My little cousin, who is sadly a Doug Walker worshiper, keeps going on at random moments about how bad this film is.
I'm curious? Is the films actually bad, or is it ok and the bad reception just from Doug's bullshit reviews?
My little cousin, who is sadly a Doug Walker worshiper, keeps going on at random moments about how bad this film is.
I'm curious? Is the films actually bad, or is it ok and the bad reception just from Doug's bullshit reviews?
>My little cousin
you can just say it's you that watches doug walker. most people here have shit taste, it's fine. just take your licks like a man.
This movie is fucking amazing. I don't know how anyone can not like it.
>British Pest
It's shit. Maybe the only redeeming factor is Phoebe Cates and it's pointless since she doesn't even show off the goods.
Is Young Einstein the Australian Pest?
This and Death Becomes Her where the only 2 VHS tapes we had in the house for years.
I have a soft spot for it.
Drop Dead Fred is pleb filter
your cousins a faggot
>British Pest
Calm down you Argentine fuck
Young Einstein is a decent enough flick and shouldn't be memed like that. Reckless Kelly is closer.
I actually liked Death Becomes Her. Always felt really sorry for Bruce Willis's character.
This movie was a fucking classic, when I was 10. Not so great, re-watching it. It's still better than most of the garbage kids movies we have now.
Yes, a movie that came out 25 years ago got bad reception because you a Youtube personality.
How fucking retarded can you be, OP? And why are people watching a show called the nostalgia critic when they weren't alive to actually watch any of those movies growing up? Literally the entire point of his show is to quickly go through movies you watched as a kid and talk about how they're not as good as you remember them, why the fuck else would anybody watch it?
I haven't watched his show though. My dumb cousin does. Go back to r/insults if you want a better argument.
I've never seen that, but I seem to remember hearing that the DVD is rare.
I've seen it in it's entirety. Its pretty fucking terrible.
It's not good but it's not that bad.
It's fucking awesome. Half the people on this board never had the chance to grow up with classics such as this. I wouldn't respect the majority of the opinions here since the average age is fucking 16. Annoying little cunts with their Youtube critics. Laughable.
I saw it when I was about 6 or 7 and I thought it was one of the funiest things ever.
I rewatched it later on in my teens, but I couldn't get through more than 20 minutes of it. It's really cringeworthy.
>invents rock and roll and uses it to disarm an atomic bomb
Don't you dare shit on Young Einstein.
Thanks for reminding me rik mayall is dead.
Faggot :(
I fucking love nathan fielder
I'm going to shove my fist up your little cousin's asshole if they don't quit talking that jibba jabba about Drop Dead Fred.
based rik mayall deserved a better vehicle than this.
DDF is a great film. It is a humourous look at mental illness with some genuinely amusing set pieces and crude humour. In some ways it belongs to the same class of kino as Freddie Got Fingered. Always enjoy looking at Phoebe Cates too.
It's an odd film
Who exactly was the target audience for this??
Adult males who want a kids movie for middle aged women?
Anyway Doug is an idiot and it's not a bad movie it's just hard to see who would want to see it (when it came out)
Doug seems to have an issue with movies with difficult to define genres. Didn't he dislike last action hero? Because it was a mixture of action / comedy/ satire and not just one single type of film?
I actually like it and found the end to be extremely sad.
Came here to say the same thing. I to watch Doug. I hate myself for it sometimes but I still watch.
You don't watch Drop Dead Fred for the laughs. You watch it for THICC Phoebe Cates
>Anyway Doug is an idiot
>I to watch Doug
Who the fuck is Doug?
Doug Walker.
A.K.A The Nostalgia Critic.
Biggest cuck the internets have to offer.
So sad Rik Mayal is dead now. He was a fucking legend.
Brilliant movie, although Rik Mayall carried it for the most part. It can get pretty boring when he's not on screen. But it's a good premise and Phoebe Cates is still just about in her prime.
It lands a lot harder if you're a kid and still open to extreme silliness. But as kid's movies go, if you can't appreciate this as a grown up then you're dead inside.
That said, I can't watch this from the point of view of someone who didn't love it as a kid, so I'm biased. Maybe it doesn't work if the first time you see it you're all grown up.
It says a lot that OP's outspoken critic of this movie gets their opinions from a YouTube "movie critic."