Post areas of your country you want to get rid of

>pic related

They are the reason why the US is a fucking laughingstock.

Other urls found in this thread:

>4th biggest economy in the world

Kek, they're the only thing propping up your economy.

What's left if they secede? American car manufacturing?


Success breeds jealousy my irrelevant friend

Yeah, its full of idiot Mexicans

You forgot that part. And even as a poor NEET white person I'm already better than every single Californian

>Sup Forums actually believes this


How am I not? Based on the statistics I have way more potential as a white person than any Mexican. and since California is 65% Mexican, that means I have more potential than 65% of California

>nuke this
>all problems solved

this guy alone contributes $350bn more to America's economy than you do

didn't the rest of US leaches from California's success on a daily basis?
and there like a hundred charts that prove that?

Except 1/3 of all the welfare cases are from California
1/4 of all immigrants live in California
California also has a much lower average IQ than other states

>you'll never drive down the boulevard of malibu in your cabriolet with sunglasses and a half tucked shirt
>you'll never join a BBQ party in San Diego after enjoying a day on the beach surfing and getting a tan

but m-muh california

The average person in California is Mexican

And they contribute nothing

I'd rather live around niggers

California sends more money to the federal government (used to fund shit red states, by the way) than any other state by far. Kill yourself you worthless faggot.

How does that dispute the fact that California has a lower average IQ than every other state, you dumb fucking Spic?

not the guy you're replying to but that is a really shit argument. You can objectively prove that california contributes the most to the economy and your only defense is "ur dumb lmao beaner"

>falling for this meme

>California also has a much lower average IQ than other states
wait aren't deep south states ranked the same as California on that subject? you know the crown of Red states? the most american you can get?
>1/4 of all immigrants live in California
you mean those slaves you got picking your fruits and cheapen consumer prices?
>Except 1/3 of all the welfare cases are from California
blame your commie nation, not the one state that pays for your roads

Uh huh

Money can be fudged
IQ can't

>literally the best part us

California seems like a completely different country to the rest of America. I don't like it at all.

None of those immigrants create shit that's relevant in the real world, you stupid fucking Paco

this is the worst attempt I've ever seen to bait Mexico

op is a proxy /lat/poster

>A-at least I'm white!

Kek, that low self-confidence

>Money can be fudged
what did he mean by this
>IQ can't
five iq points lower when you have a way larger population is actually not that bad. have fun in your irrelevent state nigger

>US industry in California is going to stay there if they secede
Love this meme

lol no wonder why chicanos always vote blue, you guys are delusional

>that's what redneck southerners believe
The reason why the US is a laughing stock is the bible belt you dummy.

I've been there three times, two of which I fully remember. I was in the rural area outside LA. The landscapes are gorgeous if you get away from the heavily settled areas. I saw some great concerts in LA, and everyone where I was seemed very laid back and easygoing.

Its really easy to get education to up your iq when California is footing your bills.

The US consists of massive swaths of essentially worthless NEETs still living at home, and California is their mother.

Also like 1/2 of our food.

Uh huh

That's why California has schools like a Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc.

Enjoy going to shitty schools like USC and Berkeley

Is it good schools you want? Here take some.

We buy them in bulk.

>University of California


Removing all your culture

I like California. The girls there are hot and don't have the flyover manjaw that seems to plague the rest of your country.

How does the NEET mind work?

Even as someone who hates California, it's not all bad. Meanwhile i'd gladly destroy where i'm from (the deep south) because we both know that's what the average euro thinks all of america is like.

The US be a 4th world country if you removed the coastal states.

But yuros like the South, they just don't like the politics

I don't see why they would. I'm fond of it, but only because i grew up here. Objectively it's thirld world and holds the rest of the country back.

Mega churches are cancer and rampant obesity is hardly politics.

Because it's quaint and interesting and has an image of rebellion and rock n roll. You can't say they don't like us when every musician in the world is a dixieboo at least musically. Also we don't muh heritage



the typical flyover butthurt

silicon valley alone is worth more than all the flyover states combined. now add in LA's entertainment business. You can never compete.

Competent Americans move to California or other East Coast metropolises even if they were born in flyovers.

Only lazy, the most incompetent, the most obese and the most ignorant stay in the flyover states for the rest of the lives.

Don't give up though. Your offspring might have a chance to live in a place where there's actual civilization.

Yeah, California is so great that you live in fucking South Korea

You don't see Koreans flocking to move to California.

marseille reste. ça ne règlera rien.

>You don't see Koreans flocking to move to California.

hum, you're right.

Yeah okay you're at the recieving end of brain drain

That doesn't mean you yourselves aren't non-white morons, congratulations on wealthy out of staters bringing in muh shekels though. Also stop fucking moving here if getting shot in LA is so amazing

I'm staying here for a bit because I actually know how to appreciate different cultures of the world. It enriches your life, try it.

Also many Koreans in tech desperately want to land a job in silicone valley because things are not going well here these days.

Also there's the biggest Koreatown in North America in LA. Google is your friend. You must have internet in Kentucky too. It can't be that bad.


yellow and red parts.

>leave California for Florida
>quality of life quadruples
Also, fuck off, we're full.

>silicone valley
aaaand I'm now 90% sure you're a master b8er. Congratulations.

Really makes you think.

Objectively you mentally ill Sup Forumstards are much more likely to shoot up a school than my average Mexican neighbor.
>has some of the best universities in the country, maybe in the world, probably only second to east coast ivies

I'd rather be non-white and enjoy the sun and being rich and partying and being educated than to be WHITE and be obese, uneducated, racist, closed-minded, hostile, and in general flat out boring.

>More affordable
>Warm Water
>Cubans instead of Mexicans
>Less purple haired SJWs

I should probably switch sides.

Please learn what the word objective means.
protip: it doesn't mean "according to my feefees"

>rock and roll
The image of rock is NE as fuck. And even when it's not its tied down to west coast cities and places like Portland. Maybe hick trash playing catch up with trends that were developed elsewhere give you this impression.

You can come but please vote Republican. The Broward, Palm Beach and Miami Dade cucks must be countered.

im on my phone u fucking retard. you cannot into logic so you have to find a fucking typo to prove that im wrong. lmao. just kill yourself. you are an abortion that somehow was born accidentally. No wonder they want to ban abortion in your states. You know you wouldn't exist if abortion was legal and freely available.

Your cunt kinda looks like Russia, finally.
Only the European side is develloped.

>Be Californian
>Live a life of sin
>Lose the beauty and energy of your youth
>Forced to move lest you by lynched by hyper-liberal youth who hate old people
>Settle down in some random city
>Realize you're a cynical crass jerk nobody likes or appreciates
>Die angry and alone

Why don't people at least do two minutes of Wikipedia reading before talking about things they don't know anything about on the internet? It would take minimal effort to not be wrong, and yet here you are, being wrong nonetheless and coming across as a retard to boot.

Ok ¡Yeb!

>It's another "flyover cuck mad at California" episode

You had me going, you can drop the act now.

Why would I be mad? Trump is president

That's the stupidest post I've seen all day.

Because you are inferior to Californians, simple as that. We might actually get even better under Trump, if that orange idiot actually follows through and builds the wall that is.

>you're a racist sexist bigot hick redneck piece of shit who should have been aborted by the way you shoot up schools and my Mexican cities where 100000000 murders happen a year are safe because I'm friends with my Mexican neighbor

Isn't Trump a Californian?

No, he's a disgusting Jew Yorker.

Are you referring to Donny Bob O'Trump, the famous Nashville country harmonica player?

Oh, shit.

>want to get rid of his best state

Wow that's beyond crazy senpai

How is it any good? What has California done for me?

Stay forever butthurt flyoverfag.

>4th biggest economy in the world
It's all imports.

>"im a retarded worthless faggot who bases my opinion of how good a state is based on how much they can pander to me"

But I'll indulge you. Assuming you live in a red, or even purple state, most likely California already sends you a shitload of federal aid. So next time you get injured, an ambulance, courtesy of Illinois, will drive you on the roads, courtesy of New York, to the hospital, courtesy of California. But they wouldn't have to spend all that money on you if you just killed yourself.


The deep south is the reason people are a laughing stock, retard.

t. Texan on vacation in Nicaragua

And yet you do nothing to act on their potential and allow theoretically inferior people to surpass you in every walk of life, you lazy, useless sack of shit.

I really should have looked at the flag sooner into the post, the complete stupidity makes sense now.

lmao i'm dying here

>tfw born and raised in Cali

Pacific northwest is cool too


>all the wittiest, cleverer memes come from based Cali
>the best flyover "states" can do is frogposting

really stimulates the cognitive process

non-cali states BTFO


Why do Calibros hate Minnesota and Wisconsin?

it's your accents, sound too canadian, and therefore untrustworthy.

>reason why US is a laughing stock
not Florida or Mississippi? wouldn't expect a NEET to interact and know what people laugh at though. Not even californian either

Betrayed us in the election

Too white. Assume your place with the rest of the flyovers. You're beneath us now.


But you are right about Wisconsin. Fucking traitors.


Objectively based US states

>New York

Everything else can die in a fire

But objectively he's right, at least about the school shootings.

rednecks BTFO