You hype?
You hype?
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Not really. Not after TFA or civil war or BvS or any modern blockbuster, they are all so middle of the road now.
not really
>No White Male Protagonist
Source for anyone curious.
Delete this
>good guys are multi ethnic and multi species, only white character is a woman
>bad guys are faceless goons led by an old, aristocratic white guy
inb4 back to Sup Forums, im not even white and i can see this
>im not even white
that Sup Forumsish taqqiya
What are the chances that all the alien character get killed off.
TFA deliberately killed off all of the alien X-wing pilots.
Who said you were allowed to leave your containment board faggot?
Let me help you out and link it for you since you're a stupid piece of shit
Did they kill off Nien Numb too or did he survive because of nostalgiabucks?
>You hype?
Just curious... Why kids post so much here about that child's tale?
Why would they kill off the Mexican leads?
b2reddit faggot, im sure its more suited to your delicate sensibilities
I thought the girl was ellen page at first glance and got mildly interested that this could be the beginning of a comeback. Now that I know its not, im back to being indifferent.
WHO /hype/ HERE XD?;?;?!;;;?!!!
i hate star wars i only watch first 3 movie 5 years ago.
But i wanna watch this flick because of man with white cape.
Should i watch other movies to understand this one
At least they show Vader straight up so they can't keep cock teasing us about him being in the movie or not.
>I thought the girl was ellen page at first glance
Oh so you're a dumb piece of shit who needs glasses..
I think its more sad that grown adults are getting triggered over a word and needs to sperg in all caps to feel better about themselves :)
did the emote face trigger you?
>burger king kid's club vs not-thrawn with not-darktroopers
Honestly, TFA killed any hope in hell Star Wars would be good again and I'm glad I got it out of my system for good with one show.
It's all about forcing SJW propaganda now.
As Kasdan said in an interview, he and JJ asked themselves what it would be like if the Nazis had gone to Argentina and regrouped after WWII.
From birth, Jews are raised with this idea that homogeneous white societies will inevitably result in goose-stepping, ethnic cleansing, and warmongering. And I could understand that outlook if history had begun in 1930. But the truth is, whites are the most egalitarian and least barbaric group in human history.
That's what frustrates many of us when jewish SJW Hollywood sensibilities become accepted norms. They're slanted, prejudiced and their bias goes unchallenged by everyone.
The First Order was a Jewish take on ultimate evil. And because modern Jews are obsessed with The Shoah and WWII everything magically relates to MUH SIX MILLION.
It has gotten boring. It's stale. I wish we could get a more nuanced view of evil, but that won't happen because show-biz Jews always find a way of politicizing everything.
Like, recently I saw a movie set in 1920s London. There were several shots of a black man and a white woman holding hands in the street. It was there to sell us something. It was out of place and revisionist. It's tacky and it's condescending.
The objective is to shape public opinion with the assumption that everyone needs "educating" and are too dumb to pick up on the flagrant advertising of their agenda. In this case, it was a short throwaway scene and it still took me out of the movie. The message is basically, "You're too dumb to find the right opinions by yourself, so we're going to give you direction by placing propaganda in the media you consume."
SJW placement just seems dishonest and manipulative. Flagrant product placement annoys me whether it's a product I like or not. It takes me out of the ride that it should be, pauses everything to remind me what I'm supposed to think, and then expects me to jump back in with full enthusiasm.
You should really go to bed so you stop getting so triggered, user
Based Mendelsohn and Based Mads are the only reasons why I'm going to see this inevitable nostalgia feminist cashgrab.
>doesn't know the Storm Troopers were originally designed with Nazi themes
Those 1970s SJWs. Gotta watch out for them.
The only people who hated Force Awakens are the Expended Universe fags.
The only people who liked The Force Awakens are those who know nothing about Star Wars and only like it because it's either their first Star Wars movie, or just trying to fit it "lol omg such a nerd amirite XD bazinga"
>why would someone link the Stoßtruppen to the Nazis???
I hope they end this film with the "rebel" realizing the Empire was right all along and that shot of her in the trailer in Imperial garb is one of the last shots of the film.
The Thrawn Trilogy was shit.
>clone troopers will never make a return
Rate em.
Ehh, kinda. But Joruus C'baoth was a great hammy villain. Twelve year old me loved it.
3 1 4 2
4 2 3 1
Only thing I didn't like looking back is the name of Luke's clone, everything else was great, especially Thrawn, the force nullifying creatures were a nice touch too.
The clonetroopers look like they have a real bad case of the man boobs.
hold me senpai
all these children who deny it should just grow up or kill themselves
I can't believe people want to pay money to see that movie, it's not even a part of the Star Wars trilogies, waste of money, honestly.
Force nullifying creatures really goes against what the force is.
Not really.
Thank god you haven't read Darth Plagueis.
>We want Iraq/Afghanistan veterans audience
Fucking shit
Fuck yeah, I'm hyped.
This is what I want from anthology SW movies, not Han Solo story, or anyone that we already know of.
Remember when they were going to revive Peter Cushing with cgi? Well I'm glad they shyed away from that.
>It goes against Yoda in ESB, which a staggering amount of Star Wars content made after the OT has a tendency to do...
Question: James Earl Jones is 85 years old, what are they gonna do when he dies? Retire the character? Doubtful, they'd lose too many shekels.
I don't know if they can get away with the Alec Guiness bullshit of repurposing old dialogue either.
What else can they do? Get that chocolate rain kid?
They already have the Chad Vader guy doing Vader VO work that isn't worth Jones' time, I assume hell just get used more often.
>What else can they do?
Get James to prerecord hundreds of hours of what ever the fuck.
those characters were probably voiced by whites
Sneak in other James Earl Jones from other movies, and add the Vader effect over them.
Agreed. Jurassic World is another one.
>good guys are a pack of minorites being lead by a woman
>bad guys are white men
I am boycotting this movie.The liberal agenda has gone too far. I remember when the jews at least tried to be subtle about it.
There is still one out there that is part of a bounty hunter gang.
Will we ever get a star wars movie without STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYNS?
Ugh that's depressing
> JEJ has a stroke or heart attack or whatever
> before his family even gets to the hospital, lucasfilm executives are already there setting up recording equipment
> the last hours of his life are spent barely being able to mutter every permutation of sounds into a microphone to be used in star wars movies until the end of time.
Stormtrooper wins because of the cool stance.
>Stormtrooper surviving two shots to to the chest
why does the white robed guy look sad?I have mixed feelings about it
meh, let them have a few plots in some films
they still live in ghettos and have no power
yes but this is the essence of star wars. it was the same with OT if the empire is going to start having gays (which it did) than you have to ask what the other side was complaining about. it just turns into earth federation VS zeon, some complexity is nice but that does not mean the empire has to be multi cultural
Are those motherfucking Dark Troopers?
no shit, they know no bounds when it comes to space and time
He wasn't saying the stormtroopers, he meant uniforms, etc to Nazi Germany
Where they belong. If they can't pull themselves out of it, then they don't deserve any charity.
Robot's gonna "die". Calling it now.
I think you've got that shit inverted.
so what is going to be his "I am groot" ?
Those TIE ships are literally just the Sith ships in KoTOR but they added a TIE cockpit in the middle. B R A V O
>As a freelance assassin, Baze...
Im not for some reason. I dont how exacatly that happened, but even though I thought TFA was ok, it somehow kill my excitement for SW IP.
Have your heard him in Rebels? he sounds shit now doesn't even try.
You can;t tell the race of Storm troopers
it can't be new, I saw those ships in Star Wars - Galactic Battlegrounds
Just get one of those people from the video games.
get a new voice actor.its a modulated voice so its not that hard.
>no fucking jedi nonsense (yes I know about Vader
>dark troopers
>superior OT aesthetics
>pre fishfucker rebellion
>focused on regular soldiers
Goddamn straight I'm hype. Couldn't care less for TFA, but this is something I look forward to
I-It can't be w-worse than TFA, r-right bros?
The only Empire ships in that game that weren't in the movies were the Interdictor (essentially a TIE Bomber with 4 cockpits) and the Defender (TIE Interceptor but with 3 "wings").
>no JJ
god that doesn't even look like star wars
more like another star trek spinoff TV show set in the DISTANT FUTURE!
I am, because of the director mainly, but also because at last there's a star wars movie that isn't about ths fucking skywalkers and the so strange and yet omnipresent Force.
Fuck off nigger
>Official Visual Story Guide™
Can't Star Wars just die already?
>during early Episode 7 Q&A random Asian girl asks why no Asians
>cast 2 Asians for next movie
so powerful
Fuck off. That shit looks dope as fuck
>trivializing what our veterans have to go thru
No. TFA finally killed Star Wars for me.
At least they casted based Donnie Yen, not some fat tumblrina Youtuber.