Female Ghostbusters BTFO

James won't watch the upcoming shitfest that is Ghostbusters. Has he finally uncucked himself?


>Has he finally uncucked himself?
I don't know user, is he still running a fake video store out of his fucking basement while his wife gets BLACKED?

Ruh-roh, his life partner won't be glad to hear this!

Why do people like Ghostbusters so much?

even his hairline is better

Just wait until his wife finds out about this video... he's going to be in fucking trouble

nostalgia. most people saw it here as kids.

they wanted a proton pack. or maybe they just wanted to nail janeane

James is a dumb pleb with terrible taste. His opinion doesn't matter.

If a youtubefaggot doesn't likes it...it might be ok.

It was a good movie that's fondly remembered. That usually happens with good movies.

Oh fuck
Hes finished!
Very funny that this is how the godfather of youtube meets his demise: yelling at the clouds of change.

He's more 40 than 30 now.
Sad really.

rich joke m8

>in a world where men wouldn't step up to take care of a ghost problem

This is like a fantasy world from a novel for 13yo girls

he's gonna take you back to the past


>Youtubers hate the film
>Sup Forums now defends it

to not watch the shitty movies that suck ass


Did he ever review GODZILLA 2014?

the cycle of contrarianism begins anew

It was a good childhood flick that still holds up seeing it 20 years later.
Most films don't do this as you wind up cringing wondering why you were so stupid as a kid.
That plus it successfully blends comedy sci-fi and horror elements into a single movie which is really hard to do.

Yeah, i like the first movie but...its retarded as fuck and pandering towards kids, and thats great, but now its parts of the mra/sjw crusade i realize how lame this all issue is.
Fuck them, remake not remake, i'm not a kid anymore.
I don't care either way.


a long time ago back in 2014

he said it was good and respectful, that it was the one he wanted back in the 90's, but ultimately that it came too late for him

Wow he shit all over that.

Awaiting feminists popping up to mock James' hairline.

it actually looks improved

You mean that absolute bullshit you made up because you have black dick on the brain?

Yeah, that still never happened.

>Shit has been happeening for decades
what evs
>Shit happens to something you like

Doesn't surprise me, guys from his era grew up on these movies. We're genuine fans

I won't go on a social media tirade, thumbing down everything. I just won't watch it, fuck'em

Yes! you can do it james!

if the original cuck uncucks himself he will inspire more

But user, he does actually run a fake video store out of his basement.

His wife's daughter will like it anyway.

Hey nerds, check out this chick in a ghostbusters costume. I bet you've jerked off to this fantasy. hand over the neet bucks.

Fuck I've never actually watched one of his videos before after all these years. I always imagined he'd be much louder and more obnoxious

>Doesn't mention gender once

You know that's just acting a character, right?

While I respect your position, you should also realize that it is your civic duty as a citizen of Sup Forums to thumbs down that shit in order to amplify the butthurt as much as possible

Yeah, yeah James. Now show us all your Ghostbusters toys and tell us how this silly franchise means so much to you.

Nerd culture deserves to be ridiculed. This guy is almost 40.

They should have cast ATTRACTIVE actresses if they wanted the waifu audience.


go away fat bitch from mike and molly

i dont even know your nae

are you gay? please stop posting.

hes right tbqh

if something looks like shit and youre going into it negitvely, youre just making yourself suffer while lining their pockets

No idea I've never clicked on a video before now, he is always pulling faces like Beaker in screenshots though.

he mentions people refer to it as the female ghostbusters. Beside that 1 utterance, yeah it seems weak to try to gloss over it.

I've told people I won't see it because of the blatant cash grab it is, having a full female cast included in that. If you are an adult and you associate with people that don't/can't understand a different viewpoint, you aren't really an adult.

I'd jerk off if even one of them was hot. Their sexist as shit man-tard-secretary is better looking than any one of them. And I'm not even gay



His cunt of a wife is gonna be so pissed.

We're all gay for Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans. Its cool though, those are our only free passes. Anyone else and you are certified homogay.

Wait, the original cast isn't reprising its roles?

Are you fucking serious? Is Bill gonna play a fucking bellhop or something?

It's not gay if it's Fruity Rudy either

Says the retard who probably has thousands of dollars of sports merchandise all over his walls.

his name is rich evans

>Kristen Wiig is literally positioned as the 'hot' one

This where you lose me

Bill is a ghostbuster hater and a ghost kill him.

>refuses to review a movie because he knows he'll have a strong bias against it

That's pretty fucking mature of him actually. Never watched the AVGN, but I might take a look now. At least he's a shitload better than that soulless fuck with the hat.

Yes. In this 'world' the ghost busters never existed. It would take away from the specialness of the wimmens if they were using things made by men

>Not having the evil gay art gallery man reprise his role


Is that the elf guy from kimmy schmit?

I never knew ghostbusters fanboys existed before this new one got announced.

but she isn't, the lesbian is

>Bill becomes Peck
>gets called dickless
>Amy Schumer or whoever the fuck confirms that Bill has no dick

james is comfy

He is literally boo-ing the memebusters when a dragon ghost kill him.

I actually have a man crush on Sebastion Stan desu.

They existed mostly as sleeper cells for decades

>yfw there's a scene just before the credits where yucky nerds who dislike the Strong Ghostbusting Women get slimed by Slimer as he winks for a freezeframe

But Anthony Burch still exists, user.

>I refuse to watch it
In other words: he is going to torrent it for free

>sjw propaganda film

How did I wake up in a dystopia where movies are now designed to indoctrinate you instead of entertain you?

He was German, not gay.

Subtle difference.

Why is everyone so obsessed with hating this movie? Yes it looks bad, but that's not the point. With most bad movies (including reboots/remakes/sequels) you would watch the trailer, lose interest, and move on. But for whatever reason this movie seems to enrage people to the point of turning it into a war against feminism. It's pathetic and makes me think you are in fact misogynists trying to turn this into a cultural war.

Wait, you were being serious?

>no Amy Schumer on the team

This is where you lose me

Bill Murray is specifically going to play a famous skeptic who goes on TV to denounce them and he gets killed by ghosts or something. Everyone else is in similar roles like Ernie Hudson plays the black lady's uncle.

It's actually kind of disturbing to have the original cast come back for cameo roles. It's like this movie takes place in an alternate universe where the same people exist with different names and personalities, but there's references like Zuul and Slimer in it too like those are from the normal Ghostbusters universe too.

After this fiasco it'd be kind of cool if they could keep the franchise going and actually disregard this movie that way. They wanted to make Ghostbusters a huge movie franchise too. What better way to do that than by disregarding this movie and just continuing the old movie's universe?

All of you people are going to shit your pants when Bill Murry appears in his Ghostbuster uniform alongside Sigourney - the studio has you all fooled. The all female reboot was a joke.

>Oh I hope it was an entire prank

>The trailer was criticized for racial bias by various commentators,including Janessa E. Robinson of The Guardian, Nico Lang of Salon and Akilah Hughes of Fusion. All complained that the three white Ghostbusters were scientists and academics while the black Ghostbuster was a streetwise, seemingly inept transit worker; Hughes described the black character as a "minstrel show".Robinson also criticized the film for apparently ignoring "Latina, Asian and Indigenous women"
Are we heading towards the apocalypse?Because it feels like it

Welcome to 2016

What is she going to do? She can't cheat on him with a black guy, she has already done that

I wanna fuck Anthony's sister so fucking hard.


Because we've had to endure decades of remakes and reboots and stale sequels. Fem-reboots is just critical mass in terms of jewry.

80s culture has become more important to people than culture that's being made right now. pop culture references from the 80s like "get to the choppah" will outlive ones from the early 2000s.

Yup, making a 6 minutes long video about not planning to review a movie is very mature.

Is Mark's UNJUST aura uncucking everyone's shit?

Judging by the trailer, Murray's team did exist.

So maybe it is an alternate universe

I'm being serious.

Even James KEK Rolfe refuses to watch it.
This movie gonna bomb.

Because for many, MANY men and some women, this franchise is their holy grail.

Imagine, user, if someday someone came and tried to remake your most cherished thing. Only instead of rebooting it with any semblance of respect or love for the source material, they decided to cast extremely unfunny and untalented actors.

This movie deserves to not only bomb harder than Jem did, it deserves to be sent to gitmo for warcrimes. Paul Feig and his "lol I'm a quirky male omega feminist cuck" shtick should be shot into the sun.

>implies this will be any good.
Judging about how shit this has been received only a few will see it and it will be panned.
why the fuck do people not get that you have to 1st be good then add diversity?

but user why would you want to fuck a shorter female Anthony Burch

He was expected to do a review, considering it's what he does and Ghostbusters is kind of a big deal to him. Now he's expected not to do a review. It served its purpose.

DO NOT kill off Murray's cameo.. fuck he should have a longer role and not just 5 minutes worth

>>Kristen Wiig
>hot one

still comes no where close to the horrible casting of Maggie Gyllenhaal as the hot girl powerful men fight over in The Dark Knight..

im not watching that video.

hes just trying to avoid pissing off his wife or turning the internet against him i bet though.

>caring about bad remakes
I wouldn't care.

yada yada frog in a boiling pot yada yada