
Dakotan discussion thread

Reminder: Eastern Montana and northern Wyoming are rightful Dakotan clay

>What's a Dakota?
Only the best state ever, so great that the US had to separate it into North and South Dakota

>Dakota is not Sup Forums related
The western half of the Dakotan territory is the inspiration of more or less all of Hollywood's cowboy dramas, and the Wild West myth originated here, and as such is related to the cowboy culture of the United States

Who cares?

Oregon is better


Prove it you can't :^)

What is the worst state and why is it South Dakota

Because Virginia is a """"Commonwealth"""""


flattie states btfo

I was wrong. The best state is actually super-Dakota

lmaoing @ u

>Dakota will never be this big again
Fucking coasties ruining our wheat monopoly

Oregon is natural landscape master race

>ywn live in a world where Dakota made it out alive

It's also full of nerds


the new Assasin's creed movie is shit buds


It's a 6

it's also full of beer

>Eastern Montana
>rightful Dakotan clay

come and take it! you dakota sissy boys ain't shit!

How does this image make you feel?
Do you think it would sexually arouse you to touch the feet of this girl IRL?

Feel all the wrinkles and varying textures of the skin as you drag the tip of your finger across her soles and up the heel, using your fingernail to run over the wrinkles at the achilles part (whatever the fuck it's called) and then slowly move across the instep and give each cute toe a little wiggle with your fingers.

Would it arouse you in any way?

And nerds :T

*takes it*

Get the fuck out of here kraut

This isn't /cum/
This is Go there for your stupid shoe fantasies

*takes it back and beats u like a rented mule*

silly dakotans, heh

And tech companies with high paying jobs :T

*it was a hologram*

*Teleports behind you and pants's you*
Nothing personnel, partner

*Teleports away*

And Portland

Remember everyone, for a high quality thread ignore low quality posters.

>he literally killed the thread with this post

And Bend

Also who cucked the image file sizes


I don't know but it's been aggravating for posting lovely pictures

Also Beavers >>>> Ducks

Beavers ARE better

wow really good thread haha superb discussion going on here but remember, don't reply to non-cum flags ;) cheerio

you're just trying to see my undies!

what a perv!!!

Go gas yourself sausage nigger

*Liberates Eastern Montana again*
Try me now, buddy


Rest in peace Dakota

You will be missed