Syrian refugess goes on a rampage and kills a woman in Reutlingen / Germany...

Syrian refugess goes on a rampage and kills a woman in Reutlingen / Germany. Another Syrian refugee does suicide bombing in Ansbach / Germany. Come on Merkel let them all in we need more sandniggers

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Fuck off you fucking fascist

I see, do you love that shit

We just didn't welcome them enough



I don't. But I am not so fucking stupid to deny thousands of people help just because some few people go crazy. I don't care about borders

then tell me how you can just sit there and get raped and bombed by this muslim scum instead of going onto the streets and show them how is the boss

And what do you think who is the boss?

We should build a 500 ft tall wall around the Middle East and shoot down any aircraft coming from there.

it's obv Tony


As a German I can tell you, this is one of the most stupid arguments, but you hear it all the time.

Do you fucktards realize that a few hundred psychos is all you need to ruin a whole country?How to differentiate between 'good' and 'bad'?

But I will laugh, because people like you will get their live-demonstration, meanwhile I enjoy my life in Switzerland...

Germany needs to wake the fuck up now
This shit is getting ridiculous
Let's turn the EU into a Mudslim killing machine, lets exterminate them all, we want our continent back
All that SJW bullshit is killing innocent people


>As a German I can tell you
What do you think I am?

More than half of the German population are dumb sheep! They are idiots who really believe in the stories told by politicians and media.

They really think: Hey if we are friendly to refugees, they are friendly to us. Even in a kindergarten this is wrong!

They will learn it the hard way, when its way too late! There will be no awakening!

Why do you think George w bush went to war with them? So no more shit would happen in the US from these sand niggers
Obamas letting them in, but now y'all see why the fuck we got involved there so they wouldn't come to the USA

Na dann genieß den Terror, das war erst der Anfang vom Anfang!

Ich schau mir das von Außen an, wie ein Fußballspiel. Schade ist es nur um die Leute die schon seit Jahren vor dieser Entwicklung gewarnt haben, aber das waren ja alle Rassisten und Nazis.

Die Mehrheit bekommt endlich das, was gewählt und damit gewollt wurde ... ein Leben mit nahöstlicher Bereicherung. Viel Spaß noch!

I remember the day Germany woke up once
Then millions of Jews, gays, gypsies, communists, Slavs and other people were wiped out
With superior technology and pan European collaboration we can all do that to Mudslims
Keep in mind that the worst is coming, the 2nd and 3rd generations of musdlims are the most dangerous if not contained and shown that they have to conform or get the fuck out
Germany can benefit from French, Belgian, Dutch and British experiences

Germany could benefit from other experiences, they just won't! Believe me!

Hood rats (a form of common domestic terrorists) kill more than those we CALL "terrorists" on a regular basis. So, I'm not worried about some bad apples slipping in with desperate desperate people looking for aid.

Es macht ganz einfach keinen Unterschied. Wenn Terroristen ins Land wollen, kommen si eauch ins Land. Ich bin nicht bereit, mich von Menschen abzuschotten, mit denen ich mich solidarisiere. Fakt ist: Egal wieviel Menschen man ins Land lässt, der prozentuale Anteil an Arschlöchern bleibt gleich!

>As a German I can tell you,
>Do you fucktards realize that a few hundred psychos is all you need to ruin a whole country?

That coming from a country that only needed one..

just checked the news.
it wasn't that bad, one guy just got crazy.
i mean, compared with the stuff that happens everyday..
i bet that while i was typping this more niggers shot each other in the USA then the entire terrorism attacks in EU

Some of you are so fucking brainwashed you're incapable of seeing what's going on in your country
Open your eyes before it's too late
You still have time to react
If Germany falls we're all fucked, Poland and Hungary and Italy are too weak to help us all

Du weigerst dich also anzuerkennen das muslimische Einwanderer massive Assimilierungsprobleme haben? Das eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft hohes Konfliktpotential in sich birgt?

Du redest Bullshit! Schon mal länger im Nahen Osten gewesen? Glaub mir, da sind > 90 % totale Arschlöcher.

Das schöne daran ist, dass deine Art zu leben die erste sein wird, die dran glauben wird!

Solidarität, Genuss, Freiheit, Frauen, Schwule alles Dinge die im Nahen Osten von 90 % der Menschen zutiefst verachtet werden. Nur ein Beispiel: Wieviele Flüchtlinge hat Saudi-Arabien, Dubai etc. aufgenommen?

In diesen Gesellschaften gilt nur das Recht des Stärkeren und Linke gehören in der Regel physisch und intellektuell zu den Schwächsten einer Gesellschaft.

Solidarisiere dich ruhig weiter mit denen die deine Gesellschaft abschaffen wollen!

Religion of peace that can't get along with itself and other religions or anyone else

Natürlich weigert er sich, weil nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf! Das ist reine Ideologie!

Sinnlos mit solchen Menschen zu diskutieren, sie werden D in den Abgrund führen! Pack dein Zeug und geh in ein Land in dem Menschen noch rational denken! Das Ding ist durch in D!

It's interesting because Germany is the ultimate example of a hatred that being friendly to would have done nothing. I.e. could you imagine if we tried to fight Hitler with kindness? If the rest of the world kept telling the Jews, France, Poland, And the rest of Europe that they just weren't being friendly enough to Hitler.

You CANNOT beat hate with love. It's not that China and the Eastern Muslim civilizations weren't being friendly enough to Genghis Khan, it's not that the Gauls just weren't being friendly enough to Julius Caesar, or the Greeks to the Persians, the Spanish to the Muslims - some people just want to spread their word, and their civilization regardless of the price. And sometimes certain groups are just too fucking ignorant of history to stop it before it's too late.

But do you want to be the one telling a daughter, son, wife, or husband that their loved ones won't be coming home so that others can live? If you want to help them live in peace, go help defeat the "few" in their country so they can stay there.

Yeah he did it all alone ... build the KZs etc.

Millions. Get your head out of your ass. They aren't refugees. It's an invasion.

They are a civilized and reasonable people!

Leftists don't have children, just stop trying to discuss with idiots like that, it's hopeless!

Hitler's only mistake was not finishing the job before he died.

Well, maybe not legitimate children. The man fucking their wives gave them plenty of children, the filthy cucks.

Why can't you help them by sending supplies to them?

Your argument doesn't hold up because you end up paying much more to support a few thousand refugess for the same cost of supporting some 100,000 with food, water, shelter, and other amenities.

You're benefiting an extreme minority at the expense of the majority of those suffering.

Couldve used the cyanide pills to kill a few more jews.

Whenever someone says that, I usually show them videos like this or the verse "Surah 9:5"

You are willing to risk having your fellow citizens killed by "a few bad apples" so you can feel good about helping people? You do know that you can help people in need without risking the lives of your fellow citizens right?

Yea. And allowing all the refugees to come in leaves less people to fight the hatred in their own countries.

Not by risking the lives of your fellow citizens without their consent.

Exactly. Let people sign up to die for the freedom of others. Don't play god and say "they can die for these people"

>Du weigerst dich also anzuerkennen das muslimische Einwanderer massive Assimilierungsprobleme haben?
Ich weigere mich zu glauben, dass wir hier keinen Terror hätten, wenn wir hier keine Flüchtlinge hätten. Außerdem geb ich nichts auf Kultur, weder auf deutsche noch auf irgendeine andere. Mir als Deutschen wird ja gerne sowas wie christliche Kultur angesagt. Was muss ich jedesmal herzhaft lachen. Ich scheiß drauf! Und weil es mir so egal ist, hab ich auch ncihts dagegen, wenn andere ihre Kultur ausleben. Ich habe mit den vielen Ausländern in meiner Gegend 0,0 Probleme, auch ein Freund von mir, der mit Flüchtlingen arbeitet, hat nicht mehr Probleme mit denen als mit anderen.
>Das eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft hohes Konfliktpotential in sich birgt?
Ja, blödsinnige Annahme. "Deutsche Kultur" ist gefährlicher. Sie Geschichtsbuch.

In 2017 you all need to get Merkel out or force her to radically change her policies
France will elect one of its most right wing president
Matteo Renzi is in the shit and only hanging by a thread right now
If we all do our part we can find a way out of this shit and build a better future for our kids free of Mudslims and other shitskins

Makes too much sense for the Yuropeens.

Weird, since they seem to have solutions for everybody else's problems (especially for the Americans).

Wow this board went to shit, fuckin redditors

i was saying that it didn't seem that bad.
don't take me wrong, in my opinion noone should be able to interact with other race.
blacks stay with black, white stay with white, brown stay with borwn yellow with yellow, etc
if i was in charge and other contry like syria come for help i would get them and send them to prison, where they would be away from civilians. that way they would be safe and not cause trouble
but i am not in charge and the ones that are are just dumb to make everyone mix.
I live in Portugal, that it is really a meh country, so i really don't care what will happen to others

This is needed. The alternative will be the Day of the Cudgels. Not the optimal of solutions but it will come.

you guys must love your bait

Germany is a fuckin joke, especially german "men" ..if they welcome so many muslim subhumans, they deserve to die

only happens in bavaria


thats barely germany

Things like this spreads. Your internal borders are ineffective, your government(s) care more for power than the well being of their own citizens. They believe the importation of refugees that will stay on welfare will continue to vote for them so that they can keep holding on to power.

It may not seems to be that bad now but things in Europe has a tendency to go to shit very quickly.

Bavaria is no Deutshchland

also there was rape in Cologne on new years eve. Cologne is NRW

An einem Wochenende 2 islamistische Attentate von Flüchtlingen in D. Seit 1945 kein einziges islamistisches Attentat in D und dann rein zufällig das Alles ca. 1 Jahr nach der Immigrationswelle?!?

Ernsthaft, bist du geistig behindert?

So richtig abstrus wird es, wenn die Realität verleugnet wird! Aber Menschen wie du merken das nicht mal! In D ist ja schon die Beschreibung der Realität purer Rassismus (z. B. das Flüchtlinge bei allen Straftaten (bereinigt um Ausländerspezifische Delikte) um den Faktor 4-10 überrrepräsentiert sind.)

Wilkommen unter geistig Armen!

this comes from the rationality, that brought us the wars in afghanistan and iraq but as you have seen, it failed beautifully, because you cant fight an idea with an army. as long as western troops are in the middle east, this idea will live. It needs an islamic army to smash that idea. because then they have to accept, that allah wasn't on their side.
Also: islamists can only be cured by education and seeing, how it could be, the germans basically develop the next syrian elite to rule the peasants.

NZ is showing by example right now

>Du redest Bullshit! Schon mal länger im Nahen Osten gewesen?
Nicht länger, aber ja
Glaub mir, da sind > 90 % totale Arschlöcher.
Nein, glaube ich dir nicht. Wieso sollte ich?
>Wieviele Flüchtlinge hat Saudi-Arabien, Dubai etc. aufgenommen?
Dir fallen gerade mal zwei Länder ein, die sich dermaßen abschotten? Fallen dir auch Länder ein, die viele Flüchtlinge aufnehmen? Libanon? Jordanien? Wir regen uns hier über winzige Zahlen auf, wenn man das pro Kopf rechnet. Da sind teilweise 25% der Menschen Flüchtlinge

please translate. this aint Deutschland Faden.... whatever that is

Islamists can't be cured
We all need to exterminate them

ich wäre ja bereit zu wetten: bis ende dieses Jahr sterben keine 100 Menschen bei attentaten, wenn es mehr werden, gebe ich dir recht, wenn es weniger werden, gibts du mir recht, wäre das was?

you cant sure anything that tells you from birth to kill those who have different beliefs, and if killed in doing so, you will be rewarded. there simply is no fixing something so deeply rooted in life.

so sending your troops and getting them killed is better? in what world do you live in? more americans died in the post 9/11 wars than died on that day.

>proving his point
wew lad

Genau das! Diese ganzen Affen mit "Refugees Welcome" sollen mal richtig hart gefistet werden. Hauptsache alle als Nazis abstempeln und nur von A nach B denken...denkt mal einen Schritt weiter ihr Affen! Solidarität für den Arsch! Hoffentlich werdet ihr mal Opfer von einem solchen Anschlag damit ihr endlich mal aufwacht

In D in Europa? Allein in Frankreich waren es schon jetzt deutlich mehr!

Aber das werden in D auch noch locker über 100 dieses Jahr! Da würde ich nahezu jede Wette gehen!

Jo. Noch ein Lubitz und ein bischen NSU... voilà!

well your right wing ideology also cant be cured, so I should rather shoot you, where do you live?

in D, dann gilt diese Wette, der verlierer postet sein Gesicht am 1.1.17 in einem Deutschlandfaden

soldiers understand the risks, they've signed up for them
civilians have the right to live in a peaceful society and be protected by the state
putting worthless Mudslims fucks over your fellow citizens is disgusting, selfish and morally wrong

We welcome humans. That's all. The percantage of assholes remains constant. Example: if we wanted to get rid of 50% of all assholes, we would just kick 50% of all people out of here

do you even know where Portugal is?
last time something big happened (ww2) it didn't even reach spain.
they will have to walk too much before reaching here, and if even reach that point germany, and russia will act.
i don't give a fuck if some terrorism attacks on france and germany kill some idiots on the street
i live in Portugal, that noone cares so noone will attack, and even if they do, i don't go outside, so i wont be run over or shot in the theater and i don't live in a skyscraper so no airplane can hit my house.
my only hope is that everyone kills everyone and i can watch my cartoons alone

>in D, dann gilt diese Wette, der verlierer postet sein Gesicht am 1.1.17 in einem Deutschlandfaden

Ich würde mein Gesicht niemals posten, habe nicht mal ein Fratzenbook-Profil.

Werde am 01.01.2017 trotzdem mal kurz an dich denken.

Troops are volunteers, they don't have to sign up and go. The alternative is to have the U.N. establish a safe zone in country and have the refugees there.

You think having your fellow citizens dying in your own country from people you are trying to help is a better alternative?

You left wingers can't deny one fact.

If we did manage to somehow wipe Islam off the face of this earth the world would immediately become a much more peaceful place.

I'm not saying there's an objectively good way to go about doing that, but you cannot deny that fact.

Ich schaller gleich den lubitz

Until they start popping over the Mediterranean through Morocco.

The world is very much different from WWII. Transportation is better, communication is faster. If they decided to fuck up Portugal, what or whom will stop them?

Remember, they think everyone is the enemy, they will lie about their motivation eventually they will come for you because you are not them. It only takes a few of them to terrorize the whole country.

In a perfect world, we would've been content to do our own thing. You will watch your cartoons in peace, posting online about how awesome it is. I'll troll you for fun and we'll have a fun bantering session. They are against this because it is not what they like and is willing to kill both of us for it.

They need to be stopped, not just for us two but for others as well to live their lives as they see fit.

vorhersagen nach dem schotgutn prinzip machen und wenn eine in hundert jahren eintritt: ICH HABS EUCH JA GESAGT!!!1!1einself

mimimi inb4 sind aber nichtmal hundert tage

civilians have a right to live in peace? tell me, which law are you reffering to?
it's one of the goals and a reason for the existence of the government to keep their citizens safe but they also have a statute of helping people in need. none of that weights one life for another, which is exactly what modern philosophy is teaching us.

Islam is the most backward, conservative, misogynist, homophobic, anti-freedom religion in the world
Leftists have no reason to support Mudslims, they should be fighting them and their beliefs

Ich darf das, bin aufgrund der gesellschaftlich-politischen Situation in D vor 2 Jahren ausgewandert! Habe nämlich Kinder, im Gegensatz zu den meisten Grünen.

Für deine Dummheit kann ich nichts!

i think the life of a soldier is just as precious as that of a civilian, because you are not born a soldier and when you come home, you are a civilian aswell. And terror so far doesnt kill as many people as the wars in those countries have.

>Außerdem geb ich nichts auf Kultur, weder auf deutsche noch auf irgendeine andere. [...] Ich scheiß drauf! Und weil es mir so egal ist, hab ich auch ncihts dagegen, wenn andere ihre Kultur ausleben

So, culture doesn't matter to you? Does that include the political culture, the legal culture, the culture of science et cetera?
Would you, e.g., object to solving a crime via divination? Because in some cultures this might very well be acceptable! Or what about answering an insult with a duel? That was acceptable in Germany just a 100+ years ago. How about the concept of "trial by ordeal"? It was a part of medieval legal _culture_. Should we really think you wouldn't care about such things?

Youre concept of "culture" is to narrow. You seem to think about food, fashion, lifestyle, family etc.
But there's more to it.
The current norms by which you live in Germany are not set in stone. They have changed and they will change in the future. Fueled by a changing demographic, this means in the long term more Islam in every part of life.

People who are not as conservative as me, i.e. 95+ percent, should be fearful of that.
Because it is their liberal ways which are fading away.

fuck you nazi scum
the bomb they wasted in hiroshima should been delivered to germany instead

You fucking cuck
You think the fuckers who are killing people on our street will help you if you're in need? You're completely delusional
In this world you can only count on your fellow citizens, there are bonds that matter more than any shit principle
The day you lose someone because one of the fuckers decided to kill him or her for being an infidel you'll realize how much of a fool you're being right now

> Until they start popping over the Mediterranean through Morocco.
they will reach spain first and before they get to Portugal they will be stopped or slowed down enough to prepare
> If they decided to fuck up Portugal
why would they? we are weak, we don't have many land, we don't have much cash, we don't have many allies, so why bother?
have you ever stopped to think about why they are doing the attacks?
if they want to start a war or make many casualties that would be so easy.
just look at the euro soccer final, where there was millions in a tiny space in france, so easy to attack, but they didn't
they don't want to start a war, they just want to cause panic to sell oil and guns and make the economy a mess.
Portugal doesn't have any influence on that
if they would really want to take over the world they would take other actions
that is why i dont watch media, allways brainwashing the minds of the public. i prefer to live in a fantasy world, and if the world is on fire around me, as long i don't get burn i couldn't care less

You think anything's gonna change?
Nothing's ever gonna change, they could kill half the population of Europe and people would still go on about peaceful Islam and a tiny radical minority

There won't be a civil war, there won't be a stop to immigration, and they won't stop breeding like rabbits
There's nothing you can do.

jo, ist doch immer wieder schön wenn es einen nicht selbst betrifft und man trotzdem kräftig seinen Sempf dazu gibt

wo bist du denn jetzt immigrant?

So? This wouldn't have changed anything. An atomic bomb would have destroyed, like, 0.01 percent of the country. Doesn't matter!


I am not so sure about peaceful, because quite some countries have a muslime minority and would not jump on that bandwagon, therefore you split the non muslim countries in two groups, those that support oyur idea and those who dont. and you think those that oppose your idea would peacefully watch your slaughtering? that would be a certain way to start WW3

So is WW3 more peacefull than keeping the moslems? i dont think so. And there goes your only argument.

Sure I would find it great, if all problems of the world miraculously disappeared over night, but only a god could do that, but god is dead.

Steht schon im Thread

Haha what are you doing here you left wing baiting cuckhold aids infected sjw cunt

The country of Martim Moniz would be a great target for them
Same thing for Spain

they arent worse than mafia, because they let you live, if you pay them. there are churches and nuns, living in the IS territory.

We need to to try
We have to try
We can't give up our land, our civilisation, our values, our culture
We need to fight back

>they won't stop breeding like rabbits
have some numbers please

as long as you have money ... then you will loose your daughter, wife, house and the end you are their gay slave!