American tries to speak foreign language

>American tries to speak foreign language
>has horrid accent

Could you at least try to pronounce the Rs properly if you speak German?

I think you mean Anglos in general

I try but Germans just decide to speak English with me instead of letting me practice.

You can learn the Rs without a conversation partner.

>German R's
Are they really like our R's?
C-can some german gentleman vocaroo it?

It's tough

What are you sinking about right now, Hans?

I read a little bit in a french learning book for german speakers and it said the it's similar but the German R is a bit harsher and the tongue is more up in you throat.

How do?

Yes, thanks man your definition is exact.
I listened to youtube videos tho, It's helpful :^)

i've been learning it in that exact same way.

>I listened to youtube videos tho
I meant "too", sorry.

>german tries to speak foreign language
>has horrid accent

Could you at least try to pronounce the th's properly if you speak English?

Do you feel the bone plate at the top of you mouth when you press up your tongue? Arch you tongue up until the top is at the end of that plate and breath the air out. It should produce the guttural sound. I hope the shitty paint job works for the understanding

Wait, you use the back of the tongue?

They can't pronounce the spanish R either.
They call Carolina Herrera like "Cawolina Hewowo".

Basically yes. The illustration is a little bit exaggerated though. Just try to narrow the path the air has to go through at the green part by pushing up your tongue.

actually they'd pronounce it Cawolina Hewwewa

its the vowels man

they cant understand the idea of one letter signifying one vowel sound

no he meant americans specifically because they love us so much

>pronounce the th's
>implying It's pronouncable

i am sinking many of you struggle with our r as well and especially with the th sound

polish has vowels?

What is this meme? That we can't roll r's? Most of us can

Why must English leave me so unprepared for trills? I sound like a retard trying to impersonate a cat purr

three, one of them is locked in the basement of Warsaw castle

I meant Americans specifically because they over pronounce the English R so much and nasally compared to other English speakers. This shines through if they try to speak other languages, specifically the R in German as an example.

The r is really easy, the TH is a problem if it's at the end of an word like month or 5th, 6th etc.

No. Just no. Most of us can't


I still don't know how 8th is pronounced
Is it just plain 8?

Yes we can, most people just don't realize they need to in foreign languages because they're dumb



Put the tip of your tongue on the bottom of your front top row teeth to make the "th" sound

You don't need to roll your r when speaking German. Some of them do (like Hitler or Rammstein) but it is not standard.

I want to speak like Hitler though. I want it to be impressive when I finally have the skills to articulate to Germans just how much I hate them, how garbage they are, how they should be eradicated and all in their native tongue.


>German tries to speak a foreign language
>sounds like he has something lodged in his throat

I really like it when foreigners admit they can't pronounce the 'th' noise. Please post more

Wow. Why do you hate them?

our local niggas don't bother with th. they just say t or d. because it is too much effort.

Isn't it obvious? Since their first introduction to civilization, as if instinct, they seek to destroy it. Over and over for centuries have the German people been on the forefront of advances aimed at destroying society. And they have yet to stop, nor do they feel any regret for it. In fact, they hold contempt over those that prevent them from destroying humanity's triumphs. They feel superior to them, they feel as though they are what is right in the world while ironically subscribing to no moral compass of their own. At least when a Muslim does wrong you know it's because they believe that is what is right, but the German doesn't. The German knows it is wrong, they are wrong, and does it anyway

Ours too. I know they can pronounce it, but they dont sheerly out of laziness.

take your pill and go back to >>>pol

Disregard me as you will; I am determined to poison their language with my words of hatred. And to do that, I must finish learning the German language, including this silly r sound

t. Germanigger

That's what she said.

>tfw can pronounce the English r, the rolled r and the guttural r

Feels pretty good

i had a colleague from SA, a white guy, very interesting accent. mostly neutral but he totally rolls his r's. but it sounds very different than, say, spanish.

don't you find accents cute? i do

is it really so difficult?

Get in line, then

>be German
>try to say squirrel

Can there be a single russian who speaks english without russian accent?

This is Anglos in general. They don't even try to pronounce the words properly.

Anglos speaking Spanish

>Ohlaw! Ten-gow traysay anos!


Yea. But not me tho.
Still English is horrible due to alot of accents. Watch any American movie there are tons of accents. Disgusting.

they put 1/10 of the effort people put in their language and get offended when foreigners want to switch back to english