How would you fix this mess of a movie?
How would you fix this mess of a movie?
convince brian singer not to do fucking superman returns but do this
No idea, the phoenix is a concept that doesn't work in movies. Even the Movie's version of the phoenix seemed retarded. I don't know, maybe if the alluded to it in earlier films other than the water scene.
Best mystique.
I never understood why people disliked it. Thought it was pretty good.
What's wrong with it?
did you enjoy my 1 minute screen time, Sup Forums?
How did it all go so wrong?
How about don't kill a major character like Cyclops off screen?
fucking stupid
>"I hear you're quite the animal."
>"Look who's talking."
Why the fuck was Logan such a dickhead to Beast?
>Maxim Magazine says it's the best movie yet
Well if fucking Maxim says it, then it must be true
Phoenix being the main focus
using the cure as a subplot ad tie it in as the only way to stop Phoenix
Fagneto is the one that gets killed
Jennifer Lawrence > Rebecca Romijn
shit = your taste
Who hyped for apocalypse here
will be best capeshit of the year
How do you go from this
To this
Nice cherry picking, faggot.
Favourite Xman film
Remind the director the studio would like to make an X-Men 4-7 so try not to go crazy.
Cyclops stays alive all movie