1.You're cunt

1.You're cunt
2.Your honest opinion on Sri Lanka and Sri Lankan people

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No opinion
I don't even know whether it's African or Asian???

Poo Poo in Loo Loo

I like sri lanka, would visit one day
I don't drink Dilmah tea though, twinings is better sorry

Poo in loo II: Electric boogaloo


delete rn

scary people, very violent

i hear tamils make gangs in britain/canada
is this true

iirc you guys invented the suicide bombing.


Sri Lankan man faces English man

I can't honestly find a single reason why Sri Lanka must be an independent country

God-tier tea. Also felt awful for what the Portuguese, Dutch, and British did to your beautiful island.
Also know that Arthur C. Clarke moved there for nefarious reasons.

>Felt awful for
Nigger you werent even alive, don't act like you are some Diplomat

didn't we colonize you or something?

i can find several

How has Sri Lanka btfo of India in such a dramatic way?

not real reasons

Sri Lankan women are pretty qt

>Sikhs are Bro Tier hahah

Sri Lanka is bro-tier
Better than true blood Pajeets imo, and cricket is a based sport
Also muh ruby mines


Don't really know enough about the country or its people to form an opinion.

Tell me about you your country OP.

what do you want to know?
had a civil war
mostly buddhist
makes tea
semi decent version of india

Basically better India, cool scenery
Also good Sup Forums poster(s)

Ceylon is a better name 2bh

yes, in my area of london anyway

I like you because you are Buddhists

What do Sri Lankans think of her?

Cool flag desu.

dark as fuck and manlets

I was in Sri Lanka for a few hours, once.
Wanted to go see Colombo but the airport was way too far from the city.

The flag is breddy gud but I don't really care about you outside that

>Also good Sup Forums poster(s)

y not deport

except for the tamils who may or may not like her i guess

varies with class/ethnicity senpai

You're all manletz m8. Average European male height is 6'1 while average south Asian height is like 5'6-7.

Social/Religious-Cultural/Economic reasons
what else would be there

>y not deport
you can't just deport anyone willy nilly
One of the people at my school's brother got """"deported"""" to switzerland and he left too, he was proper gang scum
one of my dads workmates is sri lankan, he's chill af and nice guy all around

Manlet compared to Europeans yeah I agree, but I was referring to skin tone which varies from nigger to paki

though the average height difference between middle/upper class urban dwellers and low class rural persons is pretty big, i'm about 177cm myself, and almost all my friends were taller, which would be fairly short in europe but semi-tall in the city here and very tall outside, where people are like 160cm

>Manlet compared to Europeans yeah
Depends on what you mean. Most people in aus are between the 5'10/11 range
(Ignore that guy).

But then again we are a new World country so it might be different in Germany or something.

>I agree, but I was referring to skin tone which varies from nigger to paki
Are pakis meant to be lighter or something?

They're the lightest South Asians generally, though despite what they may say, far from white

Would u be up for recolinization if that meant Schengen access

>Average European male height is 6'1
Nope it is 8" 2

home of some cool people Arthur C Clarke (rip, pbuh), good cricketers, lots of physics students from SL as well

visited Columbo, Kandy and other touristy places once and need to go again.

Wonderful people, wonderful food, and wonderful drink.

10/10 country

>Shitskin Diaspora patting people in their Home country the back ITT

>lots of physics students from SL as well
I am genuinely interested in this, why is it that there a lot of Sri Lankan physics grad students in my college? is this a meme?

sure, why not
I guess it might be because a lot of better off families elect to put their kids in a private school with an international d baccalaureate/diploma and you'd need to additionally sit local exams on top of that if you want to go to the local universities which arent exactly top tier? I dunno though
And ofc South Asians in general prefer pushing their kids toward science careers

New Zealand

Really good diaspora, hard-working and level-headed. Apart from the Tamil genocide they are based.

this is a very rude post, kindly dispose of it

I don't really know about Sri Lanka apart from its location and its flag, is/was there any separatist movement in Sri Lanka?

When I think of Sri Lanka I think of civil war and a country divided by ethnicity
But that's a lot of countries, pretty normal desu
so no real negative opinion other than that it's a shit hole (but again, that's nothing out of the ordinary), but nothing positive either

huh, well done m8

in canada they have protests n shit occasionally
everybody ignores it

A civil war until a bit less than a decade ago yeah

why the fuck are they so light skinned? aren't dravidians super dark?

Having a total population of just 20 milllion which is basically the population of one megapolis in India for starters.

Less population = more resources and easy development

Sri Lanka is basically an extension of southern Indian states. I've been there many times you arnt really that different


kek, among my circle of friends thats dark enough to (as bantz) call them a nigger

tamils are entirely dravidian, but sinhalese are either not, or partially, or only mostly, dravidian, depending on who you ask (Predominantly Bengali, followed by South Indian Tamil and Gujarati, then Punjabi, or some such, if I recall correctly)

So there's more variation in skin tone, depending on a lot of other factors like caste as well
for comparison heres a collage of some young sinhala journalists association i grabbed off fb, theres no uniform phenotype, and there are extremely dark and somewhat light-ish people those guys aren't particularly light, more average

>those guys
>light skinned
among my circle of friends thats dark enough to (as bantz) call them a nigger

tamils are entirely dravidian, but sinhalese are either not, or partially, or only mostly, dravidian, depending on who you ask (Predominantly Bengali, followed by South Indian Tamil and Gujarati, then Punjabi, or some such, if I recall correctly)

So there's more variation in skin tone, depending on a lot of other factors like caste as well
for comparison heres a collage of some young sinhala journalists association i grabbed off fb, theres no uniform phenotype, and there are extremely dark and somewhat light-ish people those guys aren't particularly light, more average

Sri Lankans are pretty chill

They're smarter than the average N. Indian, pretty normal otherwise. Apparently, the level of craftsmen-ship (quality of goods) is low in the country, which is why the couple I met was snapping as many goods as they could purchase.

you know I just remembered I knew somebody from elementary school from sri lanka who was very light

I didn't know sinhalese existed

A cleaner, more hospitable version of India.

Seems like a pretty comfy place for a developing country. My cousin works there for a German trading company.

there's a sri lankan take out that just opened up near where I live, should I give it a try or a miss

If you like Indian food but basically hotter I guess, wouldn't really recommend it to everyone though, I hear tourists find the local cuisine a bit too hot sometimes

Though, if it's in australia it's probably been adapted to local taste buds

>tfw half English and half sri Lankan
>tfw balding at 19

I know it's from the sri lankan side reeeee

idk mate i have more than half a decade on you and have a full head of hair
maybe you have a hard life

I'm pretty sure it doesn't not exist.

1. Land of greedy people that would colonize and conquer only if it was in interest of the shareholders.
2. You have funny words in your language. For the rest no opinion.

Spent a whole month traveling your country, really liked it. I've got mixed feeling about sri lankan in italy tho.

Prabhakaran was a scary mofo, Al-Baghdadi is an amateur compared to this guy.

>you will never fuck MIA

kek, i agree

Are you buddhist?
or just interested in it

poorly from the sri lankans I have meet but I'm fairly certain they were tamil

Dark Aryans. Lankan women are beautiful.

it's India with another name

They have long names.

I had to handwrite a muster list while working on a ship and the Sri Lankan guy had too fucking many names to fit in.

Otherwise they're just like Indians.

There is a girl from Sri Lanka in my class. (originate from here but french i guess, but culture kept i think)

She looks very good desu ;_;

She's hindoue and black so probably tamul right ?

Cute country I guess

Aren't they the most southern Indo-Europeans?

there was a sri lankan poster said hk is his favourite cunt so now i love sri lanka

The capital city of sri lanka is not colombo and its really hard to msmorize due to its long name but id say it is srijaya warudana purakotte

2.I know too little about them in order to form an opinion

free my tamil niggas

How dud you manage to create bloodthirsty Buddhist terrorists?

Disgusting flag.

Are you Sinhalese?