This shot is pure cinema

This shot is pure cinema

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It's motion picture at best, kid

This shot is pure CGI


It's the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever. Would way rather watch than anything else.

You have to be 15 to post here, kid

It's a reference to the Last Supper

I'm 29. I like comics. The MCU is gold. Thanos and the Infinity story line are the best. apparently everyone agrees with me because they make more money than what you consider good movies.

Jesus Christ get some taste

no you

I would have to agree.

I liked the (somewhat of a) bait and switch at the end. You think they're all going there to take on the other 5 Badass Winter Soldiers, but the real enemies are after all is still each other. Adding the effect of Bucky having killed Starks parents made the stakes a bit more real. It made the fight feel like something you should care about rather having 5 generic bad guys having to be fought.

On top of this you have Baron Zemo, made more of a real character and villain with his motivations and plans come to a real fruition at the end. On the one hand, it seems as if he doesn't care if kills himself, because he's already lost it all, but then later on you feel as if through what he managed to achieve, you wonder if he now has ambition to take on other ambitious plans down the track instigated by a highly manipulative villain, potentially on par with Loki, but one that is, so far, human and thus more relatable too. To top it off, you have Black Panther grow as a character at that moment in the end to understand that revenge is should not be prime motivator and that justice is better than vengeance.

This is all of course combined in with fantastic imagery in this fight scene here at the end.

Truly, this was Cinema, at its finest.

>money equates to quality

i know you're baiting but i just saw a similar post on facebook and everyone was praising civil war because of how much money it made. fuck this piece of shit civilisation, i cant wait to grow the cajones to kill myself

When your metric for the quality of a movie is how much money it makes you've lost the focus of viewing movies as art. It's a product to you, another toy, because you're a grown child.

If you invested in the movie you have reason to focus on how much money it makes, but since you won't make a cent from it but constantly monitor how much money it makes shows that you have no right in saying what a "good" movie is.

That's a flick shot

This is Cinema

I personally love the MCU stoked on it. Money doesn't equal quality . Just sayin i think it's awesome it's making a shit ton of money so people must agree that it's awesome. Read the Infinity Gauntlet by: Jim Stalin that's what got me into comics now there doing movies leading up to it like fuck this is amazing shit for a comic fan. Plus how is Civil War not good cinema. Have you seen it? What didn't you like?


Marvel changed what good cinema is. That's why it's so successful.

>He believes this


it just makes me glad to see that marvel gets the public recognition it deserves

more like zinnema

Suck a nigger cock, fucking faggot.

Simply put, you have a low cinematic IQ, or some sort of Stockholm syndrome, from overexposure to bland, safe, PC and souless mass-produced blockbusters, which has conditioned you into accepting the absolute lowest-common denominator standards in filmmaking, writing and cinematography as somehow acceptable, when you should in fact feel nothing but contempt or disgust for any Kevin Feige-conveiced product.

Even strictly in the field of capeshit entertainment, where the bar has always been pretty low, since they're primarly a children media, the level of genuine quality and creative abilities (which comes from studios giving freedom to an auteur with a strong personality and vision towards the material) has kept dropping since the 90's.

When Raimi's Darkman/Spider-Man, Del Toro's Blade 2/Hellboy, Burton's Batman 2 or Bird's The Incredibles offered innovative and playful set pieces, meaningful and relevant themes, each with a very distinct, appropriate tone and truly cinematic aesthetics (simply compare the lighting or editing to today's equivalents), none of these qualities are to be found in Civil War or any of the previous MCU entries. This is why Edgar Wright got fired from Ant-Man. This is why Feige keeps hiring visionless point-and-shoot directors who come from TV or comedy, colorblind cinematographers and art/set design teams who seem to be in love with grey, sterile hangers for some unexplainable reason. Action scenes are now being conceived by CGI teams months before the movie begins shooting and all follow the exact same formula.

Even as a child, I couldn't imagine being dazzled or amused by those turds, as they're utterly devoid of any charm, colors, magic or imagination.

>Captain Kino: Civil Kino

>uses Citizen Kane as the threshold all other movies should be compared to
>while using a pasta that accuses others of having a low cinematic IQ
The irony

Why does Man of Steel depress me? is so much easier if you don't have faith in humanity...but supes keeps tugging on my hopes.

>Snyder Superman
>a symbol of hope
Top kek

This is copypasta.

thanks user, for reminding me not to have faith. Posts like yours put me back on track.

>muh classics
fuck off. citizen kane is overrated peice of garbage. and tim burton batman is leagues below nolan batman. aflek batman will btfo of it too.

It's okay user.
There's always the near 80 years of comic books to restore your hope in Superman.
But stay away from the Snyderverse.
>tfw we will never again get a proper Superman movie

you're even worse than marveldrones at least they're not delusional

We need infographs to show how Cap is a Christ figure whose willing to save the lowly sinner: aka Barnes

Thor is a better symnol of hope atm. Captain America too.

And Saitama

It looks like cap is in a wheelchair and trying to move forward with his arms.