/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico

me on the right

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I am in full support of the LGBTQIA community.

this one's a bit to canadian for my taste


>tragically hip
huh maybe you aren't a total faggot

you forgot the X you intolerant fuck face, i'm calling justin and reporting your hate crime

That's why we have to make America great again.



did that lead singer die yet?

wtf I hate the mirror now


You dont get that much money i guess.
Enough to survive and live kind of comfy I guess.
Not enough to travel etc.

threadly reminder Joseph Mccarthy was right about everything

No, wish he'd get it over with already.

If you slow it down you can pinpoint the exact moment the Libertarian party became an eternal joke

>University let's me take a class on slavs to fulfill my diversity credit
Shout out to my slavic bros for being third world tier

how obnoxious of him

wowowowow nice (((freedom))) america

Neo-McCarthyism is bullshit though.

How many Torontonians are here right now?

sho nuff

we could solve this by having the men wear dresses and claim they are native by muh heritage

Only me

is.Sup Forums.org/gif/1483829864175.webm


Every Canadian poster is a Torontonian, even the fr*gs are just an elaborate Toronto ruse.

We could just give jobs to competent people. So fire everyone.

dumb hamsterposter

tfw can't tell if I'm really nice or just boring

please suicide

I mean, how coulld that go wrong?

chink genocide when?

I was expecting him to lodge the axe in his forehead on the back swing.

this is also a good economical option

You can be both. They aren't on the same spectrum.

hey guys.... ive only posted in here a couple of times but i was very rude and aggressive for meme values and got a lot of angry replies....

im here to post tonight in a peaceful manner and i am extending the marijuana branch of peace.... in essence... i am here to... *gulp* apologize.

>'commits suicide'

What did the DailyMail mean by this?

Why was this something that needed to be done in the first place?

you cant just genocide the entire canadian population, silly

>t. Toronto

any day now

Are you known as Autismo Brown?

apology not accepted

i don't know what to say about that

That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

oregon wtf


send money and extra fire trucks

'Quoting' the source while the rest is an original headline.

I would fully and unironically support a genocide of all pakis

PNW man

apology NOT accepted

**sends random south africans and doesn't pay them**

pshh, nothin' personell kid

And the Dutch too.

>higher up the west coast you go the gayer it gets

So are you the one guy who put his marker there on the /cum/ map?

t. dark orange spot in S. california

And the Germans

where is cum map

Np, bro. Also,
>diversity credit
lol what

Mexicans hate homos and the density of Mexicans declines the further north you go. Exceptions being eastern Washington. Lots of apple pickers there.

>North Carolina

Northerners were a mistake.

Still waiting for the Poos to deliver on that one.

Life is like a pendulum that keeps swinging, and the only way to stop that is death

justin i hate you so much, if your father Castro wasn't dead I'd have a good talking to him about your behaviour

nope, there's a few albertans on here.

Umaru is literaly the best anime of all time, once you've seen as much anime as I have you'll agree

>Northerners were a mistake.

>less than 10000 anime

ban guns
ban anime
ban lewdposting
ban non-cum flags
ban niggers
ban faggots

Spongebob is the best anime you twit.

Tits-chan is good waifu material

most boring general if all that happened

>he uses MAL

ban ugly notalent lesbians

>tfw to intelligent to move to oregon and find a bf


Fuck leftists

>there's a few albertans on here.

>Calgary guy
>Calgary suburb guy
Only ones I've seen

How about this:
ban normalfags
ban chads
ban "robots"
make Sup Forums a website for nobody but hikis, autists and weebs again

For some reason I need to take one three credit diversity class, almost all of them are cancer but I was able to find a class on slavic culture that counted for it


Ban taconiggers desu

Regina lol

People who smoke weed should be sentenced to life prison. Children must learn to accept authority. It's so simple. Just don't smoke weed. It's illegal. What part of it can't these people understand? Fucking hippies.

>make Sup Forums a website for nobody but hikis, autists and weebs again

once again....

>pronounced "vagina"

Authoritarians a shit

there was a guy from fort mac when the place burned down, and i've spoken with someone from edmonton and a few Calgary anons too.

vagina and saskapoon


Authoritarians are the most powerful race on Earth.


not an argument


>your moms from Regina? more like vagina haha
>well you're not wrong
>kid looks confused
>explain where baby comes from
>kid cries


>Albertans don't "muh province" like the other faggots here

Making me think...

you have your boards. Go there