This triggers and enrages the french

>this triggers and enrages the french

Looks like shit.

I feel more confused than anything

French BTFOd


Now try with Napoleon.

It's kinda like what happened with pizza when you think about it.

Cornetto is an icecream brand.

B-b-but muh Croissant en mmmeeeerrrddddee

its name comes from the pastry

Yeah we steal thing and do it better.
Belgian fries? Fuck off with that shit enjoy your French fries.
Cornetto? Horseshit now let me add butter to it and enjoy your Croissant nigger.
American revolution? Lmao you're like a little baby check this shit out

>Yeah we steal thing

it's austrian m8, it comes from vienna.


But Belgian fries are bigger and the French Revolution was just a giant fedora tipping blood fest.

You should come in France and try it if you like good food.

no thanks

>eating a fucking plain pastry for breakfast
Even the Americans can manage better culinary prowess

The thumbnail looks like a cat wearing a sombrero

>In a discussion about culinary prowess
You belong in this conversation as much as an indian belongs on a toilet seat.

>says the toothpaste

I'm surprised you can tell the difference between toothpaste and breathmints.

>says a tripfag

You're a embarrassment to our entire nation

>citing poortherners
Yeah dont do that

And you call me an embarrassment ? m8, m8...

>American revolution? Lmao you're like a little baby check this shit out
Yeah, thanks for introducing Europe to the wonders of social liberalism.

Isn't Cornetto an ice-cream?

i can admit that italian pic related are much much better