Why do people dislike him so much?
Why do people dislike him so much?
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because he didn't send anyone
Because he used to be "DUDE FUCK POP SINGERS LMAO" but then sold out with Recovery. I still like him but he's definitely declined since the Eminem Show.
I agree that Encore, Relapse and Recovery are slightly above average at best, but I thought MMLP2 was on par with some of his earlier albums.
the song rap god is gross
I can think of 3 reasons...
he doesn't answer fans letters
He may have rebounded but still he's been pretty damn inconsistent.
Because he's the corniest hip-hop artist of all time and when he's not making bullshit pop songs, he's writing cringeworthy bars for edgelords who have never listened to any rapper besides him.
something something window pane something something quit playing with the scissors and cut the crap something something shove a gerbil up my butt something something FUCK you MOM
MMLP2 is on par with all of his albums, because they're all garbage
People on Sup Forums dislike him because he reminds them of when they were 12 and really into edgy rap music, like Death Grips is an upgrade.
B/c he got old. He was great because he was a 20 something year old filled with piss and vinegar ready to fight the world. Now he's an old dad who just need to rake in the cash once and a while so he drops an album. 313 was straight fire though. I still think back to some of the bars and just sit there and go... damn.
kekd and checked
Black guilty.
Eminem dickriders are probably the worst rap fanbase I've ever seen. I mean most of his fans are just white 14 year old kids who don't even listen to other rappers, just Eminem and they think they're "Hip Hop fans".
His sense of humor was always fucking terrible and his music (or at least his hits) aged like a milkshake in August.
Any of these tracks would clear out a party like a tear gas canister if you played them 2016. And would you ever actually want to listen to shit like this alone in your house? I think not.
>picking the worst songs from his worst album
This is true. I got dragged to an Eminem concert once. The DJ came out early and started playing some classic east coast shit like Mobb Deep. The crowd didn't react at all. No head bobbing or anything. None of the dumbass eminem fans even knew any of it.
Notice how all of those tracks are from the Encore era.
(Though to be fair the last one is better than the other 2)
You need a certain level of intelligence to really understand what he's spittin' about.
Left wing regressive douchebag. Wouldn't hold that against him. Most artists I enjoy are like that. But his music just fucking sucks. Has been awful for over a decade. He can't make good music like he used to. His muse is gone.
He's had the same terrible sense of humor and irritating, whiny voice throughout his entire career. I fully acknowledge that he is technically skilled but seriously, most of his music is unpleasant to listen to and he has made some horrible songs in his career. Tracks that are some of the most embarrassingly terrible, cringeworthy rap songs of all time. I respect the fact that he has put out some gems but I cant just ignore all of the trash.
because he isn't making infinite/slim shady lp era music anymore. stupid faggot asshole
He's put out 5 albums full of incredible songs (Infinite, SSLP, MMLP, TES, MMLP2) which, in my opinion at least, outweigh 3 albums which were all slightly below average at worst.
>slightly below average at worst.
...No way that's not bias talking.
Each of those albums have some awful songs but they also have a few great songs that keep the albums as a whole from being terrible.
>full of incredible songs
MMLP and SSLP were genuine classics, I'll concede that. TES was pretty good at best, with a lot of shit tracks mixed in. Infinite is nowhere near as good as people are making it out to be. MMLP2 is overhyped, souless pop bullshit .
>TES was pretty good at best, with a lot of shit tracks mixed in.
The only song that's actually bad on TES is Say Goodbye Hollywood
>Infinite is nowhere near as good as people are making it out to be.
Haven't listened to Infinite in a while but I remember it being really good
>MMLP2 is overhyped, souless pop bullshit .
I definitely disagree with this. The only song I didn't like was Stronger Than I Was, and there were a few bad lines on some of the songs, but tracks like Bad Guy, So Far, Love Game, Headlights and Evil Twin easily make up for it.
A remastered version of the song Infinite was just posted on Spotify, it's extremely good.
The Eminem circlejerk is so large they made a 27 minute video about other rappers talking about how great he is.
lmao xD
hows it going listening to the Sup Forumscore chart
Because he's the best rapper ever. TSUUUUUU
That isn't new.