Why is Princess Bride held in such high regard?
I've never seen it and I only ever hear people say they love it but no one ever really says why. What is it about this movie that draws people to it?
Why is Princess Bride held in such high regard?
I've never seen it and I only ever hear people say they love it but no one ever really says why. What is it about this movie that draws people to it?
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Just watch it and see, guy.
I like it because it's so simple and pure.
Doesn't have any qualms about being a fantasy movie, nothing groundbreaking or trying to be different in any way, and yet achieves cult status primarily because it's damn funny while it's doing so.
Plus interesting worldbuilding, and comfy as all fuck.
How about you fucking watch it
It's really hard to explain.
It's appeal is kinda magical
what said, plus it occupies a weird, nostalgic place in my mind from when I was just getting old enough to enjoy adult humor
Comfy level > 9000
very good casting,
dat prime robin is quite something
Fun was allowed
>i don't understand why people love this movie
>instead of watching the movie i'm going to go on Sup Forums and bitch about it
i hate this place, i really do
no minority races or sexual orientations
it's the last best "old hollywood" type movie
pure fun and adventure
No retarded tumblr shit like equality
It's a fairy tale fantasy story that's actually good.
Very good acting and writing that still holds up.
It has humor and adventure, and plot that is involved enough to keep your interest, but not so overdone that you get lost in it.
In short, it's just a really well made movie, and it's a classic for a reason.
It's extremely overrated. The people that always praise it are really just experiencing nostalgia. It's not a good movie.
>I've never seen it
There's your problem, moron. Watch it and see if it lives up to the hype.
>I've never seen it
fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chase's, escapes, true love, miracles
>bitch about it
I never said literally anything negative about it.
okay movie but the blond guy's mustache bothers me very much
You now realize you share a board with people who have never seen The Princess Bride.
These people unironically shit their irrelevant opinions all over the board.
Nuke this shit already. It's over.
Don't forget the implied rape between Peter Falk and Fred Savage
Its the very first 'Reddit movie'
Thank you. I was beginning to think I imagined it.
Don't forget kissing.
It has something for everyone. Romance, action, adventure, horror, and comedy all in one movie.
>It's not a good movie.
You must be fun at parties.
Is that Robin Hood?
It has a similar charm to Miyazaki's younger-audience films
instills a sense of longing for a time (and of movies) that feels long past
>What is it about this movie that draws people to it?
I liked the fact that it didn't take itself too seriously but it wanted to accomplish something really simple like telling an old school fairy tale
Also the characters, so much personality.
Montoya, Andre the Giant, even the hero who is usually just a dull warrior out to save a princess, they all have such charm that you can excuse the cookie cutter plot.
>Andre the Giant
How could it possibly be bad?
It's top /comfy/core
I watched it again recently and it doesn't really hold up that well, but it really can't take away from how much I loved it as a kid
I love it because it has the best quips of all time.
Truly you have a dizzying intellect.
Remember when Gen Xers ruined him for everyone?
good dialogue, cool fights, Andre the Giant
I'm someone who loves The Princess Bride but even I admit that the first act with Vizzini and his crew being chased by The Man in Black overshadows the rest of the movie which is till good but not quite as good as that opening act. It should've been the whole plot, really.
In other words, the movie takes a dip after the Rodents of Unusual Size.
>I haven't even started...now where was I?
>Ah yes! Shitposting!
underrated post
I'm just sick of people that praise the swordfight between Inigo and Wesley like it's actually a great swordfight. They're literally just tapping their sword together without trying to hit eachother, even the swashbuckling movies of the 30's and 40's looked better. The quips are great but not the actual fucking swordfighting.
as you wish
there are like three funny lines in the whole movie
the funniest characters die early
the plot and le """"ironic"""""" xD story is cringe and complete garbage. It's a shitty romance flick which is why women often like it.
The lore they established was incredible! Why the HELL did they never make a sequel set in the same world?
Whedon wishes he could quip like this.
I loved this movie as a kid but last week I banged a girl during the middle part of it and now I feel dirty
>now let me brag about loving this shitty old children's movie
That's the point you idiot.
Inigo appreciates fighting another master swordsman so they go full Errol Flynn.
When he fights Count Rugen he's all business.
They got something really rare: a screenwriter to write a book that they meant to be a movie, then got them to write a script based on the best parts of that book.
And it helps that the screenwriter doing it was one of the best in recent memory.
As a result, the source material is fabulous in wordplay and imagery, and it's then distilled further into the final cut of the movie.
Just about every line, every prop, every background is perfectly done in the way William Goldman intended. He and the rest of the directing and writing team also has phenomenal casting for all the characters, to the extent that characters who get less than 1 minute of screen time are still extremely memorable and interesting.
In essence: A man had a great vision, and was given the tools necessary to follow through on that vision.
No one can even explain why it's good in technical terms. "It's hard to explain" or "it's comfy" or "Andre the giant is in it" are all bullshit rationales.
I got so tired of my coworkers quoting it that I finally watched it and it was extremely disappointing. Not a bad film but also dated and cheesy. All of the lines they quoted aren't even quote-worthy, why people reference them so much is beyond me.
Even a fan of the movie was eventually honest enough to tell me that it's not really going to enjoyable unless you already saw it back in the 80s. This is pretty much true.
the dialogue of the movie is amazing. You just don't know what the appreciate about it. If you're interested in theater stage play this movie translates that type of entertainment directly to the screen. Another movie that does it almost as well is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. Those movies aren't about the overarching plot but more about the art of dialogue.
Pretty much this. It's a good movie that didn't age as well as some people think.
It's sort of like watching Annie Hall for the first time today and realizing it's just an above average rom-com.
You literally have no idea how to talk about a film
fuck off. I didn't watch the movie until 2014 when I first found out about it and I thought it was fucking amazing.
wow robin wright was a qt
>You literally have no idea how to talk about a film
Well yes, that would make sense. I'm a random user on an imageboard not a professional film critic. Maybe you can teach me what you know.
I can't say I go into a fantasy flick hoping for amazing dialogue.
>If you're interested in theater stage play
I'm not, that's why I'm watching a movie.
>Those movies aren't about the overarching plot but more about the art of dialogue.
How could anybody not like this movie?
It's fairly funny, it's heartwarming, every actor seems completely at home in their role and it makes for distinct, enjoyable characters (wallace shawn and cary elwes especially, but mandy potemkin, andre the giant, and even the villains), the story moves well (it slows down after wesley's captured but the last half is still good), there are a lot of memorable lines even if they're driven into the ground monty python-style, i think the visual aesthetic is really nice, there's something so clean and fantastic about it, the frame story actually contributes to the emotional development of the story
overall it's just a well-made, fun movie and it's plain that everyone working on it put their heart and soul into it and that sincerity shines through
+1 internet to you good sir
because you can't have both. You either have dialogue that mainly exists to move forward the plot or you have dialogue where the dialogue itself is the vocal point. Stage Play is usually not about the plot, it's about the language, balance of dialogue, emphasis and interesting presentation of what is said. That's the reason why stage actors tend to "overact" so much compared to movie actors, in movies emotions can be easily read through close up shots while on the stage even someone in the last row in the audience needs to be able to tell how the characters he's watching feel right now.
Can I like multiples of those?
I like it, but I've never watched it, and I'm a gamergate virgin. Oh, and I like it because /r/movies told me it was good. Though, to be fair, I only saw /r/movies' opinion because I was browsing /r/cuckold for tips on prepping, sooo...
All of the above?
>You've baited a newfag which means you've shitposted here before, so you put the poison near you
>but you've seen the movie you've shitposted on, and in shitposting you've learned that newfags will just keep posting, so you'd clearly put the poison as far away from you as possible
I watched it for the first time in 2011 and thought it was great. It is a little dated, but I don't think that matters. You just have to go into it expecting nothing - which I'll admit, is difficult considering everyone says how much they love it.
I haven't really watched it since then, so I don't have specifics. I just remember understanding why people loved it.
I truly believe it's one of the best films ever made. It is objectively perfect.
Just watch it, OP. Get comfy and enjoy.
>but iocane is australian, and we all know shitposters come from australia.
>Why is X shitty movie held in such high regard?
hipsters, mainly.
it's easy to meme with the script too, for added leddit bonus.
>'you killed my father prepare to die!'
>haha I got that reference! we are so cool :^)
dude just stop
congratulations, you quoted the one funny scene in the whole flick
OP look up the poison scene on youtube and skip the rest
Really, any movie made by Rob Reiner pre North is guaranteed patrician
honestly getting involved in a land war in Asia isn't even that bad of a blunder.
It's fun and isn't afraid to be fun and funny. It takes itself lightly but maintains a feeling if adventure.
seriously, what happened to rob reiner?
>we both shitpost to reveal which of us is the victor, and which of us is...mad.
North happened
>we want the daredevil audience
>I've never seen it
What are you waiting for faggot? Watch it!
I literally laughed out loud at this by the way, thanks user.
It was one of the first meme movies that pandered to the OMG NERD! crowd so that they can quote lines from it ad nauseum. So yeah, it was great.
No that was Holy Grail.
Much as I love the movie it's hard to watch without the current context of it.
Its alright because the funniest gag in the movie is John Cleese charging across the field, and you cant quote a visual gag.
>good chemistry
>not alot of stupid dialogue
>alot of the humor is pretty subtle
I know right! It's a shame you can't downvote posts on this site.
You'd like to think that wouldn't you! You've baited me into responding multiple times so you clearly shitpost often. But you've managed not to use any dank memes so you-
OMG, what in the world could that be!
It's considered a cult classic.
Honestly it's the characters. The story is very simple, but all the characters in the movie have good charisma and pretty good amount of subtle jokes.
Billy fucking Crystal (when he was good)
>when he was good
When was he not?
If you haven't watched this movie, just watch this fucking movie.
If there's a movie you need to see, it is this movie.
Beware, though. If you don't enjoy this movie, you're officially a soulless husk of a human being.
You fell victim to one of the class blunders! The most famous of which is "never start a land war in Asia". Only slightly less well known is this: "Ironic shitposting is still shitposting"
>true love
No such thing; women are whores.
anyone have a good link to this movie? i havn't seen it in years, not seeing a good one from a simple search
>Never get into shitposting, when mods are awake!
>You have been banned from all boards for posting the following....
I hope you have two beautiful children and they both get cancer.
it is good because it isn't really preaching any stupid message or taking itself seriously. it's just a parody/celebration of the hero story. It kept it's goofiness in check and was just decently made. no fucking cgi or nonsense. Also it was adapted from a book, so it had a good guide for the script to start and end in the right places.
I just watched this a few days ago
Definitely see it, it's a great film mostly because it doesn't take itself seriously and the actors have fun
Made sure to remember her name in the credits, what else has she done?
Any information on that picture you've posted?
It's good but Baby Boomers loved it because muh Billy Crystal humor. It's still pretty good, though.
>I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!
For some reason I always loved that line, and I also had the assumption that old married couples constantly fought and bickered.
the holy grail didn't pander