Why are there actual people voting for fucking Hillary? I know some feminist...

Why are there actual people voting for fucking Hillary? I know some feminist, fucking femanazi is going to comment on this saying shit like "FUCK YOU! HILLARY IS A GOOD PERSON WHO BELIEVES IN EQUAL RIGHTS!!" Well listen to me, if Hillary wins, the devil is going to spawn and males everywhere will be treated like fucking dirt! Oh and equal rights is a fucking lie, you only want to have equal rights if its convenient for you! Once they start shipping you off to wars, and recruiting you, then we'll talk! EVERYONE SUCKS 2016

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At least she's not retarded like the other guy










Don't worry op big boss will save the United States of America









The only reason I'd vote for her is because Trump is worse in every possible way. He's dumber, he's more corrupt, he knows less generally about everything. Hillary is a shitty candidate, but she is the best choice.


People arent, Hillary is just paying for shills claiming they are. Also the left is pretty weak-minded, they fall for propaganda and believe every headline. Things will change during the general election.


>they fall for propaganda
kek, have you seen the stupidity posted in this thread so far?

I know this is bait, but...


Because people are idiots. Trump is an idiot, but he actually wants America to succeed due to his narcissistic personality. His shit ideas are shit, so much so they won't pass/will get undone as soon as he leaves. His good ideas are pretty damn good. Hillery on the other hand, will just poison the political system even further by continuing to let corporations play a huge part, lining her own pockets, and pandering to SJWs so they won't complain when she does.

We have two shitty choices, but Hillary is the only one who will do long term harm.


>He's dumber,
>he's more corrupt,
TOP KEK, he hasn't had nearly as many scandals as her. Not watergate, whitewater, travelgate, the Haiti incident, etc.
>he knows less generally about everything.
That's why he won a debate in a landslide against 16 other contestants right?
>Hillary is a shitty candidate, but she is the best choice.



So given the option to be exploited by two people, you pick the one who will be more efficient to do it?


Wrong pic...


I hate Hillery, but I hate lies even more. She didn't laugh at the child rapist going free. She laughed at her foolishness for believing a polygraph test. Such audacious lies only make us look bad.


So I hate the bitch, and I agree she should be behind bars at this point, but I don't remember her ever being directly implicated in a murder, and find it unlikely she wouldn't have some underling dirty their hands for her.

>they think their vote matter



>That's why he won a debate in a landslide against 16 other contestants right
woah there. that lineup was the all star team for the special olympics. not that hard to win





Dude, it's bait.



What is this image meant to be showing exactly?



If you bothered to look into this, you'd find that this is a politically motivated, made-up fairy-tale, disseminated purely to make it difficult for Trump to bring up Bill's rapes.

Obama was a good president, and I look forward to 8 years of Hillary

Epstein is named in a lawsuit with Trumpie.

all leaked/exposed state secrets, hillary didnt get in trouble because she controls the gov, not the people.

and monkeys might fly out my ass


Pick one and then read this.

his wife accused him of raping her years ago in a fucking book - pulling out her hair and violently raping her. so.. yeah.

amen brother


,,,mmmmmm you know daddy raised her right.

wtf i luv hilery now

there were 3 email that contained confidential info.

How is that hard for most people to understand? I remember John Oliver saying there is no way to make them pay. Really? With a 58 billion dollar trade deficit all we need to do is impose trading embargos and tariffs. Most people and CEOs only care about themselves and will gladly encourage their government to pay for it. I really don't understand why this is supposedly so far-fetched and difficult for people to understand.


because it's borderline retarded, dumbass. that's why

> some feminist, fucking femanazi



>Why are there actual people voting for fucking Hillary?
>actual people voting
>actual people

This is new America, OP. Corporations are people and rigged voting machines decide elections.

whos got this on their music library?


.. to say: no charges :)

Borderline retarded because....?

If the rupublican party had a real nominee this year, they'd probably win. Trump has incredibly low standings compared to Hillary now. Unfortunately, given the choice of two steaming piles of shit, even republicans are swinging for Hillary. The upset here could be the write-in Bernie votes that take away from Hillary. I'm guessing Hillary will garner 50%+ of total votes.

Once again, made up/twisted into a media story. His wife later clarified her statement.

Again, do research instead of just gobbling up the mainstream media mind control.


all 3 of those are good things

thats my people, pushing our propaganda on the idiots, dumbass.

>3 emails

>all we need to do is impose trading embargos and tariffs.

sure, it is that easy lol. more big government right?

>guy who makes poop jokes for a living
>is the same guy you get your news from

I'll watch it later thanks! Enjoy your new Dictator Donald!

>He's dumber,
The man boasts about how unqualified he is for the position, and he uses this as a platform to be in said position. the people voting for him aren't voting because they think he will do a terrific job. I don't think anyone really thinks he will do a good job. Everyone wants him to win because he is extreme, and new, and will fuck up the political system in a very entertaining way. Hillary will keep the country together, but it will be very business as usual. She does however benefit from more political experience, and will not do stupid insane shit like Trump would.

>he's more corrupt,
>TOP KEK, he hasn't had nearly as many scandals as her. Not watergate, whitewater, travelgate, the Haiti incident, etc.
Not nearly as many scandals? The man brags about running away at the right time on his bankrupting business in the past, he has said so much stupid shit, such at obam-hams birth certificate for example. He hasn't as many political scandals, because politics has had him at arms length up til now. I promise you scandals will come, and you can't pretend you think he will have a peachy 4 years, where everything goes right and he is just the most nicest, wisest and active president you ever seen.

>he knows less generally about everything.
>That's why he won a debate in a landslide against 16 other contestants right?
Defeating republicans at anything intellectual is easy.


he disagreed with John Oliver, asshat

>Huma Abedin

"Administrative consequences" for Clinton aides still in government when?

Come back when it's guilty you shill.

Is that from the big email leak?

>whos got this on their music library?




its less than 3 min. and you can just listen to it in another tab


>implying Bill or Hillary Clinton have been found guilty of anything.


what a beautiful song. they must have been up all night working on it.

top kek

He was a coward and an SJW shill. For example, when the one kid made a fake bomb to get publicity the president invited him to the White house. After a lengthy investigation in response to a civil case against the school district, a mountain of evidence was unearthed making it obvious that it was not racism, but a publicity stunt. Not once did Obama admit his wrongdoing. Same thing with the TM case.

>LA Newz
seems legit.docx

>implying Bill or Hillary Clinton have been found guilty of anything.

That shit ain't gonna work anymore. Everyone knows rich man's justice when they see it.

>believing anything Trump says

Nuclear waste doesn't quite mean what you think it means in this case.

"The low-level nuclear waste would include "items such as scrap metal and worker’s gloves… as well as medical gloves used in radiation treatments at hospitals," according to the Bangor Daily News. Clinton, then the First Lady, did not have a vote on the matter."