Serious thread, non-troll edition. What is the best ship and why is it the Reliant?
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I've never been a fan of the Miranda class. Its just kind of ungainly when compared to the likes of Excelsior or Constitution class.
The Reliant, seems pretty reliable.
Fuck I didn't know that was lego at first
Instructions where?
The correct answer is the 6 ft model Ent-D, but the All good things super charged End-D with the 3rd nacelle is a close second even though it was based on the clunkier 4 ft model.
no its the warship voyager.
You don't have enough pieces, sucker.
>any intrepid class at all
How can you live with yourself? Do you have tiny vestigial limbs as well?
voyager can take out several borg cubes.
stop. you are actually triggering me right now.
you don't know me
Voyager Borg are weaker than Pakleds though so that's not saying very much.
>why is it the Reliant?
That's not how you spell Defiant.
>Miranda made out of Lego
>Mirandas have the durability of Lego
What is the first Federation?
Is there a better shuttlecraft than pic related?
Watch TOS.
Watch Babylon 5.
there are many better shuttlecraft than pic related.
But none cuter
So when the fuck is Romulus destroyed anyway? Is it post any other Trek media or is it set before a future episode and just never mentioned?
there's too much talking in this show and not enough action
I always liked the miranda class, and I thought it looked a lot better than the later nebula class which due to the swooped-nacelle struts looks like a squatting dog taking a giant engineering-section sized shit. That and the construction all had a nice logic to it, the raised strut with the torpedo pod, the thick engineering section on the back of the saucer, the location of the shuttlebays etc..
its a jj movie so it doesnt matter.
the enterprise can be destroyed every single time and it doesnt matter.
I'm four episodes into TNG and I fucking hate Wes. Worf and Data are the best characters. Will periodically update this blog post over the coming years, stay tuned
I intend to, but let's just for the sake of the thread say that I can't snap my fingers and watch all of TOS in the blink of an eye, that image clearly shows some major organisation with superior technology that are never mentioned again.
It's the Assignment: Earth backdoor pilot all over again.
Nebula class is only suited for diplomatic missions to the clown planet.
If you actually start a blog on Twitter or Tumblr then you can earn mad internet points. Like, at least 10 times the amount of points that you can earn on Sup Forums.
Like everything, it's a matter of quality over quantity.
The episode with the first federation is called the corbomite maneuver
He was a Species 8472 advanced scout and nobody can tell me otherwise.
>dat fat haunch
Oberth class: the toyota sienna of starships.
>It's a vague global warming allegory that completely changes the dynamic of the show episode
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
that scientist was such a paranoid bitch.
threadly reminder
>it's a VOY episode
Nope, the warp drive is destroying space, so we can't go to warp past 6.
It completely changes the dynamic of the show and anyone who put thought into it will know that it isolates a good chunk of the Federation.
All for a shitty global warming allegory in a single episode.
But global warming is a real phenomenon confirmed by science and its importance needed to be communicated to the public.
Thank god it happened in a totally uninhabited sector of space that nobody knew or cared about, right?
Threadly reminder that Sloan did nothing wrong.
Was Omega really supposed to be a global warming thing? I never made that connection.
Wasn't there something wrong with that local region of Subspace so the warp 6 speed limit was only enforced in a small sector?
no your just listening to baseless rumors.
But the warp speed limit was imposed Federation wide as it only showed up in that part of space first and still had an impact on all of space.
Nope, Picard even mentions the warp speed limit in another unrelated episode. When they fired the Klingon ambassador in a torpedo tot he Enterprise the information sent to the Enterprise mentions that the warp speed limit can be exceeded due to the importance of the mission.
So then is the speed limit why Voyager had to steal borg slipsrteam tech to make it home?
This is my favourite meme
The speed limit is the reason why Voyager has foldy nacelles.
Because that makes a difference... somehow...
I didn't realize the warp speed limit was supposed to be related to the decay of the omega particles.
Was that in the omega directive?
Voyager just seems to ignore it, as does every other species.
Something something warp field geometry
Stop with the fucking Omega particles, terrible meme.
The Omega Particle has no connection to the warp speed limit. user was just using that image because it's a similar issue.
shouldnt the warp cores exploding from all those ships completely fuck everyone?
Is the subspace degradation only because the federation uses matter / antimatter reactions? Would the Romulans with their artificial singularity be able to warp more sustainably?
What was the fleet at Wolf 359, 30 ships?
I wonder if the fleets of the DS9 battles could actually take out a cube.
You are putting more thought into it than the writers did.
It was meant to be a throwaway episode to teach a social lesson but they fucked up in not realising just how large the repercussions of that episode would reach.
>all that close formation combat
Looks cool but makes absolutely no sense. Shouldn't they be hurling guided torpedos at each other from across the sector?
>lots of ships moving in 3D space
>only attack along one plane
Whoever teaches tactics at Starfleet should be fired.
The Alpha quadrant is funded by CBS, so they have to fly in a way that the cameras can easily follow
>The Alpha quadrant is funded by CBS
Delete this meme.
Star Trek 2017 will be the very first CBS Star Trek. All other Star Treks were produced CBS-free.
>you will never smell Crushers bed sheets after she has a dream about a Scottish ghost
Need some Trekkies on this discord, thinking about organising a group watch with people who haven't really seen it yet sometime this summer.
sounds comfy as fuck as long as the people we're watching with arent too pleb, can i join?
They're definitely not too plebby when it comes to tv in general but they're uninitiated in the joys of trek. Need a few more experienced hands to man the ship, welcome aboard.
She's a classy lady user but if you examine your feelings you'll realise the galaxy class is all around the most perfect ship ever designed.
Good, she's so old that she's probably incontinent and would have shat the bed.
Why did the Enterprise's quarters look like they were designed for gay children?
user these people play Robin Hood on the holodeck, what do you expect?
>rewatching DS9
>last episode on DVD is Time's Orphan
>too lazy to change disc but don't want to watch Time's Orphan either
I think it happened in the comics before jj's movie
Wes is such fag
your one as well
And probably not.
The Cubes completely outmatched starfleet until after locutus betrayed them
Nebula is a BAMF.
>modular mission pod
The thing I never get on starfleet ships, whats that blue circle on the saucer hulls? It always looks so out of place.
The Hermes class is the most idiotic design.
Not to mention it violates design rules
you violate design rules
How so?
Sorry, i agree with you. I meant that for this guy
It has one nacelle. Nacelles need to be symmetrical to enable warp drive because a single nacelle can't generate a warp field. They need line of sight parallel to eachother.
I guess the Kelvin, Defiant and the Pheonix dont have line of sight nacelles
Sorry to mention a JJverse ship
The Kelvin no, the Defiant "technically" passes because the nacelles sorta dip below the hull. And yes, the Phoenix breaks Gene's rules too. They're symmetrical but the hull is right between them.
The Raven fucks up as well
The Akira class is overrated. It's so awkward to look at from above or below. I don't get why people love it
You have to wonder whether some Starfleet designers were drunk when creating some of the ships.
What kind of draftsman would wake up and say: "Wouldn't a ship that splits into three be a good idea?"
That scene was so fucking based. One of Star Trek's best ol' switcheroo moments.