so it is going to be a low turnout

Four other people, OP

It's the fourth episode. How many left?

>episode aired in Canada already

oh so that's why cbs doesn't give a fuck

>posting muh webms.

Last season was weak. season 3 was great. I'd love to shitpost my night away but i got a test tomorrow and i barely know anything

>hot...i mean, heavy spoilers.

reminder they are both married to men and have multiple children with said men

I've already seen the sex scene gifs. Of course, that was the only scene they gifs tonight.

>tfw a surgery episode

Good for them, i guess?

Like that has stop Sup Forums from fapping before.

Fuck Shaw find someone else to do that shit.

I think that is now the plan since Samaritan seems to have Clockworked her

>Someone's finally making threads again
Thanks, guy. You late motherfucker.

"Batter up?"

Seriously, writers? Shaw would never say that. She would just attack.

>Machine knew it was Shaw but didn't tell the team

still a dick I see


she's had literally brain surgery, she isn't gonna be right in the head until next week, maybe by tomorrow

You would think she'd tell Root, but I guess they still aren't talking.

It will be the next step for the losers on this site to demand irl chaste waifus like the japanese idol fans.

what the fuck is going on
t they are airing episode 6 "6,741", tonight

instead of episode 4 "shotseeker" tomorrow

fucking death spiraling this show hard

Is this show on like twice a week now or something?

Shup up and keep watching, it makes all the sense in the world.

Yes, and they're airing 3 episodes next week.

it's going fuck all cuz it's the last and cut short season

>3 episodes next week
Goddamn you, CBS. Why do you have to treat the best show on the network so poorly?

No more money to be made off it now, time to pack up and move on, air time is money time

Do they expect us to watch no other shows?

Yep. They already have a summer schedule to do.

>suddenly lesbian sex

Ok then.

You know, CBS turned into a softcore sex channel so gradually, I didn't even notice.

Holy shit, this scene is awkward as hell. Two straight girls doing a gay scene they clearly don't want to do.

Thanks for killing that boner, ladies.

>Lesbian pandering to boost ratings they'll never get

>"That didn't suck"
>"Oh, there was plenty of sucking"

fuck that

i think its the only show not owned by a cbs production company/studio

Yeah, one of the most horrible lesbian scenes ever.

And I'm counting actual bad porn.

This is all a simulation, isn't it?

So it's a given she never actually escaped at all, right?

seems likely

or she's still wearing the visor thingy mabob

You do know that Sarah Shahi has done lots of lesbian scenes right?
Like every other thing she does involves lesbian sex...i wish i was her...

Sarah Shahi has played a lesbian on a fairly explicit show before, so it's probably not her first time doing a scene like that.

Doesn't mean she's doing it well.

Fair enough.

So not a simulation, but she had been mind broken pretty good

Its hilarious how much Sup Forums cucked this board, now we have alt-right faggots crying they are forced to watch hot women having sex with eachother.

We aren't complaining about hot lesbian sex, we are complaining about badly done lesbian sex.

I am slightly irritated neither of them got eaten out or finger blasted, but then again this is CBS

>Implied fingerblasting

WHOA THERE. You think this is Showtime or something?

oh wow they actually found Greer....yea this is a simulation, no way in hell would Greer risk letting them let so close by accident

Does this season feel like fanfic to anyone else?

Not until this episode, no.

Which is why it is probably a sim. The AIs love some bad fanfic, and The Machine is a Shipper.

Bad sex scenes reminds you that the actors are just doing it for the paycheck. That's not sexy. It kills the fantasy.

This episode feels like a different fanfic than the other episodes.
>we need computers for the machine!
>hey look at all these old PS3s we found!

>Implying theres 'good' sex scenes in tv shows or movies.
Nigger get fucking laid once in a while.

Hey, come on. That was pretty hilarious, and fun in a "viewers won't bother questioning this" kind of way. Now, if it were a truckload of PS4s...

If this is a simulation. How many times has Shaw been through this? How many times has she slept with Root? Has she slept with John? Reese? Bear?

About damn time.

(Assuming he's actually dead and this isn't Shaw's torture-dream or something.)

Oh, yeah. Fake. Meh.

This show sailed over the shark the moment they killed Elias.

It's got to be a simulation where's Fusco?

oh god this, so obvious, they still don't know he's an asset so he isn't in the sim

Getting shit done.

This is the show that had a captain crunch whistle in a flashback, without naming it or making a big deal about it or even really showing it, now it sounds like the technobable was written by my mom.

>mfw its hilarious reading the comments here after watching the episode yesterday.

inb4 the twist is Shaw has broken and is the final episode villain, they aired this episode out of order, the twist was suppose to happen first and this is how it happened

I know. It's really depressing how much of a hit the writing has taken. But at least it's still enjoyable. Just sucks it had to go out this way.

Whoa. Thanks for making me realize that. I would have never got that.

>no other way than to plug it in to a networked system


>yfw the commercials just spoiled the incredibly obvious twist

Yeah, this is a sim.

Yeah, better this show go now while it's still on an up note. It's already starting to show the holes.

>CBS airs an episode ad where john is captured, alive
>Shaw shoots John in center mass minutes later
>"John is dead"

It was better when it was Batman without the costumes with some sci-fi elements. When it went to only sci-fi and dropped the mafia and dirty cop parts, that's when the show started to fall apart.


there has to be more efficient ways of breaking people then drug induced boredom

>"Sir, she shot herself again".

>That sudden title drop
Damn. It was so, SO obvious, but it still hurts.

You're nuts. Going full-on sci-fi elevated this show to a whole new level. It's just a shame that's when CBS started fucking with it.

>Shaw is in digital hell

>Its a simulation... again.

I disagree, I really love the sci-fi aspects and the more serialized plot. That being said, it's about run its course. I'm sad to see it go, but it had a legitimately good run and this is a good time to end it.

In the beginning I would agree with you. But now, they are just spinning their wheels. This is getting boring.

Please crime procedurals are a dime a dozen, Samaritan made this show worthwhile

I agree with you there. There is only such they can do going this way. It can never go back to a POI case a week like in the first two seasons.

This. The sci-fi elements turned what could have been a CSI/NCIS/etc. clone with a lazy "magic computer" plot device into a unique, smart, fun show.

I kind of agree. I'm just saying, it's obvious the behind-the-scenes shenanigans hurt the show just as it was entering it's prime.

Actually, in a way you're right. The moment the writers tried to step out of the box of a standard procedural, that's when it's number came up.

>The moment the writers tried to step out of the box of a standard procedural, that's when it's number came up.

Exactly. CBS wanted a by-the-book procedural, but the writers had other ideas. So it got no promotion from the network (and still had pretty good ratings anyway, which is why they tolerated it for a couple more seasons). I'm fine with how it worked out, though. I'd rather have four and a half seasons of excellent television than nine seasons and two spinoffs (PoI: Des Moines!) of another dull procedural.

>People want POI to be nothing but terrorists, dirty cops and dimestore criminals again
>Default police procedural shit

if you legitimately think then fuck you very much

Yes, Elias and the dirty cops were the best part because they had personalities and interesting motives. Samaritan is just another boring villain. The only twist is that he is a machine. It was interesting twist two seasons ago but now? Meh.


People are weird mang, people are this place in particular...

Samaritan is obviously a Xir.

>tfw Shaw's waifu autism made her impervious to Samaritan control for 6741 times and counting.
/cel/ when?
It could save our lives.

No fuck you, that was more interesting than this "we never accomplish anything because keikaku" bullshit. At least that had more stories than one strung out piece of shit.

Nigga, why the fuck are you bitching about this knowing theres a million of run of the mill procedurals going on right now?

Yeah, seriously, go watch NCIS: Elevator Inspectors Unit if that's the kind of show you're looking for.

wew lads, glad to see sarah shahi still looks fine as fuck. even if this season is shit i can still beat off to my shaw femdom fantasies

but they did the PS3 thing in real life too

Then go watch Criminal Minds instead and leave this thread you faggot.

I bet there's a local channel in your area that has reruns of The Mentalist you can watch, as to spare us from your cancerous presence and awful taste.

So Greer and friends stood there and watched the lesbian sex 6000 times?
Where do I sign up for Sammy.

Root is a qt