ITT: Reddit-proof kino

ITT: Reddit-proof kino

The anvil hoarder


those silent movies poor people watched in a nickelodeon where they thought a train was going to come out of the screen and run them over.

reddit loves these movies

Post proof


I liked it but it's not redditproof.

Also the vagina drawings just seemed edgy for the sake of edginess. Did they serve a purpose?

Pleb proof desu

my nigga

This here kinojoint

Good taste.

how this is pronounced.



Any live action movie made before 1999 would apply. Reddit would never have heard about it.

Snuff films

His post WAS the proof.

It's a tough call though, Bill Murray is a reddit favorite

what movie?

Bill Murray is loved by basically everyone, including normies who've never touched Sup Forums or Reddit.

Is this bait?
If anything, this flick inspired the creation of Reddit.

The Angry Birds Movie

>Reddit: The Movie
>Reddit-proof kino

>Leo Marvin detected

I haven't met too many normies that like this one

Reddit wouldn't watch B&W and those same nu-males would be triggered by the satirical blackface parts of the movie.


Or really any 80s action movie that involves a scantily clad woman.


God this movie looked good. Too bad a lot of it was trash


Hello Rebbit

Don't kid yourself, they're both capeshit, it's just that one doesn't take itself as seriously as the other.

>absolutely retarded ending
>stupid character progression
Sentionaut scene and drug trip scene were great, but too short. This film was far too tedious for there to be any payoff

okay reddit

Look, I'f gladly watch another movie from this director. The ambition was admirable and the aesthetics were fantastic. But this movie failed on very basic levels.

>those two frogposters on the right struggling to talk to the chick

No it didn't rebbit. Now go watch your capekino

Kek, good one, please tell me what you got out of the movie. It's not awful, at least it has intention, and I'm very prone to valuing visuals over any other aspect. This movie just didn't do it for me. You do realize you're only making the film seem worse with your inability to discuss it?

anything concerned with using the camera to 'objectively' capture 'aesthetic' images or 'express' something that the character is feeling/manipulate the viewer into reacting a certain way is reddit-tier. i don't think i've ever seen a film discussed here that was actually interesting

It's not a movie. Now go back to Plebbit.

>I watch superhero movies
Nice assumption, you clearly know nothing. It had multiple build ups to nothing and took character developments out of nowhere. This is where personal preference comes in, as I really didn't care for the direction the doctor character went. And there was no payoff. The ending was abrupt and lazily written

KINO, right?



Absolute. It's about as far from your capeshit as you can imagine.

That doesn't make it good you memester

For plebbit.

I ended up watching RUBBER at about 2 times speed and I still couldn't wait for it to be over.

I genuinely wonder what type of person gets enjoyment out of shitposting so simply and shallowly. You're not being creative, you're not being funny, no one is taking the bait. Either you're a tourist or a complete retard and frankly you should kill yourself

Triggered the Reddit kek

>biting that hard
Thanks for the (You)

Well meme'd.

excellent image swap my friend.

Fantastic beasts indeed.

Is this thread about movies named after things I didn't wear when I fucked OP's mom?

Goddamn was Danny Elfman on point with that.

Does Reddit like Friday?

Yes, it's Rebecca Black's best song.

god damn this movie was a waste of my time. i give it 2 stars...


Everybody likes Friday, user.