Do you like Mexico?

Do you like Mexico?

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I hate this fucking shithole filled with monkeys who take the slightest opportunity to go apeshit and steal shit.

Donald Was right, please nuke us, I don't care anymore.

Indigenous Fascism when?

I love Mexico.

over my dead body Tizoc

Nice people, great landscapes and top tier food makes a great holidays.
Mexico is gut


Better idea: finish the job.

Mexico before colonization
>strong, independent culture
>invented many things on their own
>mandatory education for all
Mexico after colonization
>weak culture
>always trying to suck up to USA/Europe
>everyone hates each other and steals/cheats each other
>brainwashed by the sandjew
>ineffective criollo government that is only good at selling out the country

We need more intellectuals.


I prefer métis myself.

I-I would have say yes a few days ago, but I am on the (fence) right now.

This guy is a fag, tho.

is mexico fucked? trump won lads

Me on the right

They're not THAT bad

drug mafia and the government are the main problems of Mexico

don't forget ignorance and poverty

those are the second's fault

Nah, we have a corrupt supporting culutre, it doesn't just apply to politics.

and spanish

they're not spanish anymore

Technically we're Spaniard, Indian, French and Arab. you and nigger too

There will never be Mexican intellectuals because Mexican culture doesn't foster them

Nah they gay boys.

We need more of these.
Some where refugees the rest were Mexican.

There are, they are just smart enough to flee from this shithole

I fucking love mexico
but shit... it is very hard in these days tbqhwy

I pity them very much. I heard that their economy is being fucked up by Trump's election.

Our economy was fucked by Hillary.

This desu

we fucked ourselves in the ass, no need to blame trump for that, we signed dependence to Evil corp. and now they want to give us the check.

>do you like hell?

Our economy was fucked by Portillo, la Madrid, Salinas, Zedillo and now, by Trump, yes. He doesn't get all the blame by a long shot, but his dumb tweets are raping our currency even more than usual.

I like Mexico, I wish they could replace our monkey neighbors from Brazil.

Criollos are always innovating new ways to funnel Mexican money to European accounts.

>Are you fucking kidding me?

I have failed you.

How brainwashed by Sup Forums are you? If you had said Bill Clinton you might have had a leg to stand on.

Ah yes, the dumb leftist """news""" that hate GMOs. I did forget to add Peña.

wtf I meant this



Fuck off, Sup Forums.

And who the fuck let it happen? She didn't come here, wrote it, put a gun into Peña Nieto, forced him to sign, put a gun into anyone responsible for this bullshit. They did it by themselves.

Hillary might have suggested a dumb thing one time, but they have been making stupid shit since the 70s. Portillo, la Madrid, Salinas, Zedillo and Peña Nieto have been fucking our economy for decades. All of the fucking recessions since the fucking 70s were because of them.

And now Trump is making tweets that are actually affecting our economy since it creates uncertainty for anyone who might have invested here. Not Hillary.

Fuck that I also hate that bitch, but she is not the problem right now, and had she won, things would actually be better for our economy compared to Trump.

Tanto peca el que mata la vaca como el que le agarra la pata.

La mayoría de los dichos son una mamada y este es uno de ellos.

But it's indeed necessary, chairo.

And it was Calderón the one who did it. 5 years prior to that.



La verdad no peca pero incomoda.
no se olviden que les dio armas a los narcos

Trump would be good for Mexico if he actually lit a fire under Mexicans' asses and made them focus on diversifying their trade partners and not selling out their resources and labor to the U.S. and other multinational corporations.

no fucking way tyrone!!!1
you actually think we like you as overlords?

What exactly happened that everyone in Mexico is getting so upset? Was it the gas price increase?

Ya estas muy apendejado por Sup Forums, chairo.

not an argument

Yes. I know you love us. Don't pretend you hate our culture.

Too bad that in order to do so he is making our peso face first on a freefall, and putting the lives of up to 15 million Mexicans in danger. The reason why we are so dependant on you in trade is mainly because of our own politicians, there were several protests when NAFTA was signed. We aren't, but at this point, scraping it entirely would destroy millions of jobs, and being exploited as cheap labor is better than having absolutely nothing. We should renegociate to stop being exploited but we are not going to get anything but an economic war from Trump. Our own politicians put us in this situation, and Trump is making it worse, not better.

What even is your fucking point? That Trump is better for us than Hillary? Read above.

Esto, un chairo con ideas de Sup Forums es lo más patético que he visto.

Idk how much "culture" actually matters for this kind of thing

like I think Trump will be able to Berlusconify us well enough if that's what he wants to do and the economy doesn't crash immediately

>Don't pretend you hate our culture.
what does culture have anything to do with this? at this point an asian dude might as well being selling pizza in a texan themed restaurant in my block and i wouldn't give a fuck.
What I really care is whether I have the fucking security of living in sovereign country

The protests were asking both that it was never signed (fucking retarded) and asking a much better deal (what we should have done). And despite being as hurtful as it is for us, you think we are benefiting from it.

A gas price increase usually shoots up the expenses of everything with it as higher transportation cost need to be accounted for.

Mexico wasn't much worse before NAFTA. It's true that NAFTA brought more skilled workers and decreased the agricultural sector but wages are still very low, the middle class is standing on unstable ground, a good portion is still living in poverty, and Mexico doesn't even innovate in STEM.

Yeah, he didn't armed criminal organizations, he didn't organized the sell of our resources to foreigner.
He's the lesser of two evils.
Tenemos que empezar a pensar de forma crítica. El guey es un pendejo y ella es literalmente satán encarnado.


He wasn't a politician, he literally could have not done it even if he wanted to.

It's like people saying:
>well at least he didn't vote for the Iraq war, therefore, he is less pro-war than Hillary
Give me a fucking break, they guy not only was pro-invasion at the time, even if he really didn’t seem to care, he didn’t vote yes only because he wasn’t in the position to do so. It’s easy to not fuck up in the government when you are not a part of it and have no say. And on this basis, that Hillary voted yes, people forgot that during campaign Trump was: pro torture, pro bombing, pro-nuclear proliferation, pro invasion, against the Iran Deal, etc. And thus, Mr. “I’m a going to bomb the hell out of them, I am going to torture even if it doesn’t work, I am going to kill their families, let them have nuclear weapons lol who cares” became the less hawkish candidate only because he didn’t vote in favor of a war.

You are doing the same, well “> he didn't armed criminal organizations, he didn't organized the sell of our resources to foreigner.” No fucking shit, he didn’t have a say in any of those things. Now he does, and now he has Mr. “The KKK would be good if they didn’t smoke weed, anyone who smokes weed is a bad person, no exceptions” Jeff Sessions and Mr. “We should execute Edward Snowden” Mike Pompeo as United States Attorney General and CIA director respectively, just to mention two of all the fucking imbeciles he was as companions, like the head of Breitbart. How do you think the “Drug War” and “War on Drugs” rhetoric are going to be under those fucks now that he has a say in those things?
>Tenemos que empezar a pensar de forma crítica
You need to start doing it yourself, cunt.

He is worse, he is outright declaring economic war on us.

can't be worse than spaniards anyway

>being in the fence
>not in the wall

missed a banter opportunity, m8

price of petrol went up 20% was it?

When we liberalized financial services in 1993 in preparation for NAFTA foreign ownership of the banking system increased to 85% in 7 years. But lending to Mexican businesses dropped from 10% of gross domestic product (GDP) to 0.3%, depriving poor people living in rural areas of vital sources of credit.
In 1994, several factors convinced foreign investors to start pulling out their money (Trump is doing this very thing right now), this resulted in the 1995 peso crisis which reduced the GDP by 6.2% and wages by 25%. In this crisis Mexican-owned businesses and banks were compelled to sell off their operations to foreign investors. US capital eventually came to dominate our increasingly export-oriented economy. The % of exports by multinationals increased from 56.5 in 1993 to 64.2 in 1998, meaning that foreign investors, not Mexicans, profited the most from Mexican labor.
From 1991–1998, the % of urban workers employed for wages fell from 73 to 61; over the same period, the % of unpaid workers rose from 4.6 to 12, and the % of self-employed increased from 16 to 22. Over the same period, wage workers and self-employed workers suffered massive declines in average hourly income, 27% and 50%. While wages did rise in 1999 and 00, average earnings still remained below 1994 levels

The implementation of NAFTA aggravated a lot of these factors. The flooding of subsidized corn from the US into Mexican markets reduced the price of corn by 70%. This had the effect of putting of livelihoods of some 15 million Mexicans who depend on the crop for income into jeopardy. The price of the basic goods such as the tortilla increased drastically (738%). Liberalization of the food market under NAFTA allowed private monopolies such as Maseca, Minsa, and Cargill to hoard food supplies and jack up the price

Despite growth in productivity, real wages in Mexico are lower than what they were when NAFTA took effect. Wages in Mexico are diverging from and not converging with US wages

Well, you're right.
He could, quite certain would have do it if he'd have the opportunity. War is a business.
¿El guey que de forma hipotética hubiera hecho lo mismo si hubiese tenido el poder para hacerlo es peor que la que realmente hizo cosas, malas es poco, malignas?

El guey que va a destruir nuestra economía ahora que tiene el poder es mucho peor, sí.

It is a fence now, didn't you get the news?

I didn't...
I bet 10 (You)s that he won't even build anything at all related to a wall or fence.

¿Y ella y sus amigos no destruyeron la mundial en 2008?

Sus amigos ahora son parte del gabinete de Trump, carajo. Ella era amiga de Trump en el 2008, y si vas a culpar a alguien, es a la administración de Bush, antes de que Clinton fuera secretaria de estado, gracias a que las políticas de Bush eran: "los ricos tienen que pagar menos impuestos". Adivina cuál es una de las principales políticas de Trump, pero en esteroides. Así que so Bush y sus amiguitos en Wall Street destruyeron la economía en 2008, Trump y su gabinete lleno de personas de Wall Street lo van a hacer peor. Mientras destruyen nuestra economía por si lo anterior no fuera poco.

The wall is already there. Have you ever seen the pictures of the "Mexican Southern Wall with Guatemala", well that wall is actually the Mexican-American border.

We are not going to pay, tho, but he will impose unfair tariffs on us and blackmail us to achieve it.

Our future is really bleak with him in office, even if he doesn't build anything.

quite the opposite, trump is for sale, so long as mexico gets their bids to him, they free ride america for the next four years.

>be a spaniard conquistador
>see hordes of 4 foot tall hideous brown monsters
>decide to put your penis in them and impregnate them

actually, at the time most indigenous groups were slightly taller than spaniards tho, I think there even was a tribe around the patagonia with the average of 6 ft

>patagonia indians

aquí todo es gratis

That's a meme, there were some tales of giants in Patagonia but they were never found, might have been the natives on stilts doing their thing as in A few Amerindian tribes are actually tall, the Yaqui do average 180cms, but they're rare as a rule

In patagonia indians were exterminated by Roca.

Ask some Argie about that user..Ironically they are italians


Eramos bajitos, aunque ahora somos bastante más altos. Superamos a los gabachos

They were not exterminated and Argentines are legit Amerindians.
Stop meme'ing.

The European is weak and never got hold of Argentina's territory.

Una cosa, enserio esto de la raza os importa tanto? Yo hasta que no vine a Sup Forums no sabía ni de mestizos ni de nada

El sistema de castas existió durante siglos y sus efectos se pudieron sentir durante mucho tiempo después de que consiguiéramos independencia. Todavía se pueden ver algunos de sus efectos, aunque por supuesto no tan extremos. Y no, en la vida real nos importa bastante poco eso de "la raza", aunque sí tenga algún efecto en nuestras vidas. Sup Forums no es un parámetro real de nada.

Eso solo existió en Nueva España porque en Colombia y otros países no se impuso.

Además vosotros nos traicionasteis, eso era superpotencia.

No, claro que no, eso es una cosa de este board. Vamos el mestizaje si es una parte de nuestra indentidad/historia como nación pero se nos enseña como una cosa neutral en la escuela (ni los indigenas ni los Españoles son mejores unos que otros) y tiene una importancia nula en el mundo real. No es distinto que en España con los guiris para serte honesto, hay algina preferencia inconsciente pero no tiende a ir mas allá de eso. Para la mayoria de las personas claro, en todos los países hay chiflados.

Ahora, de nuevo como en todos los países, eso no significa que estemos exnetos de problemas de discriminación o racismo, pero para la mayoria de la gente que postea aquí es algo que en mayor parte conocen del internet y las peliculas gringas.

Tengo errores pero estoy desde el móvil *

Una superpotencia *

the meme is that "we wuz at least 7ft and shit" and also the that the tribe I said was "giants" everything obviously fake, but we and the spanish were arround the same hight with the diference that we were no more than 5 cm taller than them; just because our nutritions was better at the time, also healthier conditions on our settlements, of cours nowadays the coin has flipped

No sabía lo de Colombia.
>nos traicionasteis
En realidad no, pero en resumen: Fernando VII fue un idiota, los gabachos tienen gran parte de la culpa, y las políticas por parte de la corona hacia la gente de las colonias no eran exactamente justas para la gente de aquí.

Tengo una copypasta de Fernando VII si quieres ver la versión meme y simplista (pero muy real) de lo que pasó, por si la quieres leer.

No, la traición fue de ustedes, hasta al fecha la plaza mas importante de México, el zócalo, lleva el nombre oficial de plaza de la constitución, no por la que esta en vigor sino por la de Cádiz de 1812. Si las cortes no huniesen traicionado el compromiso de igualdad con los peninsulares la nueva España habría seqguido parte del imperio Español.

Yo no tengo la culpa de los que fueron allí y lo que hicieron, también los Anglos los pasaron a todos a cuchillo y nadie dice nada

Además estamos hablando de hace bastantes siglos

Eh, pero nadie te está echando la culpa, aunque el sistema de castas sí ocurrió y si tuvo y sigue teniendo sus efectos, que se han reducido enormemente pero siguen ahí todavía.

¿Y a ti quien te culpa de nada? En méxico a los Españoles se les ve como hermanos y solamente eso, no se les culpa de nada de lo que sucede en el país. Si, claro, tenemos indigenistas locos por ahí de la misma forma en que ustedes tienen sus locos que celebran de mala forma la conquista.