What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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The story and the characters are some of the worst problems with this film
Nothing. Best Star Wars movie.
its the 3rd best star wars movie
Everything. The list is too huge.
Characters with no character
No main character
Shit actors
No backstory
No bad guy for most of it
Too complicated
Not many agree on the last point, but I tell movies to my daughter as bedtime stories and she loves Star Wars.
You can talk through the main points of ep4 in 15 minutes.
With ep1 you're still explaining what a trade agreement and a blockade is.
Well the prequels are about the downfall of a republic, you kind of have to get political with that.
Which suggests that it's not a story worth telling.
>Characters with no character
It's mostly Qui Gon, Obi-Wan, and Padme who have this problem
>No main character
If anything, it's too many main characters
>Shit actors
Blame the writing
>No backstory
>What is EU
>No bad guy for most of it
Darth Vader was only in the original Star Wars for like 5 minutes
>Too complicated
Not really, it's just a little messy is all
It actively contradicts the original trilogy, sets up a new trilogy on a foundation of sand and bullshit, and utterly wastes Obi Wan and establishes Anakin as the worst child actor ever.
Essentially while it had some good ideas and some good effects for the time it set the prequel trilogy up for failure.
>Darth Vader was only in the original Star Wars for like 5 minutes
Yes but 3 of those were right at the beginning. He was an established bad guy right from the start, onscreen with the princess, it doesn't matter that he wasn't on screen for the rest of it, you knew he was out there.
In ep1 it was after the half way point before the good guys met Maul.
Because he works from the shadows, like some kind of menacing phantom.
>he works from the shadows, like some kind of menacing phantom.
That would be Jar Jar
George Lucas finally got to use all his shitty ideas that were cut out of the first movie.
He also didn't bother to edit the script. It sounds like exposition, not dialog.
A generation of men raised by women.
I forget, what kind of diner was it and whom was the owner?
I think it's possible to tell that political story in-between a simple hero tale.
One example they got right is
>we need to rescue the queen before they make her sign the treatise
To a 5yo that's just
>hero rescue fairytale princess
I spent a long time thinking of similar ways to link the major plot points together when I was watching them with my daughter. I cant remember what I came up with right now but there are similar solutions for a lot of it.
I was so happy after ep2 when my 5yo daughter turned to me and asked "is palpatine a baddie?"
There's this one picture Jake Lloyd in which he loos like the embodiment of Sith. Like holy shit that awful childhood actually did make him evil
George went a little to far in some places
nothing really people where just nitpicking
Sheev does, and that's fine, but you still need some shit up in the hero's grill.
it was made
In all seriousness? Just Jar Jar.
The rest is great.
It's all about forcing SJW propaganda now.
As Kasdan said in an interview, he and JJ asked themselves what it would be like if the Nazis had gone to Argentina and regrouped after WWII.
From birth, Jews are raised with this idea that homogeneous white societies will inevitably result in goose-stepping, ethnic cleansing, and warmongering. And I could understand that outlook if history had begun in 1930. But the truth is, whites are the most egalitarian and least barbaric group in human history.
That's what frustrates many of us when jewish SJW Hollywood sensibilities become accepted norms. They're slanted, prejudiced and their bias goes unchallenged by everyone.
The First Order was a Jewish take on ultimate evil. And because modern Jews are obsessed with The Shoah and WWII everything magically relates to MUH SIX MILLION.
It has gotten boring. It's stale. I wish we could get a more nuanced view of evil, but that won't happen because show-biz Jews always find a way of politicizing everything.
Like, recently I saw a movie set in 1920s London. There were several shots of a black man and a white woman holding hands in the street. It was there to sell us something. It was out of place and revisionist. It's tacky and it's condescending.
The objective is to shape public opinion with the assumption that everyone needs "educating" and are too dumb to pick up on the flagrant advertising of their agenda. In this case, it was a short throwaway scene and it still took me out of the movie. The message is basically, "You're too dumb to find the right opinions by yourself, so we're going to give you direction by placing propaganda in the media you consume."
SJW placement just seems dishonest and manipulative. Flagrant product placement annoys me whether it's a product I like or not. It takes me out of the ride that it should be, pauses everything to remind me what I'm supposed to think, and then expects me to jump back in with full enthusiasm.
in a word - midichlorians.
you mean what went right?
it surpasses the original meme trilogy
thank you based lucas for making OT shitters mad
that's one vivid imagination you have there
it's true
all of it
You got old.
I only enjoyed the prequels more as I got older and grew to dislike the OT and the culture surrounding it
an amazing time to like star wars for prequel fans. I feed on my cynicism and disregard towards anything disney
>four years after the Plinkett review
>people are still asking this
[Insert opinion from Plinkett review here.]
I was about 7 when the Prequel Trilogy came out.
I grew up with the OT and was a big fan. I experienced all 6 of the George Lucas movies during my childhood.
The Prequel Trilogy to me was better at Star Wars in every way. Star Wars to me was this imaginative super cool sci fi world of grand scale and alien experiences. The Prequel Trilogy took all of my expectations and imaginations as a child and blew it out of proportion. You had sprawling alien planets and futuristic cities. Mystical Jedis who were the coolest combination of ninja, samurai, knight, wizard, and monk. You had giant futuristic machines of war. Strange aliens. Such an expansive expanded universe.
Of course the acting wasn't top notch. Jar Jar was stupid. There were ridiculous and chessy moments galore.
But the nostalgiafags of the OT gloss over the subpar acting of the Original Trilogy and the cheesy silliness of the Ewoks. They gloss over the campy parts of The Empire Strikes back. The absolutely god awful fight scenes. The boring environments like the overused desert. The crappy costumes and dolls that did not age well.
A lot of the same criticisms exist for both trilogies but those things really aren't what make Star Wars stick in our minds. The movies aren't really about amazing writing and characterization. It's always been something that captured our imagination and took us on a ride through a never before seen world of huge imaginative proportion.
With the new Disney movie, the OT nostalgiafags got what they wanted. They got literally the 4th movie all over again. That's the problem with listening to them. They are so afraid of change when really pushing the boundaries is what made Star Wars great. Fans of the OT can bitch all they want but before the PT, no one but George could have pushed the the special effects and imagination of science fantasy forward by the kinds of leaps and bounds that George did. The influence is impossible to gauge.
>Campy parts of The Empire Strikes Back
The only thing I can even think of that could qualify as "Camp" is Yoda fucking with R2 on Dagobah, which was supposed to be funny.
Someone listened to 90s percentile today
Not that guy you replied to, but there's some of that "space-speak", especially in the Hoth infirmiary. Nerf-herder, etc...
It's a relief when they get to Lando, who just speaks like a normal person.
>Hey Chewbacca, you still hanging out with this loser?
I guess cool guy Billy Dee wouldn't put up with that dialogue...
I don't know if this is pasta or not but whoever wrote it is spot on.
there are people on here who spend all day posting pics of their waifus feet. There are literally people on here who post all the time sexually provocative pics of girls aged 14. And still, somehow,you (the guy who goes through every thread commenting DROPPED with a pic of a Jew thinking hes cool and edgy) manage to be the most pathetic person I've come across in 4 years here.
You're patheticness near impressive, tell me where you D R O P P E D on your head as a baby?
Will you defer your motion to allow a commission to explore the validity of your accusations?
daily reminder's
>yaddle was meant to be a young yoda puppet.
>first draft story was about obi wan only
>qui gon played what was meant to be "young yoda's" role.
>tupac wanted to be a jedi.
>mace was originally white (mace whitedu)
JDIF pls go
The Empire was always based on Nazis. Are you going to tell us that Lucas is a Jewish sleeper agent too or something?
Way too much exposition, Jar Jar, casting of young Anakin, Maul is a non character, midichlorians.
Aside from that it's better than any SW movie that isn't part of the OT.
goyim don't know how to make movies. the quality of star wars movies is directly proportional to how jewish they are.
Everything from landing on naboo to just before the fight with Darth maul.
> it's a "retard thinks he's on Sup Forums and trying to act cool" episode
This should explain it for you OP.
At least it's more creative than The Force Awakens
>They gloss over the campy parts of The Empire Strikes back. The absolutely god awful fight scenes. The boring environments like the overused desert. The crappy costumes and dolls that did not age well.
>When you see it
Why is this allowed?
nice meme
I don't care about non-canon movies
Star Wars = Empire Strikes Back > Return of the Jedi
That's this whole website, user
It's everyone except Sheev and I guess Grievous
Lots of main-ish characters = no main character
Both the writing and the acting was shit
Movie shouldn't be dependent on knowledge of the EU
Agreed although 5mins is hyperbole
Agreed it wasn't complicated, the narrative for it was just shitty and opaque
Due order.
[Insert criticisms that existed long before Plinkett summarized them]
Why are prequelfags so triggered by him? They keep bringing him up over and over like a soldier with PTSD
1 is the only prequel I like
Atleast it looks like a movie and not a videogame
5 = 4 > 6 > 1 = 7 >>> 3 >>> 2
but it was the only kino in the series
Very often in these threads you see criticisms worded in the exact same way as the RLM reviews, or all the same points ("hurr, no protagonist" comes to mind).
RLM drones are really easy to spot.
cause the plinkett reviews caused irreversible damage in the fragile prequelbab minds
If a movie needs supplementary material in order to make sense or be coherent then the movie failed.
1 is the only prequel that isn't green screen madness and Hayden faggotry.