Who in the actual fuck likes this band? I just heard that their 2017 tour sold out in under 24 hours! When I first heard them on the radio I thought they were like a "joke band" or something, with the ridiculouse sound of Axels voice and the goofy guitars and generic bass and drums. Then when I found out they were supposed to be taken seriously I thought "oh then maybe the lead singer is an old lady giving it her best to be hard". I just don't get who likes this band
Who in the actual fuck likes this band...
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I don't. It was a period when musicians stopped being artists .
I've never met anyone who doesn't like at least one Guns N' Roses song, stop trying so hard to fit in you fucking spastic.
I liked them in very early high school before realising they were shit, nobody I know likes them, and yet a number of people I "know" like them on Facebook, it's strange since there were far more creative rock acts from that time
i do
appetite is a classic
probably made more bad music than good overall, but some of appetite for destruction is goat, good for helping you imagine you get laid
>generic bass
lol. please oh wise one, tell me, what does a non generic bass in a radio song sound like?
I think Patience is a descent tune, until Axel comes in with his "old lady whining" sounding voice at the end
>there were far more creative rock acts from that time
GnR didn't reinvent the wheel by any means, but they were fantastic pop songwriters. There are more hooks in Welcome to the Jungle than in most artists entire discography.
Not saying I'm a music genius, I'm just not a fan o bands that you can't even hear the bass cause it's covered up by the rythum guitar