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The Normies react to Game of Thrones S6E4 (Book of the Stranger)
Best Game of Thrones related Youtube channel imo
nth for cleganebowl
nth for un-cucked Jaime
"Emilia absolutely crushed it. It’s one of those weird scenes because it was half shot in Spain, half in Belfast. But largely due to her performance, it works brilliantly."
Good first posts
Howd he fall so far?
she's so perfect
first for remove Bolton
>Emilia absolutely crushed it.
Is he talking about a chair?
All men are weak men against bad poosi.
Overweighted post
Dabid, why did Breinne lie to Davos about executing Stannis?
>its a high sparrow scene
M-my knees...They are bending!!
>Emilia absolutely crushed it.
>smiling smug and showing her tits
>mild kek
She's not fat guys. You know who's probably fat?
Jaime really is shit this season
Even his acting makes me cringe
>tfw High Sparrow's dying this season
I loved arrogant incestous Jaime in the show, and punished reformed Jaime in the books.
In the show he is a bad awkward mix of the two, cucked but not reformed, just a more pathetic version of his former self.
oh man double kek
delete this
next episode leaked
When will Stannis be revealed alive?
reminder that if you don't ship brienne x tormund you are a filthy casual
Claim your Ice and Firefu.
No lore, history, or flashback characters.
No picture = no claim.
No theory characters.
stannis is warging in jon right fucking now
Why isn't Jamie blonde anymore?
Daenarys kitchenborn of the House Targaryan, First of her Size, the unburnt toast. Queen of McDonalds. Queen of the Dressing and the Cheesy Potatoes and the First Bakers. Caloriessi of the Great Cola Sea. Breaker of Crab Legs and Muncher of Burgers.
Why do people fucking watch this guy? He just sits there staring blankly. This guy has 4.5m views and counting, how many channels are there out there that are worse than this?
>Brienne had a hard time against a bear.
>The sigil of house Mormont is a bear ergo the Mormonts can be called 'bears'.
>Jorah is a Mormont.
>Jorah will kill Brienne confirmed.
tfw stannis will become lady stoneheart
More like the House Tart-garyan.
Will Tormund fuck Jorah?
half the scenes in this show have devolved into pointing out how the characters have no chemistry with each other or dont want to talk to each other
yeah thats fucking great and all but you know how about some WRITING and DIALOGUE
they stopped giving a fuck about anything after 308
I was the most hardcore stannis fan in these thread but man its time to accept his death. In fact, its a blessing, he is finally free from this awful story. The person I truly feel bad for is Davos, however. He just seems so...useless now.
I first expected Jon to become LSH, but Stannis seems viable as well
We now have clear evidence of mind control. Davos was not himself when he was all about saving Jon and pepping up and becoming BFFs with Melly. And now in ep4 he snapped out of it and remembers Stannis. Will he kill Melly now?
When tormund fucked the bear it was actually a she-bear aka a mormont lady
Ashara Dayne
>The Red Women performs a miracle and bring Jon back
>No one from the Wildlings, Night Watch, or the guy who she brought back converts to the worship of the Lord of Light
The flaming fuck?
great choice faggot
what the fuck are you talking about
Stop posting your shitty "react" channel m8
Is she doing the smirk on purpose? Looks put-on. Unlike the other GoT chick, where it's obvious her mouth is involuntarily crooked, this one looks fake.
LSH will be cut completely. I doubt they will follow her storyline or include it, since it was going nowhere.
The chubbiest I've seen her was in the Terminator movie. She wasn't even overweight. We're all just used to seeing her skinny for her body size.
I honestly liked the moments without dialogue. Sansa meeting Jon, Sweetrobin's training, dinner at Castle Black were all great.
>Missandei was one of Varys' littlebirds all along
>that nip
Why did they bother introducing Quaithe? She didn't do anything.
it bit half his dick off but his dick was like 3ft long so no care
What a fit slag
I hear the Brotherhood and Freys are confirmed to be back so I imagine they'll do Red Wedding 2 and the Jaime/Brienne/Stoneheart thing will happen but with no Stoneheart.
It's not mine.
People still make this xray pics? I remember them being the rage back in the day. Then the stupid bubbling shoops...
it's not even an xray it's just a straight up shoop
This. She is just a chubby short girl who only got the part because Tamzin Merchant turned down the role
I got her already, homo.
Following the books. The thing she says to Dany ends up being a reoccurring issue. Adds flavor to Dany's story. And who knows, she might end up being important later.
>I know you never fooked a bear.
>You know you never fooked a bear.
>Right now I don't want to hear about the bear you never fooked.
how long until we see any sort of character growth from jamie?
He is only there to advance plot in a hamfisted way now
>this woman is evil, she uses blood magic
>you are not an evil man
>do ya have any of that magic laying around? i dunno i kinda dig jon snow
neither is the Arya storyline, it still gets included
RIP in peace
Lose some weight, Khaleesi!
Would obliterate
Is it illegal for me to download a GoT episode if I pay for HBO?
so what happened to dany's army to get her caught?
was getting caught part of her plan?
She ... paints that one dude's back?
Honestly the whole Qarth storyline was utter shite
All hail the royal tits.
>the only good chapter in that entire book
By the by, /r/ still does the xray thing. Half of /r/ is requests for xrays. The other half of /r/ is requests for cumshot edits. All the requests are of regular girls. Probably losers taking pictures off of girls's facebook.
nah, its a x-rax, look at the strap in the original pic
If the white walkers have the power to bring the dead back to life (as seen with people and horses) is it fair to assume they can also bring dead dragons back to life? We know many dragons died during Aegon conquest, and also during the Dance of the Dragons, so dead dragon bodies should be buried all over Westeros, right?
for the show?
a 10 second throwaway line about needing protection when travelling near the doom (muh greyscales)
and a 10 second throwaway about his betrayal (muh royal pardons)
Sup Forums does the same thing
you are not a smart man
More like House Fart-garyan
Feminist power fantasy the show.
Every episode we will remind you how evil men are.
>The khals wanting to rape a strong powerful women(Kelly C).
Every episode this season we will remind you white men have small cocks or none.
>Varys has no cock joke every episode this season.
>Jon snows small pecker joke last episode.
Every episode we will remind you how evil white men are.
>Ramsay being evil, killing white women and sending evil rape letter.
>The WHITE masters owning BLACK slaves.
Every episode we will remind you how weak white men are.
>Jaime,Jon,Kevan,Loras,Theon and Tommen all being weak little bitches until a strong powerfull woman tell them otherwise.
Every episode we will remind you that men are nothing but BETA whiteknights.
>GreyWorm, Jaime, Jorah and Sam.
Every episode we will remind you how powerful woman are.
>Brienee talking shit about executing evil white man Stannis.
>Kelly C killing evil men, being portrayed as a goddess while being The smuggest of cunts.
>Sansa demanding Jon to take back WinterFell or she will take back WinterFell by herself, while Jon was being a little bitch.
>Yara going to rule the Iron Islands while saying how worthless white men are.
how many months before a sophie sextape emerges? she is such a whore, she can't take a photo without grabbing something
Now that Osha is killed, do people still think that Rickon getting caught is all a ruse?
Is she just a casualty, or is Rickon fucked?
that looks so comfy, i can smell the curry farts just watching this
so this confirms that the umber's aren't part of some master ruse?
i mean, why throw your life away when you already have a plan?
all of jamie's chapters were pretty good
book was mediocre though and dwd was even worse
>Ramsay proven indestructible once again
Will he ever not win? The bitch was gone multiple seasons, she could've at least fucking scarred him, or even just fucking inconvenienced him in some manner.
Whenever Ramsay is in a scene, he just fucking wins, just because.
What the fuck. This story was meant to be the one that didn't cheat for the benefit of the "good" guys, but here it is all but moving heaven and earth for one edgelord. Even the normies must realize the extent of his fucking plot armor.
Reminder that he was defending himself against her, she didn't ask for consent and thus was raping him
This is 100% a SJW propaganda series now.
>Tyrion Lannister-
disabled white male, reddit meme-man, good guy!
>Jaime Lannister-
crippled and unthreatening (good), rapist male (bad) thus grey character!
>Cersei Lannister-
stronk female character, brave mother
>Daenerys Targaryen-
super stronk independent female leader, true queen!
>Jon Snow-
illegitimate male character, but has to die because strong white male. opened the globalist wall and sold out own people so good guy now, brought back
>Davos Seaworth-
powerless and comes from poverty, unthreatening so good guy!
wise intelligent stronk female character
>Margaery Tyrell-
punished independent stronk female character
>Ellaria Sand-
super cunning independent stronk female character
>Sansa Stark-
stronk female survivor character
>Arya Stark-
stronk punished female heroine
>Lord Varys-
unthreatening and mutilated male character, so good guy!
>Theon Greyjoy-
unthreatening mutilated male character with PTSD, good guy
>Brienne of Tarth
stronkest and most independent woman in the realm
>High Sparrow
strong white religious man? threatening AND with power? evil guy. homophobic and sexist too
>Daario Naharis
white male boy toy, not allowed power so unthreatening, good guy
>Roose Bolton
strong white male with power? threatening. murderer and rapist. bad guy
>Ramsay Bolton
strong white male thus illegitimacy, rapist, torturer, murderer
>Jorah Mormont
cuck. powerless. stone AIDS. so super good guy!
>Alliser Thorne
strong white male, so threatening bad guy
>Eddison Tollett
white male but quippy side character without power, so good guy
>Doran Martell
male character with power? weakness means death
>Podrick Payne
meek powerless white male, loyal ally to women! unthreatening good guy!
noble white man, does what’s right for the realm regardless of how it looks, thus killed by stronk woman after character vilification.
hillary of the iron islands!
The fuck are you on about