So...did anyone actually understand that ending? This, THIS was the series finale?
So...did anyone actually understand that ending? This, THIS was the series finale?
So are they all dead and hallucinated the future, or was the happy ending real-and if it was, why the fuck was the shooting scene even necessary? and no goodbye scenes for espo, ryan, alexis, his mom, nothing?
If the show got renewed for season 9, then it would've ended with them holding hands on the floor for the end of season 8 (you know, end on a cliffhaner), and begin season 9 with them getting rushed to the hospital and them getting saved (or Beckett dying if they didn't renew her contract).
But since it was cancelled, they just tacked on the, "and they lived happily ever after" part, which was probably filmed back during season 7 when they thought they'd finally resolved everything, when it was still uncertain if they were going to get renewed for season 8.
Jesus christ that's incredibly sloppy and a shitty way to end a long-running series. oh well, maybe we'll get an Alexis PI spin-off
Oh, it's definitely a shitty and sloppy way to end the series, but they knew the show was in executive renewal limbo for a while, so they had to tie off as many threads as they could. Thankfully, most - if not all - of season 8's stuff is self-contained, so outside of a few one-off episodes (usually the joke/supernatural ones) you can just watch/recommend season 1-7 to people who might want to binge watch it.
>instead of replacing the cliffhanger/beckett's death with the happy bullshit they just tacked it on immediately after
Rushed as fuck, seriously
Time travel is canon in the Castle universe
>Alexis and Hayley P.I. spinoff in L.A. where they wear bikini's all the time.
gotta lose weight first
So why the fuck didn't they just cut the shooting scene?
Or edit it so that we see Kate shoot Caleb, see Caleb die, then immediately go to the shitty "7 years later" scene rather than show Kate and Castle bleeding out?
This shit was nearly as bad as Dexter
better make it Miami, it has sexier crime and better beaches
I feel bad for Castle and Kate's son(s)
Imagine having to grow up with Molly Quinn as your hot older half-sister, the blue balls would be unbearable
There was a Deadpool reference?
>always go over to my dads house on mondays to watch tv with him
>hes 65 years old and loves Castle
>we watch the finale together
>his fucking face as the credits roll
He reminded me of the St Elsewhere ending. Then he said "Son, that's the way you end a show...what we just watched though...was the biggest pile of lazy, steamy shit I have seen in a long while"
Congrats motherfuckers, you succeeded in making two generations mad.
>implying the St Elsewhere ending is good
Unfortunately, Castle's realization at the end was right and you can't cut out the apartment shooting end scene.
If Caleb was killed and burned in a car, then why not just dump his body in the black ops CIA site's incinerator and continue on with Mason's plan of setting up traps for Castle and Beckett. He would've been missing for at most 24 hours before the trap was set, which isn't enough time for a missing person's report to get filed, even for a defense attorney.
The writers wrote it and they filmed it under the assumption that they'd be able to iron out the kinks with ABC and the actors and get them on for season 9. But once they started to figure out they probably weren't going to get renewed (I'm guessing main filming for Castle wrapped up like a month ago) they filmed the "7 years later" scene as a just-in-case option.
It's still super sloppy, but given the limited time frame they had, it was probably easier to just tack that on at the end than to get Katic + Fillion + Caleb's actor + the apartment set together for a rushed 2 day re-filming of the end scene. Not to mention there's a good chance that some of the actors don't look the same right now (hair styles/colors, Fillion could be on set filming GotG 2 if those rumors are true, etc.).
Was there really on set drama between Stana and Nathan? And that they had to split them in the series because of it?
It really killed the series for me
I can't think of one milked-to-the-deadest-of-ends show that had a worthwhile end.
Supposedly, Stana's not the most mentally stable of actresses, and I've heard rumors of Nathan screwing over entire days worth of filming, "because he thought it would be funny." Finally, there's rumors they had to go to couple's counseling during the filming of the show.
Yeah, but why not do
>edit it so that we see Kate shoot Caleb, see Caleb die, then immediately go to the shitty "7 years later" scene rather than show Kate and Castle bleeding out?
I mean shit we got as much time watching Kate and Castle bleeding as we did for the entire 7 years later shit, where just having Castle being hit once and then Caleb being killed would have been fine
Define "worthwhile end." To me, that means a series ending that wrapped up most/all of the loose plot threads, resolved most/all character issues, and left the viewers feeling like the story had played out.
Some ones that I can think of that had decent endings:
Babylon 5
Law & Order (the original series)
>I've heard rumors of Nathan screwing over entire days worth of filming, "because he thought it would be funny."
I've only ever heard that Nathan is an absolute blast to work with
I have not heard the same thing about Stana
The Shield is about as perfect as an ending can get.
The Mentalist had a good ending
I wish Molly Quinn was my older sister
A better question is why even bother setting those traps up at all. Why even save them when the strike team attacked them. To just build some kind of level of trust? For what? To find out who else knew about Loksat? You have a magical CIA truth serum. You can grab both of them at any time, take them to your CIA blacksite and find out everything you need to know. Then kill both of them and anyone else that knew all in one night. They would all just disappear. Sure someone will ask questions but they would have anyway if they had succeeded with what happened in the episode.
Shit does not make sense on the whole.
>listing good endings
>not including Mad Men
user pls
Don't forget to pick up some more Coca-Cola™ the next time you visit the shops!
Yeah, that's pretty much it. Most importantly not being stupid, in the sense of out of character actions and/or contradictory to established lore/(major) story elements.
Or just actually plain stupid.
Are you kidding? Imagine seeing her every day and not being able to fuck her. It'd be absolute torture.
you can take nudie pics of hers and sell them at school. You'll make bank
I agree with you. Most of what I'd heard about Nathan whenever he's filming is that he loves to have fun on set with the cast and crew, partially because he knows he got a second chance in Hollywood and not many actors get that shot.
But maybe some people see his clowning around as "ruining days of film time," who knows.
It'd be heaven
>wear bikinis
literally a waste. Imagine all the thigh high socks. The legwarmers! Shame on you.
maybe they are adopted, step sister is fair game
This is just me spitballing/theorycrafting here, take it for what you will.
If we're operating under the assumption that Caleb is LokSat, then Mason was the 2nd in command with the sociopath (Mr. Flinn I think is what he called himself) being their wetworks guy. Caleb knows that Beckett + Castle are closing in on his operation and wants to set up a trap to take them out and whoever else knows about LokSat. So he sends in Mason to build up their trust, get them geared out with stuff he knows he can track (those burner phones were probably being tracked the whole time so they knew where both of them were at), then when they split up he sends his wetworks guy to grab Castle if he goes out into public, and an un-named mook or Mason to nab Beckett.
All the while Caleb's faked his death and can just continue operating in the shadows because no one's going to look for a dead guy.
But let's be honest here, the real reason is that the writers at the end of Castle's run were getting sloppy. By in large I'd call season 8 one of their worst ones, if not the worst.
>and not being able to fuck her
That entire last episode served no point. If Caleb can successfully sneak into Castles apartment no once, but twice, then why all the running around. He was sitting there in the dark, drinking Castles booze. He had the jump on both of them. He knows they know. It would be easy to take both of them right then and there. It was the middle of the night. No one would miss them until hours later in the morning. By then they would know everything and have taken care of everyone.
Even the last fucking episode was stretching shit out for no reason.
supernatural cases are the best ones. i'm definitely gonna marathon just the weird cases of the whole show one more time. honestly i never gave a fuck about castle arcs, it would have just been nice if the characters had better send-offs
British Chick would fucking murder you for taking her gingerfu
I was really hoping in the zombie episode the writers would have just said "fuck it" and made an actual legit zombie outbreak they had to contain
oh well, at least they made time travel real
>mfw the time traveler didn't show up at the end, smiling as Castle, Beckett and their 3 children walked past
they should've just go fuck it and made season 9 all about the war in the future, with the series finale being them sending the time traveler back to that one ep.
If time travel guy was legit does this mean Kate is now senator?
>Expecting a decent finale from a sitcom
why not? she's been ridiculous shit before, when she was in Washington in some federal agency that one time. the woman is basically batman, there's nothing she can't do apparently
daily reminder that donald trump is going to be elected president
Pretty great ain't it.
What the fuck was that ending? lmao.
Who was the last guy? I've watched this since day one and I didn't even recognize him.
I guess that they literally tacked on that time jump apartment ending after it got cancelled.
What the fuck happened to Espo and Ryan? They deserved an ending. Same with Martha and Samantha Rone.
If Castle had stuck to murder of the week, it would have been a lot more fun than the amnesia, missing on the wedding day Loksat shite.
implying america was ever great
Ryan finally found the courage to leave his wife and run away with espo. Martha wasn't in town because she got a call to star in a major movie in Hollywood. Alexis secretly got hooked on heroin and is now an escort girl so she can support her habit
Wouldn't that have been a great ending?
a great ending would be Ryan triees to run away with Espo but Espo ain't gay so Ryan murders him and Lanie. And that's Castle and Becket's last case and after that they feel like they couldn't solve crimes anymore so they quit and the series ends.
Still waiting for a GDS spin-off with Summer and McRaney
>on the show for one episode
>it all goes to shit
The curse lives on.
fuck off with your meme curse