>when the voice of god is just right
When the voice of god is just right
Other urls found in this thread:
>When the voice of god finds a new bae
Best movie ever
Post Stanzi
I thought I was gonna hate this movie but it's definitely a top 5 for me.
3 hours long and never boring
you have to shop in the emoji tears
Amadeus is too patrician for such a meme
ahahahahahahahahahaha - mozart
>you heard it in his voice
I absolve you.
>Amadeus is so fucking good that even the 14 year old plebs who post on Sup Forums appreciate it
True kino.
>be teenager
>see this dvd at the library in the movie section, the cover art makes me think its too highbrow and intimidating as fuck
>finally get around to watching it years later
>holy shit
Has old age makeup ever been better than this?
This thread reminds me of when moot was still the boss of Sup Forums
kek saved
I genuinely hate this Reddit meme
How's the blu ray transfer of this?
Post Mozart
>that gentle warmth
Why is this movie so perfect. Is it because the writers purposefully sabotaged Mozart's character and turned him into an obnoxious hippy fuckboy?
I think so.
>be kid/preteen
>see this movie on the shelf at blockbuster for years
>the cover always made me assume it was an anime
>be person
>see this poster and assume its hardcore gay porn
>pleasantly surprised when it turns out not to be
>Mozart's character and turned him into an obnoxious hippy fuckboy?
I dont get why some people hate the way mozart is portrayed in this movie
He seems like a fun dude
On the page it looked nothing! The beginning
simple, almost comic. Just a pulse - bassoons and basset horns - like a rusty squeezebox.
Then suddenly - high above it - an oboe, a single note, hanging there unwavering, till a clarinet took over and sweetened it into a phrase of such delight! This was no composition by a performing monkey!
This was a music I'd never heard. Filled with such longing, such unfulfillable longing, it had
me trembling. It seemed to me that I was hearing a voice of God.
god this movie is so fucking aswesome
He was annoying during his first years in Vienna, but the later parts of the movie made him more mature and sympathetic. Especially after his dad died.
Tell me about the Commendatore! Why does he wear the mask?
I just recently found out that the redhead from Sex in the City was the fucking maid. No wonder she looked similar.
Just watched it cause of this thread; thank you OP.
Got to see this in a theater with nice sound system last month. It was great
Was coming to dinner part of his plan?
Based kino acting